
chapter 3: oh we sing together

divo rushed downstairs as he heard his mum talking to victoria "hi tori" hi "so are you ready to go out" "yes I am" victoria replied smiling "divo come home early "said his mum

"so where are you from" divo asked victoria

" from a town not too far away from here so where are we heading first " victoria asked "I'm going to show you the best place where you can get drinks and all and then I can show you the park and other things then I can show you where I play basketball and I can show you where I record my songs "said divo " oh so u sing" said victoria "well not all the time I record at home not like a studio or anything but you can come around if you want to listen to any of my songs sometimes if you want to" said divo "oh sure I like to listen to your song I'm sure it will be great" said victoria smiling , "ok then ,you can listen to my song on friday after school there will be a lot of time" "ok so let's go to the world best drink store you talked about" said victoria

"hey divo" eddie said so is this your girlfriend??" "no no no no no she's my friend that's all" said divo "hey I'm victoria" victoria said " hi victoria so are you going to be staying here permanently or you just came for a visit"asked eddie "oh I'm new here I think I'm going to be staying here for a while." victoria said "Oh ok I'm already on my way home I'll see you later ok" eddie said " hey fred say hi to victoria " divo said to fred who was already sitted in the café "hey victoria I'm fred" "nice to meet you Fred" "nice to meet you too" fred said "so are you and divo are like best friends or what" said victoria "oh we sing together" replied fred "oh that's great" said victoria