
Chapter 361 Hesitant Sister-in-law

Qu grinned, "What?Was it from Qin Ming?He shouted at you? "

I sighed and threw the spoon into the sink. "Qin Ming lost his temper at me because of the stuff about my sister-in-law. He insists that Tiantian is his daughter, but …"

Qu said casually: "Call the police!Let the police intervene in it!Or ask your sister-in-law to prosecute Qin Ming and force him to do a paternity test! "

I shook my head. "That is too rash. I still hope that this matter can be settled peacefully without hurting anyone."

Qu leaned against the worktop and said, "How do you want to settle that?Take the child back and let your penniless sister-in-law raise her? "

I shook my head. "You know,she can't afford to raise a child."