

How unpolished could I possibly be.  We have gone this far, and still you do not know whose company you keep.

I am Roy ,yes my name is just Roy . I do not believe there is a need for the daunting asset known as a surname .

The whole idea of a surname is quite an irritating context to behold . The fact, one had to be bound by the invisible chains of moral constraints attributed with the persona a certain surname entails has always bored me ,but ohhh well I doubt if l had a surname it would be of a decent nature.Hence, I was commonly referred to as a bastard.

Where was I ? Yes I was about to mention the one man that shaped the early days of my most unscrupulous life.

As aforementioned,the man in questions name was Bakare, but not only Bakare he had a surname ( the only thing I didn't like about him) but he's was quite infamous I would say. His full name was Bakare Lati jale ,and for those quite vast in the linguistical art of Yoruba would be able to deduce that  Lati jale translated to "the art of theft or simply to steal" .

This is quite hysterical I would say , to be born a thief, but what can one do when theft was their families line of trade.

The Lati jale family name , although now infamous hadn't been always so they were a respected bunch in ancient times ,as they were tasked with the retrieval of all the Yoruba artefacts after the great raiding of all the Yoruba kingdom (and who could do that better than a seasoned bunch of thieves), but all the family's respect diminished after his father's death.

His father Babatunde Lati jale was a famous business man , and  philanthropist to the public and most individuals saw him as an ideal role model. Well all this changed when DSS received an anonymous tip stating BL and Co limited (I guess you should be able to deduce this was Bakare's dad's firms name) was a sham. That in fact the firm was a misanthropic in nature , and Babatunde himself was a drug baron , and had a thousand convict able crimes to his name ranging from rape, murder and all unthinkable crimes against humanity. Behind the scenes he was the Mafia boss pulling the strings , meanwhile to all the masses he was a symbol  of peace ,unity and self respect.

DSS (which means Directory of  State Service) was a top class investigation cadre of the not so top class police who took bribes ,and what not . Their methods were extreme and operations carried out with prognostics. So no wonder the man deemed untouchable by his enemies was touched properly by the DSS agent.

Babatunde was an extremely cautious man , but DSS knew how to get him . They employed the service of one of their most dangerous agents known as the Ghoul angel.

The Ghoul angel was quite popular in Lagos , everybody knew her but nobody actually knew her. This dilemma was caused as a result of the fact all her clients , and clients accomplices never lived to tell anyone who she was ,but she always left a sign (the sign in question was a skull drawn with a red lip stick and it doesn't take a genius to know she must have loved the color quite so because it was beautiful and dangerous )

To cut to the chase she got Babatunde due to his one demeaning flaw, and that was his absurd love for sexual relationships his case was quite serious, and infact he was a satyromaniac but managed to mask it behind his stern ,but welcoming face .

I could wage a bet that she must have infiltrated the organization and grew steadily by easing the masculine tension that existed within the crouch of all the bosses at all the various levels of the organisation.

Eventually, she made her way to the top tier of the whole operation ,and got her hands on her prized bull, which was Babatunde. She had her biscuits buttered (literally) by Baba for a while, and no one knew her facially since she was a concubine to him (but in reality he was a deer lying comfortably in a wolves den) .

Well in the end Baba had his fun during his sexual escapades with his self acclaimed lover but true killer and eventually the time came for his sinful flesh to pay . His debt was to be payed by an intimate encounter between his body and the bullets of the firing squad .

The day came ,and went for his execution as well as that of all his companions, and as the bullets caressed their bodice with their warmth there was an inner chill as their life force slowly diminishes and on lookers could only say and chant "shoot them Wella make them die sharp sharp " but these people once sang their praises .Humans are truly evil  .

Now I truly understand why women are the root of all evil,but incase my crimes get so serious, and there is a need for a DSS agent don't send a woman cause I would be sending back her carcass with a bullet between her legs ( a good criminal knows to firstly destroy your enemies secret weapon)