
Roxy: Discovering The True Meaning of Fate

This is a heart-wrenching story of love and loss. Prophesies, lies, secrets and power. Roxy is a Royal-Born Werewolf with the power to blend into any supernatural society. She can shapeshifter into any beasts at will. She also possesses unimaginable powers. She also gains the ability to call on an ancient dragon who awakens her Warrior queen status over dragons. But she doesn’t know that until after she meets her fated mate and turns 16. She grows up in a relatively secluded area and raised by a powerful mafia boss.Jose is a powerful Lycan with power to manipulate the elements but he doesn’t know it until after he meets his fated mate in a chance meeting. Follow their story to the end. Because when she discovers what she truly is, Enemies will arise and sides must be chosen. What happens when fate tries to undo her match? And what happens when the enemy is closer than they first thought possible? Follow along on Roxy and Jose’s journey through life. Will they overcome the challenges life throws at them? Or will they fall at the hands of fate undoing her greatest match? Will they succeed or will they fail? Read to find out.

Grace_Casey · Fantasy
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Chapter 4:

Roxy pov:

Six years later

Today I turn 16 and can't wait to finally shift. My wolf and I have been preparing for this day for so long. She said today I get to run in her form and meet the others. 'Roxy I can't wait to be out. I have been waiting for 6 years to grow stronger. All the training you've gone through has definitely paid off.' I know I can't believe dad let me sign up to be a warrior 2 years ago. Now I'm one of the strongest warriors. I have my warrior mark to show the world I am number 1. 'Ok Roxy. We get it. You're soooo strong' Wolfie are you seriously making fun of me? Because that would be so mean. 'I would never. You know I love you!' Shaking myself from my link with Lunessa, I prepare for the day. I take a hot shower and then relax in the bath. I have my own bathroom attached to my room. I had my bathroom painted sage green with black cabinets and a black shower. My tub has wolves carved into the sides. My mother and father was against the idea of putting that on display. My parents and Abbie know what I am. Of course our guards know what I am. They are all proud of me. After relaxing for a little bit I get out and dry off. I dry my hair and go with a half up half down look. I decide to go with a white tank top and black shorts. Of course I put my mark on display. I quickly put my sneakers on and head downstairs to the kitchen. "Morning mom." I say as I give her a quick hug. "Morning Roxy. Did you sleep ok?" She replies. I go to the fridge and grab the tea. "Yes I did. Wolfie says today is the day." I say as I pour a glass. My mom looks a little scared but she quickly recovers. "Are you sure you wanna go to school today? You can stay home with me and prepare for tonight." I go over to her and say "Mom, I'll be fine. Abbie will be there. You don't have to worry about me." She grabs my hand and replies "Honey, I just worry about you. You're not like the other kids. You're different." My mom has always been a worrier she's always worried I'm going to freak out and hurt someone. Well I guess that would be reasonable but I've learned to control my anger. "Mom I will be fine." I say as I grab my bag and head for the door. "Be back right after school." Mom says. I turn around and say "Mom. Im not a little girl anymore. I can take care of myself." She gets that same strange look but shakes it off. "Ok honey just be careful." I head out the door and say "bye" as I close the door.

45 minutes later:

As I arrive at school I hear a loud commotion and go over to Abbie to see what's going on. "Hey Abbie! What's going on over here?" I ask as I look around trying to figure out what's happening. We attend a uptight high school. Aspen Heights High, home of the wolves. If only the humans knew how much that was true. She glances over where the cheerleaders are and whispers "Ashley and her minions are fawning over Jason. Apparently he got hurt at the game at Orange Grove High." I look over and sure enough Jason has a cast on. He's the captain of the football team and thinks he's all that. He has blonde hair and blue eyes. He stands at 6'2 and has a decent body. Although I don't like him, he seems to have all the girls drooling over him. 'I don't like him. He's rude and a pig' Lunessa growls in my head. Wolfie it's ok. He's not going to bother us. "Ashley just wants to get in his pants.she thinks she rules this school with her minions." I almost snarl out. 'Something is off about her. I just can't place it. She doesn't smell like a wolf, but she isn't a human.' Lunessa says cocking her head to the side. Well maybe she doesn't know she isn't human. Ashley is your typical cheer captain with her perfect body and her brown hair with her blue eyes. I just don't like her. We used to be friends back in middle school until she hit puberty and felt she was better than me and Abbie. Abbie and I are both wolves even though Abbie has human parents. We grew up together and at 10 when I revealed myself to her, she was shocked but excited. When I told her how she had a wolf, she was so freaked out I thought she would explode. But it made us closer to each other. My wolf told me that I created a special bond with her and it's unbreakable.

Flashback to 6 years ago…

Abbie and I are home alone playing games when I turn to her and say. "Abbie I want to tell you a secret but you can't tell anyone." I tell my best friend. We are sitting in my room playing video games. I pause the game and sigh. "Roxy anything you tell me, I won't tell anyone." Abbie says hugging me. I love how I can say stuff and it stays between us. 'Roxy, she has her own wolf. It's there but she doesn't know.' Lunessa whispers in my mind. What? Abbie has a wolf? That's crazy. I reply before turning to Abbie and sighing again. "I'm a werewolf. And so are you." I say in a rush. She starts laughing and rolling on the floor. "Abbie I'm serious. This is not something to laugh about." I nearly yell at her. I'm a little upset that she would laugh at such a serious situation. She stop giggling and looks over to see I'm very serious and replies "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to laugh but how can we be werewolves?" I look down at my lap and sigh. 'Let me talk to her. She needs to understand we are helping her.' I sigh again and close my eyes. This lets Lunessa come to the front. When I open my eyes I sigh again before raising my eyes to look at her again. She nearly trips herself as she jumps up and moves away from me. "What's wrong with your eyes?!? They're glowing." She says staring at me. 'Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you.' My wolf whispers. Abbie slowly walks over to me and sits back down. "I'm not afraid more shocked than anything." She says. I take a deep breath and Lunessa says 'I know it's scary but it will get better. Your wolf is tied to me now. We have a special bond. I will awaken her for you.' Abbie snaps her gaze to me and says "What are you going to do to wake her up?" I sigh again wondering what my wolf is going to do. Instead of replying, I wrap Abbie in a hug and begin to glow a vibrant blue and then gold. I only let go when Abbie's screams become a long piercing howl. She drops to her knees and screams "it hurts! Make it stop." My wolf is just watching and waiting. 'You must fight the call. Allow the power to flow' my wolf whispers. Finally she stops screaming and her eyes are glowing. Her canines are elongated and her claws are out. 'I wasn't ready for her to meet me' her wolf snaps at me. 'Emeralda it's been a long time, I'm glad you were the wolf chosen for Abbie.' My wolf replies. Snapping her gaze to mine she growls 'Lunessa? That's you?' I go over and hug her again and when I do, my back burns again and it feels like it's moving again. 'Give Abbie the control back' I watch as Abbies eyes stop glowing and her teeth and hands return to normal. My wolf does the same thing and gives me control back. Wow I'm exhausted after that. After that whole ordeal we spend the rest of the night snacking on yummy food from the pantry and playing video games and watching movies.

End of flashback…