
Chapter 26- Amir

These days stupidity was second nature to Amir. He had turned from one of the best men in the royal unit of guards, to a useless boy who promised absolutely anything in exchange to information about his sister.

Sadaf – his older sister – closer to him even compared to his mother. How they had both wept after losing her to Elwairain slavers. Her dream had once been living in Nouran and when a sailor claimed he could make it her reality, she had trusted him without hesitation.

But as far as Amir knew, instead of roaming freely, she’d been sold as a slave to the royal household.

Amir was barely fourteen when Terrell, his older brother, suggested looking for her. Their mother had refused, saying it would be too dangerous. They’d left home anyway and proved their mother’s words to be true when Terrell was arrested and killed by soldiers.