
Chapter 55


Jacob's Point of View

Jacob's heart was racing as he sat beside Aliya, feeling a mix of emotions. Her saying his name made his whole body flame up, and he felt a deep connection to her, but he was unsure why. He couldn't help but wonder if there was still a bond between them, even though they were no longer alive.

He loved her so much that she would always hold his heart. As he gazed at her, he couldn't help but notice the way her vibrant emerald eyes sparkled in the sunlight.

 His heart swelled with affection, and a tightness in his chest made it difficult to breathe. The scent of her delicate perfume filled the air, adding to the intoxicating effect she had on him. He was utterly captivated, falling deeper and deeper in love with her.

As she began to speak, her melodious voice caught his attention, drawing him in even further.

"I owe you an apology for kissing you back,". Jacob's heart rose to his throat, and he could feel his mouth becoming dry as he looked at her.

"Then why did you kiss me?" he asked, trying to hide the excitement in his voice.

Aliya looked back at him warmly and said, "Because in a way, with the bond and everything, I don't know if it's the bond or what happened that time in the woods that brought us closer. But in a way, I love you, Jacob."

Jacob was taken aback, and a low gasp escaped his lips. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. After all this time, he heard her say those words, and it was like a dream come true. He had always hoped that she felt the same way he did, but he never dared to tell her.

"Why did you let me say it alone and not say anything back in the kitchen?" Jacob asked, remembering the first time he opened his heart to her and she said nothing back. He felt the weight of that memory upon him, and he couldn't help but wonder what could have been.

"Because I was scared," Aliya replied, tears pricking her eyes. "I didn't want to break your heart or Ethan's," she added, looking away.

Jacob could see that she meant what she said. He could tell that she was sincere, and it made his heart swell with love and admiration. Tears also welled up in his eyes, and he knew that he had to tell her how he felt too.

He looked at her, and the reflection of the light made her look like a goddess. She was still the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, back when he first started working at the castle for King Alex.

He saw Aliya in the garden with her grandmother, and that was the moment he fell in love with her. But because she was the princess, and he had his work for the King, he chose to hide his feelings and keep them to himself.

As he sat there, looking at her, he knew that he couldn't keep his feelings hidden any longer. He took her hand and said, "Aliya, I love you. I have loved you for as long as I can remember."

He could feel how his hands start to sweat while holding Aliya hands in to his .

" I wish I could have turn the time back and chance everything between us but either way you would always holds my heart and I am bonded to you in every way " said Jacob with a heavy heart . He remember King Alex words ,that he was the chosen one for Aliya and even if he tried to deny it ,he would always found his way back to Aliya .

"why do you make it so hard for me " say Aliya and he could feel how she slept her hands out of his . He watches how she rose from next to him and looked at him with heavy heart and tears running down her flashed cheeks.

Jacob rose from the ground and could feel how his own tears start to prick in his eyes as he looked at Aliya. But his attention was soon to be draw to the sound of baby girl laughter. His ears pricked and his heart swell as the friendly laughter reaches the sky.

He could see that Aliya was hearing it too and he heard her say "Please tell me you heard it too "asked she.

Jacob nodded back at her, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I did," he said softly, his voice carrying a hint of excitement.

Taking a step forward, he glanced around, his eyes scanning the area for the source of the laughter. The sound echoed through the air, filling his ears with its melodic joy. As he listened, his heart began to race, matching the rhythm of the laughter.

Driven by an inexplicable pull, Jacob decided to follow the sound, his footsteps quickening with each passing moment. Aliya, sensing his determination, followed closely behind, her curiosity piqued. The laughter, so friendly and inviting, beckoned them forward.

Drawing nearer, Jacob's senses heightened. The salty sea breeze tickled his skin, mingling with the scent of sun-warmed sand. He could hear the soft crashing of the waves, a soothing backdrop to the laughter that danced through the air.

Finally, their search led them to a breathtaking sight. A beautiful little girl, around the age of four, sat on the beach, her golden curls cascading around her cherubic face. She was engrossed in play, accompanied by a gentle, white wolf.

Jacob froze in his tracks, his astonishment mirrored by Aliya, whose gasp escaped her lips, a mixture of surprise and disbelief.

 As if sensing their presence, the little girl turned, her innocent eyes meeting theirs. With a voice filled with innocence and love, she called out, "Mommy!" Jacob's breath caught in his throat, his heart pounding in his chest.

