
Rougely Intoxicated

millineyaaah · Fantasy
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Sweet. Lovely.

It was supposed to be sweet and lovely.

Supposed to be ethereal and pure.

A day to celebrate. A day for butterflies and rainbows orchestrating a heavenly fancy for a brand new lifetime.

The night in Cozbenia turned luxuriously splendid with old-gold and cigar brown as its overall color palette. Aesthetically pleasing, burnt orange rose petals along with pampas are guiding the aisle, and as wild as it sounds, in the middle of the woods, the cottage-core wedding exceeded the ones I've read in books, especially when the rustic-lineage chandelier orbs that are hanging... scattered over the ground... and peeking in tree branches... lighted as if has been in the same lustrous of the moon.

Mystical forest in the ethereal heaven, under the somber moon.

True enough, it was the Vnestivar's kind of play.

Gradually... I let my index course the flamboyance of my dress. Anyone could tell from the sparkly thinned diamonds delineating the fringes and intricate points from my neck down to my toes. The see-through sheer touch is scandalously revealing intimate parts of my naked feminity, covering little of what lures attention. It was flowing down and straight, making the Clarisse dress more regal... elegant... and flattering to the eyes.

A wedding dress... every grandgirl will be dying to wear. A husband everyone is lusting.

Never have I dreamed of wearing a dress and being a bride of a wedding as grand and perfect as this... but then never have I also even thought that my wedding day would be as revolting as this.

The shushed wind once again caressed my face...my hair... my lips, but nothing could distract me better than the ploys my head is plotting. When the music hymned ardor and the streams under my feet served their purpose, I lifted my eyes.

There he was... in front of everybody, the man with those prominent deep gold eyes. His prowess exuding such bold staidness and wildness that even with the formal coat and tie, you couldn't deny the hidden animal lurking on its sleeves.

And what's frustrating about my feminity is that it still recognizes and buys the staggering fact that this same man, whether calm, serious, mad...or cruel... rebellious in form, will undoubtedly remain to be a beauty in my eyes!

And yes, in all irony, the same person I should vow my love... is the same person I do not thirst.

'You were walking too slow than necessary.' a low bass echoed in my head.

And the dude doesn't know how wedding goes. My hands are so up for the groom!

I snickered under the veil.

'Why don't you thank me for giving you time watching your wife marry you beautifully?'

And as expected, he won't respond. This is business. Why won't he communicate? Did I cost too much? Is it costing his bachelor's life?


It is causing us both our lifetime.

Katara Zanardeva Vnestivar.

Mrs. Vnestivar.

My name is about to sound elusive. Envied. High-priced.

And should that be the benefit I should live in exchange of my lifetime?

The wife should be walking slowly and careful on her big day all throughout the trail they say. But that's for genuine lovers. And so I smirk at myself and used my werewolf's speed to be immediately in front of my callous him. I planned to score an aggressive reach for his neck. So it was a huge startle for me when in a snap he did a side step and crouched down just exactly on my way, hovering me his possessing clamant shadow.

He raked my chest and the unadulterated mocking made known when he rigidly eyed down at the exposed boobs on the sides.

His eyes swiftly shot back at my face, and languidly his fingers crawled to claim what's been freed, skin to skin. And like a pro, he had all of it covered in his big calloused hand.

Oh, how I hate him!

I smirked as I diss him good while being aware of his pompous touches. I gaped at him with heavy sarcasm. "Don't I look too gorgeous for you?"

He sneered at my lips like it was the most disappointing thing he had ever seen.

And of course, he'll just crook his brow at my confidence to slap me in the face that it is not enough to taunt him!

I grinned to refuse a backdown at the following usual silence he gave me. "And your eyes are extra dark today... is it because you finally see me as the love of your life?"

He stared back nonchalantly, wiping the grin on my face. "You have been staring at me pitch black. Why? Am I the love of your life now?"

I glared at him. "Now you know how to talk that out. Why? Does the idea of me loving you exalts you to the fangs?"

He stared at me emptily, like that statement sounded so fool.

Oh! How annoying...

His ignoring pissed me off so I followed up.

"Might I add, your kind of wedding is a disappointment."

In one untamed growl, he extended his right hand to my neck, just right in the middle of my bravery to spew my raging banters of vitriols. Like he knows I was not stopping unless he shot me the finest temptation I couldn't insult... his fucking physical...

My eyes dropped blank on the sensuality of his arm on my throat as he slanted his head and served me another... disappointing affair.

"And this is how, my wife... I would supply for your ultimate disappointment." it echoed in a very slow sensual drawl.

And for the first time I saw how his lips stretched for a stifled guileless smile!

My lips parted in astonishment when his hot full lips terrorized my thin ones... and it is not giving that it perfectly covered over the bowlines! And I almost choked him when his lips skated lower... sinfully... and into my lower lip he teased a shallow nibble.

He then let go with an air of an assfucker sketched in the shadow of his face.

"Heck. I can't wait to divorce you!" I grimly whispered when just right after he was already brightly smirking at the crowd in front of us.

Fuming at the victorious look he is giving, I licked his recent taste on my lips and... sweetly... clutched his tie to thrust him to submit to me.

His hand automatically sprawled on my waist as he crouched lower and submit to my dagger eyes, like he didn't need to be forced cause he would never say no to feast on me.

He mischievously stared at my rage and sinfully he bussed my ear as he whispers. "I can see you are very very vocal of your love today, Mrs. Vnestivar,"


I gave him my fakest smile as I stunt an uncommissioned wedding French kiss. His lips move and I am sure it is his grin in the midst of my kisses.

Hell. I won't lose on this. Now... note this war, my dear husband.