
Rouge Poison God

In the modern world, humans are summoned to a tower to become hunters, fighting demons. However, only students below the age of 18 and with a stigma in their eyes can be summoned. Yet, it's unknown who will get summoned, and only 1 out of 10 humans can be selected as a potential candidate to become a hunter in the tower. Among them is Odion, a seemingly worthless orphan consistently victimized by bullies in his previous and current schools. Even weaker students bullied by others bully him. One day, his first childhood love, Kimiko, disguised as a surprise, asks him to come with her. With his foster father, she plucks out his stigma eyes, rendering him blind and betraying his love. However, this betrayal opens a new world for him, leading him on a path to become the first mortal to reach the level of a god.

Promezus · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 10 - Who I Am?

"Where am I?" Odion questioned, feeling a throbbing headache as he placed his hand on his forehead.

"I can see," he exclaimed with excitement, realizing that he had regained his sight. The joy of witnessing the world again washed over him as he slowly opened his eyes. The unfamiliar surroundings painted a different world before him. He couldn't find words to describe the overwhelming feeling of seeing the world with his new eyes.

It was a moment of immense happiness, as if he had been blind for an eternity and was now granted the gift of sight in a realm where time seemed to flow differently. The experience felt like he had been deprived of vision for a thousand years.

But his excitement suddenly hit rock bottom when someone struck his head so hard. His hands instinctively went to his head in a defensive manner.

Angry and ready to retaliate, he lifted his gaze to see who had hit him so forcefully. Shock washed over him, and his eyes widened with an undeniable mix of emotions. He couldn't believe what he saw.

He found himself in front of none other than Cyrus and Kimiko. Odion was in a half-lying position on the ground, his legs stretched and his stomach bent. As he sat there, his mouth began to stutter, emitting a shaky sound.

His eyes widened with fear, his pupils dilated, and his heart raced wildly. The thumping in his chest felt like a heavy force hitting his heart, causing his blood pressure to skyrocket. It was as if a powerful force had struck his heart, leaving it momentarily unresponsive.

"Why? Why? Ho... how are both of you here?" Odion, now in a defensive posture, nonchalantly crawled back and pressed himself against the wall.

Kimiko, with her hands crossed, and Cyrus, also with his hands crossed, stood beside each other. Behind them, a group of people observed the pitiful expression and actions of Odion.

Both Kimiko and Cyrus wore expressions of utter confusion, their eyebrows furrowed in bewilderment. They didn't recognize Odion, and the question left why they unable to comprehend what had happened and not able to recognize the Odion.

"Who the heck are you?" Cyrus demanded, a cigarette dangling from his hand as he laughed. "You pathetic fool."

Odion, still in a half-lying position on the floor, had a puzzled expression, his nose squeezed, and his eyes wide with bewilderment. Tilting his head to the left, he struggled to comprehend what was happening.

As he calmed his head and surveyed the crowd in front of him, he realized that among the hundreds of people, most of them belonged to his new school. This included Cyrus, Kimiko, and other bullies, as well as the weaker students who were typically targets of bullying.

To his surprise, the weaker students were now standing shoulder to shoulder with the delinquents of the class, all united in laughter directed at him. Their eyes gleamed like predators ready to pounce on their prey, signaling impending danger.

A rush of past memories flooded through Odion's mind, vividly replaying every moment of his recent torment. The betrayal by Kimiko, the loss of his eyes, the relentless bullying he endured for many months, and the constant pressure to end his own life - all these painful experiences played out before his eyes.

In the midst of these haunting memories, another figure appeared in his recollection. The enigmatic character who had intervened in his darkest moment, transporting him to an entirely different realm.

The mysterious being had granted him a new pair of eyes, saving him from the brink of despair. Odion now recalled the intricate details of his recent journey, including the unexpected twists and turns that had brought him to this unfamiliar place. The contrast between the cruelty of his past and the enigmatic savior presented a stark duality in his memories.

Everything became now clear to him as he regain his past memories, his eyes showing every recent picture and memories of his past as it was widen with it, and he close his eyes, "Calm down, calm down, " 

Odion contemplated the peculiar situation he found himself in. The people from his past, including Kimiko and Cyrus, seemed oblivious to his identity.

As he pondered this perplexing mystery, he couldn't help but wonder if the enigmatic figure who had played a crucial role in his transformation had altered more than just his eyes.

His mutterings to himself echoed a determination to unravel the truth. "Is my appearance changed by that mysterious figure? Are they unable to recognize me because of some transformation?" These questions lingered in Odion's mind, compelling him to confirm whether the changes went beyond his newfound sight. The need for answers fueled a sense of urgency within him.

"Let not tell my real name to them, first let figure who Who I am to them? and where I am? " Odion muttered to himself.

Amidst the bewildering surroundings of the tower, Odion decided to play a clever game. Pretending obliviousness, he feigned a throbbing headache and inquired innocently, "My head hurts... Can you tell me where I am?"

A random guy from the group answered, "You are in the tower, where we become hunters. Don't you know?"

The snickers and laughter of the second guy indicated their amusement at Odion's apparent ignorance. "Pathetic. Did he lose his memories during the teleportation?" the second guy mocked.

Meanwhile, a bootlicker from Odion's class took the opportunity to ingratiate himself. "My Lord, let's go and continue our journey. It's just the first floor. Leave him be; he's just a weak fool. It would be a problem for us to have him in our group."

He addressed Cyrus, the leader of the group, with a bow and a servile rubbing of his hands. The group had formed to conquer the tower, slay its demons, and thereby level up and gain new skills.

The bootlicker attempted to convince Cyrus to abandon Odion, considering him a mere liability - a lost soul who seemed temporarily afflicted by memory loss during the teleportation to the tower.

The dynamics within the group were becoming apparent, revealing a hierarchy and a certain ruthlessness among its members.