
Royal Crusaders

Lone_Number · Sci-fi
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1 Chs


The Cruiser '4th son' travels through the warp paths, reaching the central sectors of the Grand Nobility.

[We have arrived, Sir.]

The bridges warp shield slowly opens diagonally letting the Planet 2nd Terra's light and the distant sun shine in, the singular man piloting this luxury ship could be seen.

Light cyan hair with fair skin colour, gray T-shirt with a dark brown trench coat. His blue eyes shines as the light flood through the windows.

[The Outer planet station Valhalla requests connected communications.]

"Request granted." He swiped the screen away heading to the lift down.


"This is Val-Broadcast Station 7 speaking, well hello there my fellow rich traveller!" The caster shouted excitedly at their.

"Are you looking to dock into the station of Valhalla? Please verify your Nobility name to have VIP docks be prepared in 5 minutes!"

He pressed the mic after the person stopped talking, "Athan Rion Phantom, Certificate Code ####." Minutes passed and the caller returns.

"Looks like its verified, good luck at your stay!" Before ending communications and giving docking access.

[Activating Auto-pilot.]


Taking a good cup of hot coffee, heading to the front of the Cruiser. The largest of its series and classified as a luxury-cruiser.

200 meters in length, the body is like a vertical J with an extra attachment of the exposed bridge above.

He walked across the long detailed hallway of the ship, the interior detailed from old castle halls of the old period. Wooden doors reminiscent of the time before mass produced single pressed sliding doors which enter the wall.

At this point in time, beauty of architecture before the industrial revolution of old Earth is considered luxury only the richest could earn, bought only by the very few living in the galaxy or two. Hundreds of trillions or even more and yet only a few billion or less are in the wealthy circle, and only thousands are able to own planets and systems themselves.

Soon arriving at the deck of the ship, a large screen with the outside view is generated at the across the decks roof.

He walked slowly to the railing, a wonder of history. Taking centuries to create a space station the size to accommodate billions at a time. "Valhalla space station..."

The cruiser slowly arrive on the designated docking bay, the thrusters igniting reverse slowing the ship down until the stations gravity safely lands it.

[We have landed, atmosphere is near identical. Safe to leave.]

The hanger of the ship drops down, loads of excess as well as the man behind the ship.

"Good afternoon, sir Athan." One of the guards in the hanger greets the noble man which he nodded in return. The cargo slowly following him like magnets.

The lights of station soon shines above him, the large market district is as beautiful as it was a decade ago.

Multiple corporation starting their journey, stores, you can find anything here. Depending on the district, the amount of floors could range between 50 and over hundreds.

Childrens passed by, playing with eachother and bumping onto him by accident. "Sorry!" One of the boys shouted looking back before rejoining their friends.

"Kids these days..." He muttered, about to give the forgiving boy a spare candy but he was far gone.

A feminine voice soon called out, "Athannn!" She shouted from a distance.

"Bellatrix?" He turned back around and noticed her standing out of the crossing crowds.

She has a fair skin colour, red hair and brown eyes. Standing maybe 165cm in height.

She quickly wandered to his direction, wearing a brown turtleneck and jeans.

"You came here earlier than usual." She followed his pace of walking, the two had some history but it wasn't too important.

"I have things to discuss. Plus..." He turn to look at her, staring at him back. "I didn't just come here because of you."

"Alright mister Playboy." She rolled her eyes, looking at another direction.

Silence followed the two as Athan arrived at his location. A storage bay behind a bakery. "Just wait outside, alright?" He turned around and she nodded.

The storage bay's door open wide, entering it with his cargo on the back.

"Ah, Athan. As early as always." The baker looking at his supplies notices him, putting down everything and attending him.

"The supplies as ordered." Athan opened a screen and turned it around for him. "2 crates of 'flour', 5 crates of 'fillers' and a crate of 'eggs'"

"Oh please, you could've send them to the resistance instantly." The man commented on Athans use of words.

"At least you could've played along, i used soo much Markz for these."

"Whatever kid, ill just tell them the good news."

"Im expecting alot from you rebels, dont disappoint me now." Athan added, unlinking the cargo from him and leaving the place.

Bellatrix noticed the quickness of him. "Thats quite simple...?"

"Don't ask, where do you plan to go?" He quickly responded and walked back to the main market district.


"Ugh..." Bellatrix groaned, lading herself on her bed. A modest apartment house.

Athan followed inside, barely able to stand. "To think ill eat that much in a day... My diet and body will... Haaaaaa." A heavy exhale leaves him, his body rejecting the meal he just had.

"So, Athan. How long do you plan to stay..?" She took a deep breath, turning too look at him.

"Maybe for uh, a month or less."

The two stayed where they were for a while, the meal they had was rather filling for both.

"I have a proposal." Bellatrix raised her arm.


"I let you stay at my home, but you need to tell me what your doing here all of the sudden."

"..." He stared at her, it would be inevitable for ber to know. "Alright, anything else?"

She thought for a moment, letting out a mischievous little smile. Rolling onto her chest and looked at him. "Why not do something in the meantime~"

"You really are questionable at times, but i dont mind." He chuckled, slowly walking to the bed and sitting just beside her.

"Someone's heated for it huh?" She sat on her knees, turning around to take off. His hand suddenly touched her shoulder.

"Just to remind, i don't see you as a lover. And i wish you remember that this is simply to pass time."

