
Chapter 24- Amir

Amir had lied and played tricks to be in the position that he was in. He had cleared his path to this dungeon by lying to the only person that might have cared about him in this damned castle. He had fooled poor Noah to achieve his aim. The whole time as he stood guard in the cold doorstep of the dungeons, he had to remind himself why he was doing all of this. There were questions he needed to ask; answers he had to find. A life could be on the line here, one he had not spoken of for so many years.

He would reveal the truth soon and leave this court to the hands of its power-seeking king. He had to for the sake of his sister, even if it meant hurting others in the process.

Because of the darkness, his eyes could not properly see the surroundings. But that was not a problem, no pretty sight was waiting for him here. These cells were full of people who had dared speak their minds and were now paying for it.