
ROY Mustang story

Roy finding love is very nice he needs it

NancyRow · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter One

<p>Intro so this takes place in East City, and There are two groups, Alphas, and Omegas Sebastian<br/>is new to the city and gets put as an Omega and runs a sweet shop. There are still Alchemist and all. I just added something, and the cover is what Sebastian looks like, of course.<br/><br/><br/>It was a warm day, and Sebastian had just finished moving in when a military car pulled up, and Maes Hughes stepped out. "Sebastian Thomas," he said. Sebastian turns. "Yes," he said. Maes smiles. "Sorry to do this, but you must take your Alpha Omega test," he said. Sebastian was lost. "A what," he said. Maes told him all about it. Sebastian nods. "Okay, what do I need to do," he said. "Just need a drop of blood and some urine," he said. Sebastian nods and walks into his place with Maes behind him. He takes the cup and pees and hands it to him, and Maes takes the blood and runs the test, and pulls out the pills and the shots. "Okay, it looks like you are Omega; please take one pill once a week or take a shot every day," he said. "The pills and shots will help control your pheromones also; if Alpha tries anything, please get in touch with me; if you are still in control and have rights, some Alphas think they do what they please to Omegas, but that isn't true, so, please call me okay and enjoy the rest of your day," he said and left. Sebastian sighed and pulled his pants down, and gave himself the shot. "Time to go to the bakery," he said, pulling his coat on. Goes he unpacked everything and set everything up. He sighs. "Omega," he sighs. He was making the sweets and stuff, putting together a menu, and yawned. "Coffee," he mumbled. He sighs, waiting. He pours his coffee and smiles. "Comd to daddy," he says and sips the coffee. "Okay, so I have the coffee cake, blueberry muffins are in, banana nuts are in, and cranberry is done. Let's see," he said and heard the bell. He walks out, seeing Roy. "Sorry, but we aren't open now," he said. Roy hides from Ed and Al. He was lost, and I made him some excellent cinnamon coffee and handed it to him with a muffin. "While you hide," he said and got back to work. Roy sips the coffee and smiles. "So good," he said. He looks and eats the muffin "Heaven," he thinks. Roy stood up. Ed saw him and walked in. "Hey Roy, give me a real job, you asshole," he shouts. Sebastian walks out worried. "No shouting in my cafe," he said. Roy shoves the rest of the muffin in his mouth. Ed made a face and left. Roy bowed and left. He swallows and drinks the coffee. "Ed, you want a real job," he said. Ed nodded. "Yes," he said. He sighs. "Go find that man's file and give it to me," he said. Ed was mad and went to get it. He hands him the file. Roy opens it. Sebastian Thomas, Age 24, moved here a week ago and has no family mother died giving birth, and their father was abusive. He has a bakery and loves tattoos and his dog Billie." Roy smiles. Ed sighs. "You creepy you can ask people this stuff, you perv," he said. Roy looks at him. "Shut up; I just busted into his baker. He is probably mad at me," he said. Ed laughs. "That is why you're being a creepy okay man," he said. The following day Maes brings in coffee and muffins from his shop. Roy smiles, seeing it; he picks up a cup and a muffin and goes back to his office. Billie was in the shop behind the counter. A lot of Alphas hit on him he said no to all of them. He closes up and yawns. "Today was a good day," he said and walked in. Billie ran home. As he walked past an ally, a group of guys pulled him in, and one punched him hard in the face. Sebastien fell, hit his head, and reached up, and another guy grabbed his arm and broke it. He screamed in pain, but a guy's dick covered his scream. He couldn't move his left arm. He almost cried, feeling someone enter his ass without lube. He was crying in pain. After they finished, they beat him up more he coughs up blood and fluid, he said, shaking. "Stay awake to call maes," the brain said. He got his phone out and dialed the number, and then passed out. Maes answered, "Sebastian, hello," he said and grabbed his coat and found his location. He ran, found him, and called 911. Ed and Al show up. They collected DNA and everything. Sebastian was in the hospital getting his picture taken, and with all his wounds, he looked away. Maes, stop them. "That is enough," he said. They nodded and left. Sebastian covers up and curls up. "We have found the men that hurt you, and they are all in jail for life due to the crime and them being in the military," he said. "My dog, someone," he cried. Maes nods. "I will go check on him," he said. He nods and tries to sleep. "Hawkeye, please stand outside his door," he said. "Yes sir," she said and did it. Roy walks up. "Report Hawkeye," he said. She hands him the report. Roy looks at it and looks at Sebastian in the bed. "Great welcome," he mumbles. The following day he was getting dressed in the clothes Roy had got him. He hated hospitals. He checked himself out and went home. He got there and lays on the sofa and cried. Billie licks his hand. Roy came fo check on him and found him gone. He went to his place and knocked. "Go away. I want to be alone." Sebastian yelled, drunk. "He shouldn't be drinking with all the drugs in his system," he thinks. Roy busts the door down. Sebastian looks, holding the bottle of whiskey. "I said leave," he said. Roy walks over and takes the bottle. "The amount of drugs in your system plus this, you could die," he said. "That's what I want," he said and slid to the floor, hands on his face. "I thought I escaped this, but nope, here, Sebastian has more says god, well fuck you," he said. As he wipes the tears from his face. "I know your father rapped you for four years, but nope, sorry, you're not done," he cried. Roy sat next to him and held him. "Just let me die," he said. "Can't have that if you die. Where am I going to get my cinnamon coffee and my muffins?" he said. Sebastian shrugs. Roy nods. "So you have to stay alive for my sake," he said. Sebastian had passed out. He called Maes and told him where he was. Ed and Al walk in and fix his door. Billie runs up and licks them. "Ed goes away," he said. He was still on the floor holding him. Ed puts a blanket over him and hands him the report, and leaves.</p>