The realization washed over him like a tidal wave - this beautiful child was Aliya and Ethan's daughter.

Overwhelmed with emotion, Jacob watched as Aliya knelt down, her arms outstretched, and pulled the little girl into a warm embrace.

 The sight before him filled his heart with indescribable joy. Their reunion was nothing short of a miracle, a testament to the love that bound them together.

As the white wolf joined them, its presence only added to the enchantment of the moment. Jacob couldn't help but feel his heart swell with love as he witnessed the bond between Aliya, her daughter, and the majestic creature.

 The warmth that radiated from their embrace enveloped him, filling him with a sense of belonging and contentment.

He kneeled down, his eyes fixated on them. The vibrant colors of Aliya's beautiful daughter captivated him, her tiny hands gently caressing her mother's face. She wore a stunning white summer dress, emanating innocence and joy.

 As the little girl ran towards him, her footsteps echoed in his ears, and she threw her arms around his neck, enveloping him in a warm embrace. A rush of heat surged through his body, causing his breath to catch.

In that moment, it felt as if his very skin glowed with a powerful light. The touch of the little girl's soft skin against his brought tears to his eyes.

 He knew deep in his heart that he had a strong bond with her, a protective instinct that consumed his soul. Jacob attempted to break the hug, but he couldn't tear his gaze away from the little girl's ocean blue eyes.

 In an instant, he saw her entire life unfold before him, from the day she was born to her first steps, first kiss, and eventually walking down the aisle on her wedding day. Lost in his thoughts, he was brought back to reality when the little hand brushed against his face.

 Tears streamed down his cheeks as he looked at her, knowing that she was the one he needed to protect. Aliya's voice broke through his trance, asking if he was okay. With tear-filled eyes, Jacob glanced at Aliya and replied,

"What we experienced, the light and the glow, it wasn't just my imagination. It truly happened." His gaze returned to the little girl before him, his senses heightened.

 He could hear her gentle breathing and the subtle thump of her tiny heart. Overwhelmed with emotion, he felt an undeniable connection, a fatherly love for her. His attention was then drawn to something on his wrist - a silver braided arm band, identical to the one on the little girl's wrist. As he examined it, he heard her soft voice say, "We are connected."

A gasp escaped his lips, his eyes widening as he looked up at the little girl before him. Her radiant smile warmed his heart. Beside him, he could sense Aliya's comforting presence. "I believe you were meant to be Violette's protector," he heard her say.

The name Violette resonated in his mind like a beautiful melody. Returning his gaze to the little girl, he spoke softly, "You have a truly lovely name." Suddenly, Violette's small body overwhelmed him as she wrapped her arms around him in a tight embrace.

 Lifting her effortlessly, he could feel her delicate weight, light as a feather, as he stood tall. Her head nestled against his chest, seeking solace in his embrace. In that moment, Jacob couldn't help but feel an overwhelming bond of love for her, as if she were his own daughter.

Aliya's Point of View

Seeing her daughter with Jacob swelled her heart, bringing peace to her soul. The sight of them together, her little one nestled against Jacob's chest, brought tears to her eyes.

She could hear the gentle sound of waves crashing against the shore, a soothing melody in the background. The salty ocean breeze caressed her face, carrying the scent of the sea and filling her lungs with a sense of calm.

"Looks like someone is tired," Aliya said, her voice filled with warmth, as she gazed at her daughter struggling to keep her eyes open. Eventually, fatigue won, and her little one fell asleep. Aliya took in her surroundings, realizing that if this was truly her world, there must be life here. Her mother, and even her grandparents, could be here.

Turning to Jacob with a smile, Aliya spoke, "I think I know where we must go. If this is really my world, then it means my mother would be here." Jacob appeared surprised by her words, a hint of worry in his voice as he asked, "Are you sure?"

"Fallow me," Aliya said confidently, taking the lead as they made their way towards the hill where the beach houses stood.

 Each step filled her with hope, the anticipation growing in her heart. Jacob held Violette, fast asleep in his arms, while Lilly, her loyal wolf, trotted faithfully by their side.

Reaching the top of the hill, Aliya's eyes widened in recognition. There they were, the beach wooden modern houses, just as she remembered.

Relief washed over her, and a spark ignited within her heart. Her own world, the one she had created, remained intact. Walking up to the house where her mother used to live, she approached the wooden door and began to knock.