"... I know, now give me some room to prepare. Geez." She wiggled his hand away.

"As you say, Bell." He layed on the bed staring at the ceiling.

'She can be useful if i can convince her to participate in the revolt on district 8.'

'Her Oasis is useful in many ways, it could easily win them a lot of land before-'

"Stop thinking already.." she whispered into his ear, her soft voice surprised him for a moment.

"Right, guess you did asked for it."



{Idk how to write so much filler so please forgive this large time skip.}

"How long has it been since i came here?" He looked out of the balcony.

"Aaaaaabout 20 days now since you were here." Bellatrix said, marking another date on her calendar and closing the screen once more.

"You've been keeping track huh?"

"When you've been for years, it gets a bit boring." She opened a screen up beside her looking through old pictures.

"I can relate, being in a ship alone."

"The difference are wide, at least you get to see new things. The best there is in here is the discounts." She looked around the room, trying to find anything to do while waiting.

"When is this plan happening?"

Athan leaned on the balcony looking over the fake sky of the station. " They said it'll happen this week, but i don't really know exactly when."

"Ughh... Can you just ask them to get it over with, its getting boring by the hourrr." Bellatrix falls backwards onto her bed rolling herself into a sushi roll.

"I'll go for now, if anything happens just do whatever you want. Im not your babysitter." He muttered while tying his tie.

"See ya mister Playboy." She waved at him before the door closed behind him.


Half an hour of walking pass, multiple districts walked through now arriving at the Slave district. For a galactic species for hundreds of thousands of years, slavery isnt as rare but a common appearance.

Athan is suddenly stopped by a screen saying [Restricted access]

The female register came towards him holding a tablet. "Welcome to district 4 Slave market, only patrons or nobles are allowed to enter the high quality slave market."

"Rion Phantom." He turned to look at her as she looked through her tablet.

"Sorry sir, but this identity and name i supposedly dead since last." She placed the tablet away and swiped up a screen to him, showing the news info.

Athan felt a shiver down his spine, "Dead...? Fine, just give me the patron subscription and not talk further." He deleted the screen away as the transaction was done and he is allowed through.

'Dead? This means the Phantom estate was attacked, but i would've known if it happened.' He marched pass the people strolling through the slave market.

"AI, Contact Clara." The screen quickly contacted the person, a few rings passes and he answers.

"Ah, Athan! Took you a while to contact me!" The girl through the call shouted happily.

"Get to the point Clara, what happened to the Phantom estate, my name was cleared off as dead in the Noble list in Valhalla."

Clara, still with a joyful voice continued. "So you finally noticed huh? Took you long enough."

"Quit making things longer and get explaining."

"Fineeee, meet me at block 7 third floor." The call suddenly ends and the screen disappears from him.

"That woman..." He muttered, quickening his pace to the block.

All around him were lesser known noble and paid patrons, blocks filled with cages of unfortunately people now used however they wish.

It could be considered a maze walking pass everything, fortunately there were signs showing where each blocks are.

"Should be here." Athen stopped in front of a hotel like building, lightened by red lights.

*Ding ding

"Welcome welcome, sir." A girl greets him on the register, a slave collar attached to her at all times.

He walked pass her, entering the lift to the third floor.

When he reaches, the place was decorated with furniture, a red carpet in both directions of rooms.

"Ah, Athan!" Clara greeted beside the lift. Taking off her fedora as she does.

"Have you always been stylish?"

"Are fedoras outdated?" She stared into his eyes, smirking.

She's light skinned with blond hair, standing maybe 170cm. Wearing a puffy white fur coat with sunglasses.

"Why dont we head to my room and get a drink while at it~" She started walking forwards as he followed, soon arriving.

"Do you really have to bring me here this far?" Athan walked in, sitting on one of the chair opposite to hers as she made some tea and gave a cup to him.

"Have you not heard of the RB machinery AI? It takes care of any online uses so it could record our conversation." She sat down on the seat and took a sip of her tea. "I dont need my name flying around if they heard me."

He tilted his head, the RB machinery was in his feeds a while ago but he never expected this. "I thought they just made defensive special unit machines."

"They passed the legalisation of the 3rd stage AI program the world made forbidden by making sure the AI doesn't feed on the truth of the world peace.

They cant really do much, by the time they did know of their activities the hivemind of machines was made by the hundreds with a ever evolving base AI."

She opened a screen with a latest news update. "And about the Phantoms..." She turned the screen to him, "Best if you read ut yourself."

He took the screen, carefully reading each paragraph before closing it. "So they thought i also died because 'all' Phantom family members were all there to say their goodbyes to fathers dead body..."

"You're surprisingly calm even after knowing that your considered dead in the public eye." Clara leans forward, placing her cup on the coffee table.

"It doesn't fit me to be shocked." He drank up the whole cup before placing it down. "But i do wish someone else would've survived that."

"They're still searching through so we'd have to wait for further updates."

"Great." He stood up from his chair, "Now i have a reason to leave early."

"Do you not like it here?" She looked at him, an eyebrow raised.

"You're history of forcing poor women into prostitution just to generate more income is a reason why i would rather not stay here." He turned to the door and left that instant.

"Kids these days..." She mumbled, drinking the remaining tea.


will try to make the story consistent publishes :P

Lone_Numbercreators' thoughts