
Royal Curse

A billionaire's arranged marriage At home, Lilah used to be constantly bullied by her stepmother and sister. Her husband has an affair with her sister.  No one cares about her, apart for one guy,... Lilah eventually rewrites her fate and discovers her true love. The Matthew family was cursed to experience an unusual death for their first bride. Liliah, who was set up to marry Dylan Matthew while being unaware of the curse Will she be able to break the curse, or will she also die in an unnatural manner?

Lustful609 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

C H A P T E R - 1 6

Driver: "Get the fuck out of here!" he screamed at Dylan.

The driver took a small pocket knife and launched it at Dylan.

Driver: "Go die!"

Liliah: "dylan!"

Dylan dodged the driver and hit the driver with a hockey stick that he used to break the glass.

The driver's head started to bleed, and the police stopped and pointed the gun at the driver.

Police: "Freeze; don't move."

Driver: "Don't come closer," he said, teeming and pointing his knife at them.

Driver: "It's all your fault; you messed this whole thing up." He was about to launch at Dylan again, but the police stopped him.

Dylan turned towards Liliah and removed his coat, making Liliah wear it.

Liliah: "How did you know I-"

Dylan: "Once I came out, you had disappeared, so I called the police first, then tracked your location from your phone; are you fucking stupic or not?" "You literally got on a stranger's car."

Liliah: "Thanks"

Dylan: "That driver is a pervert; he even killed three women, all of whom were raped badly, then killed his wife, who ran away with a rich man; she lives in that area; he is so fucked that he went out to kill those women who lived there; I came to rescue you because I don't want to be burdened."

Liliah: "But then I'm already a substitute to die, right?"

Dylan: "Liliah, you really never forget your role, don't you?" he sighed.

Suddenly, the driver escaped from the police's grip and launched at Dylan to stab him with the knife.

Driver: "GO DIE!"

Dylan's eyes widened before he could do anything. Liliah came in front of him, making the driver stab her instead. Blood dripped from her stomach.

The police pulled the driver to the side of the car, and Dylan rushed towards Liliah.

Dylan: "Liliah dont close your eyes ill take you hospital" he pleaded.

Liliah: "Don't feel too bad for me; maybe the curse is finally happening."

Dylan: "No, don't say that." "Hang in there."

Liliah: "No need."

Dylan: "Why not?"

Liliah: "Once I die, won't you be able to marry Hazel?"

Dylan: "Shut up!"

Dylan picked her up, entered the taxi, and went to the hospital immediately.


Dylan: "The doctor said your wound is deep, so you have to stay in the hospital for future checkups." "You have to watch out for your safety more."

Liliah: "Why do you want to save me?"

Dylan: "huh?"

Liliah: "If I'm dead, it means your first wife is dead; does that mean you can marry Hazel?" Didn't you guys want me to die?"

Dylan stood up and hovered over Liliah, getting closer to her as she lay on the bed.

Dylan: "Liliah, do you think I'm such a selfish person?"

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