

"Leave," Jamari said firmly, her voice resolute. "I have no desire to engage in conversation with you." Reagan gradually approached, closing the gap between them. "I am the dragon king," he proclaimed. "Adored by some, despised by many, and feared by countless others." He stood before her, his presence commanding. "People worship at my feet, bowing in reverence, trembling in fear." He paused, then continued, his tone softer. "Yet, somehow" he paused " somehow it is only you who possesses the power to bring me to my knees." *********************************************** When a blind forgotten princess is forced to get married to a powerful dragon king to prevent her father from ending her life, little does she know that the marriage is about to unravel a lot of secret about who she is and the past connection she has with her husband. Warning: contains heavy sexual content.

Tife_Ladex · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
66 Chs


My eyes fixated on her, tracing a path from top to bottom, and then back up again, leaving me with a visibly shocked expression. The weight of her words was difficult to process, and I struggled to make sense of it all. It was unfathomable. Not only was I a member of the most powerful Vedan clan known to mankind, but I was also the reincarnated queen of the Empyrean Vedan.

"I... I don't understand," I stammered, desperately searching for words to justify my overwhelming confusion. The information she had just revealed was simply too much to absorb, and I found myself struggling to grasp it all.

"Don't burden yourself with too many thoughts right now, your majesty," Zephyra interjected, her voice a reassuring presence amidst my disbelief. "I understand better than anyone else just how overwhelming this revelation can be." I continued to stare at her, unable to fully comprehend the enormity of what she had just disclosed.