
ROY Mustang story

Roy finding love is very nice he needs it

NancyRow · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter Six

Bronya was waiting for her letter from Major Walt was there waiting with her. "Why did she join if anything happens to her," he thinks. When the mail drops, she rushes and opens it, and jumps. "Yes," she says and hugs him tightly. He smiles, feeling her. He embraces them back. "Bronya, I umm have to go," he said, leaving. She ran up, started to pack, smiled, picked up her rifle, ran out, and bumped into Oliver. She sighs. He turns he sighs; seeing it is her, he helps her up. "You in the Unit too," he says. She nods. She saw Walt, she ran up and hugged him. He didn't hug back. "Bronya, not here," he said and pushed her off," he said. She looked at him, "but we have been friends for nine years," she said. Walt looked. "We are at work, stop," he said. She got back in line, feeling her heartbreak. Oliver was shocked seeing it. "Bro, that wasn't cool," he said to Walt. Walt rolled his eyes. "What would you know," he said, walking to his room. Oliver follows since they share a room. He walks in. "I am guessing you love her but haven't told her and know she is in the military. You don't want her hurt, so you hurt her first," he said and sat on the bed. Walt made a fist because he was right. "Stay out of it," he said. Oliver laid back. "Fine, but don't get mad when another guy gives her attention you stopped giving her," he said and yawned. Bronya was alone in her room. "Why Walt" she mumbled. The following day they had to be times putting a weapon together. She walked up next to Walt; she did it in under a minute and stood there. She got a perfect score, and Walt messed up. She walks off. Oliver went up. Walt was still up there. Oliver did it simultaneously, sat beside Bronya, and their fists bumped. She looked. "Sorry about the woods the other day," she said. Oliver smiles. "Same sorry, I shot your targets," he said. "the students who are finished go outside to do the drills," the teacher said. Bronya got up, put her hair in a bun, and smiled. She and Oliver had a race going, and he won by a minute. "okay, I will get you lunch," she said, giving each other an arm bump. It was super rare when two Alphas got together. But it has happened. Bronya was getting them lunch, and they were laughing. Roy walks up. "Bronya," he said. She smiled. "Father," she said. Oliver stood up. Roy laughs. "Relax, I am just here checking on my daughter," he says. "you are doing okay," he asks. She nods. "Walt is acting off, but other than that, yes," she said. Roy made a face. "What do you mean," he asked. "I hugged him in front of the class, and he pushed me off and said not here, and leave," she said. Roy sighs. "He loves you," he said. Bronya was confused. "I love him," she said. Oliver laughs. "Not sibling love. He loves you," he said. Bronya nods. "I don't see him that way. We grew up together. He is like my brother," she said. Roy nodded and stood up, and walked off. She sighs. "I should tell him," she said. Oliver shrugs. "You don't have to. I mean, he chose to be a huge dick, so," he said. She nodded and stood up with him, and they walked back.