After a few minutes, the door creaked open, revealing her mother standing there. "Mother!" Aliya cried out happily. Without hesitation, she threw her arms around her, pulling her closer.

The sound of her mother's voice, filled with surprise and joy, reached her ears through their embrace. Aliya held her mother tightly, tears streaming down her cheeks, feeling an overwhelming sense of love and reunion.

 Her mother's comforting scent filled the air, wrapping around Aliya like a cozy blanket. It reminded her of home, and in her mother's warm embrace, she felt safe and secure.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she broke the hug and looked at her mother, who welcomed her with open arms. "You've come home," her mother said, her voice filled with love and relief.

Aliya's heart swelled with warmth, and a gentle smile formed at the corner of her mouth. She turned to Jacob, whose smile radiated warmth and love. In that moment, Aliya knew she was finally safe and protected.

As she entered the wooden house, the aroma of freshly cooked food hung in the air, enticing her senses. The crackling sound of the fireplace filled the room, creating a cozy atmosphere.

 Aliya watched as Jacob carefully laid Violette down on the soft couch, covering her tiny body with a warm, comforting blanket. "Looks like Violette found you," her mother remarked, standing beside her.

Surprised, Aliya looked at her mother and frowned. "How did you know about her?" she asked. Her mother took a deep breath and began to explain. "The last time you were here, I noticed something different about you.

 It wasn't until you left that I realized you were carrying a child," she said softly. Jacob joined them, and together they made their way to the open-plan kitchen, where Aliya's mother started preparing warm beverages.

Sitting on a sturdy wooden chair behind the kitchen island, Aliya couldn't help but press her mother for answers. "You never answered my question," she said. Her mother let out a heavy sigh, meeting her gaze.

"Violette found me, and the moment I laid eyes on her, I knew she was your daughter and Ethan's. She has your long eyelashes and Ethan's blue eyes. And she has your bravery and stubbornness," her mother explained, her voice filled with love and understanding.

Her mother gently placed two steaming mugs on the wooden table in front of them before joining Aliya by the island. Aliya reached out and wrapped her fingers around the warm cup, feeling the comforting heat seep into her hands as she took a small sip. Just as she did, her mother's voice broke the silence, asking about her presence and Ethan.

Aliya's heart sank, her whole body suddenly feeling drained. The mention of Ethan's name shattered her heart into a million tiny pieces.

It felt as though the room was closing in on her, making it difficult to breathe. Her mother noticed her distress and asked with concern, "Aliya, sweetheart, are you okay?" Tears welled up in Aliya's eyes, and she knew she had to escape. Placing her cup down on the table, she rose from her chair and murmured, "Excuse me," before making her way to the balcony outside the wooden house.

As she stepped outside, the cool ocean air enveloped her, soothing her soul. She longed for Ethan's presence, wishing he could be with her in that moment. Sitting on the wooden stairs, she felt her body become numb. It was unfathomable that she was dead, only seventeen years old. It seemed unreal that her life had ended so abruptly.

"Sweat heart, I can see that I have upset you. What happened?" Aliya heard her mother's concerned voice from beside her. Her mother joined her on the chair, and Aliya felt a mixture of sadness and longing as she heard Ethan's name once again.

Tears streamed down her cheeks as she turned to face her mother and uttered the words that shattered her heart, "We did not have a fight... I am dead."

A gasp escaped her mother's mouth, and Aliya saw her mother's face turn pale as tears began to flow down her own cheeks. "How could this be true?" her mother asked, her voice broken. Aliya tried to wipe away her tears, but they kept falling.

"I accidentally used a powerful magic, and it didn't go well," she said, her words hanging heavily in the air. Her mother pulled her closer, enveloping her in warmth, and Aliya couldn't help but break down, sobbing uncontrollably.

She could feel the warm tears of her mother wetting her shoulder, their salty trails leaving a damp sensation on her skin. As her mother held her tightly, Aliya heard the soft, soothing voice that always brought her comfort.

 "It's okay, sweetheart. We will get through this," her mother whispered. But despite her mother's words, Aliya couldn't stop the sobs from escaping her. Her heart shattered, leaving her feeling lost in a world that seemed unfamiliar. She had finally found her daughter and her wolf, but the absence of Ethan made everything different. He was the anchor of her heart, and she couldn't fathom a life without him.