
Roxy: Discovering The True Meaning of Fate

This is a heart-wrenching story of love and loss. Prophesies, lies, secrets and power. Roxy is a Royal-Born Werewolf with the power to blend into any supernatural society. She can shapeshifter into any beasts at will. She also possesses unimaginable powers. She also gains the ability to call on an ancient dragon who awakens her Warrior queen status over dragons. But she doesn’t know that until after she meets her fated mate and turns 16. She grows up in a relatively secluded area and raised by a powerful mafia boss.Jose is a powerful Lycan with power to manipulate the elements but he doesn’t know it until after he meets his fated mate in a chance meeting. Follow their story to the end. Because when she discovers what she truly is, Enemies will arise and sides must be chosen. What happens when fate tries to undo her match? And what happens when the enemy is closer than they first thought possible? Follow along on Roxy and Jose’s journey through life. Will they overcome the challenges life throws at them? Or will they fall at the hands of fate undoing her greatest match? Will they succeed or will they fail? Read to find out.

Grace_Casey · Fantasy
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Chapter 2:

10 years later:

Roxanne pov:

"Roxy you have to come over!" Abbie practically yelled at me. Abbie and I have been best friends since we were babies. Her parents and my parents are best friends and they work together. "Abbie you know my mom will say no since your parents aren't home." I sigh. My mom is a little overprotective, but that's ok. I turn 10 today. I get to train with the adults now that I've beat every teen in our family. Our families are the mafia so we train to be like them. I'm going to be taking over when I'm all grown up. Dad says that I'm pretty strong for my age and I'm also the fastest. My senses are all stronger than everyone else's. I can hear from towns away and smell just as far. I'm like the tracker of the mafia. Ok I can't help it I giggle at that. That earned me a smack to head with a pillow. "Hey what's so funny!?" Abbie yelled. I grab my head and glare at her. " oh it's on now! " You better run I'm going to get you back for that!" I giggle. Abbie takes off out of the room and down the stairs laughing all the way down. "Hey! Get back here Abbie! It's a pillow fight now!" I yell out between laughs. I get to the bottom and Abbie is no where in sight. She's hiding from me. She's crazy, she knows she can't hide from me. I quickly find her scent and follow it. "Abbie come out come out wherever you are!" I say. Abbie comes running from down the hall yelling "You'll never take me alive! Never! Hahaha". Before I can stop her she tackles me and we roll down the hall. When we stop, we're both out of breath. Mom comes around the corner after hearing us fall. "Are you girls alright?" We get up and dust ourselves off. Abbie has a big cut on her arm but I'm perfectly ok. "Abbie! Your arm!" I yell. Mom rushes over and grabs her arm to look at it. "Alright Abbie come with me, I'll fix you all up." She says. As she passes me, mom tells me "Roxy go clean yourself up and get ready for dinner. " I look up at Abbie. I feel bad that she got hurt but with the way moms looking at me I know I shouldn't mess around. I sigh and glance down before looking back up to say "Ok momma." I go upstairs and run a bath and return to my room to find clothes to wear. I go with a simple t-shirt and jeans since we have company for dinner. Daddy has a boss friend from a few towns over. They've known each other their whole lives, just like Abbie and I. He has a son 1 year older than me. Maybe he can be friends with Abbie and I. I don't understand how I'm not hurt but Abbie was. It didn't even hurt me. I quickly shower and then I relax in the bath for a little bit. I'm young but I love swimming, it feels like home when I'm underwater or under the moonlight. I look at the clock and get out. I dry off and detangle my waist length red hair. After doing this I go through my hair and hygiene routine and then putting my hair into 2 waist length perfect braids. I had to perfect braids if I wanted to keep my hair long. I dress and put on light perfume to accentuate my natural magnolia, gardenia and apple scent. When I go downstairs Abbie is back with a gauze wrapping on. I feel bad for tackling her on the stairs by the den. I shake my head quickly and I immediately say "Abbie I'm so sorry. I never should have tackled you." Abbie looks over at me from by the door and smiles "Roxy, it's ok. We were playing and accidents happen. No worries." I sigh with relief. I thought she'd be mad at me. I'm so glad she isn't. That's when I notice our guests have arrived. I glance over at the couch to see my dads friend and his son. They are both staring at me like I'm a ghost. I look at the dads face first and can tell he thinks I'm a freak. The boy takes in a deep breath and lets out a groan. Or was that a moan? He must think my perfume is great. I snap my attention to the boys face then. As I stare at him, I take a deep inhale and nearly growl in pleasure. I immediately cover my face and blush. I cannot believe I did that. Wow he's so good looking. A voice in my head says 'you'd better stop looking or he'll catch you' I jump and immediately think who is that and how are you in my head? 'I am your wolf silly. Wow I'm glad I chose you to be my human.' What the heck do you mean you chose me? I was born a wolf, my mom told me that when I was just a toddler. I think back wondering what I'm the world my wolf was thinking. 'I'm meaning you are the person I chose to lead me through this lifetime. You will do great things. You are such a gifted girl. You will meet them in time but for now, you have me.' Wow I can tell Abbie? 'Hmmm' she replies. She means everything to me. 'Let me read her mind first and see her intentions and then I will tell you.' Hmm ok fine. But I don't want to keep secrets from her. We tell each other everything. "Roxy?! Earth to Roxy?!?" My mom is practically yelling. " hmm yes momma?" I reply. My mind is steel feeling weird about the way my wolf was acting. My looks at me with concern. "Are you feeling ok? You don't look so well." I shake my head clear and glance around the room. The boy is looking at me strangely and are his eyes glowing?!? "Yes mom I'm fine. I was just lost in thought for a minute. I have a lot on my mind with how I'm going to tell you what I just discovered later." I say. I glance over and find the boy staring at me strangely again but his eyes are now a golden amber color. "Well you were staring out into the space and humming. I thought you'd gone finally cracked and gone insane" my dad tries to joke. The boy looks over at me again and says "I'm Jose Redde. It's nice to meet you" 'wow he has a nice voice my wolf says. There's something about it that's strangely familiar.I just can't place it.' What do you mean? I reply and say "I'm Roxanna, but everyone calls me Roxy" I shake his hand and find it feels great to my skin. 'I'm Lunessa, but everyone calls me Luna.' I almost laugh out when my wolf tried to introduce herself. He lets go of my hand and steps back. "My dad knows your dad so now we know each other." He says. "We may need each other one day." I thought he said also. 'That was in his head silly' lunessa says to me. Well Is he asking to be my friend? 'He could be trying to make an oath for you. But whatever his reasoning, He's genuine with what he's saying' I know he is, I feel it in my bones and soul. "We should be friends." I will protect you too, even though I'm younger. "We are next to lead so an oath should be made." I say extending my hand out to him. He's back to staring at me strangely. I wish I knew what was on his mind still and almost gasp when I did it again 'She's pretty but I don't want her to know that. Her eyes are so cool. Different colors. And the way they glow in the moonlight.' Wow he's cool. He thinks my eyes are cool. I won't tell him I already know. "You have yourself a deal." An oath to protect each other. Even in the future. He takes my hand in his and feel my back start to burn. Right where my strange mark is. It feels like it's moving. It's burning really bad. He gasps and takes his hand and grabs for his shoulder blade. Right where my mark is on me. We shake our heads and look around at everyone staring at us. "What was that?" His mom asks. "Oh nothing." We say at the same time. A sealed bond between the two of us we think at the same time and look at each other. We stare at each other for a moment and then immediately burst out laughing. Abbie joins in and we fall over laughing. The adults in the room look at each other and shake their heads. Probably thinking we're all crazy.