
Rossi One: Kian's Little Sky

Kian's heart raced as he beheld the girl's beauty, her delicate features stirring something profound within him. Her small nose scrunched in her sleep, and her soft lips moved ever so slightly, painting the picture of an ethereal being. Was she an angel in disguise? With great care, he removed her jacket, ensuring his gaze remained respectful, and draped his hoodie over her. He also changed into a fresh T-shirt, all the while marveling at her innocent allure. "You're so precious and adorable, my little bambina," he whispered to her sleeping form, a smile gracing his lips. Noticing the bruise on her cheek, a fingerprint marring her skin, rage simmered within him. Whoever had harmed her would pay dearly. Yet, as he gazed at her, a deep connection took root, a vision of a shared future unfolding before him. When her beautiful blue eyes opened and met his, he felt an undeniable bond, a love at first sight that promised so much more. He longed to pursue her, to understand the pain behind those eyes and witness the beauty of her smile. He imagined it would be the most divine sight he'd ever behold. Her voice, a mere whisper, broke the silence. "W-who a-are you? W-where are y-you t-taking me?" It was the sound of heaven to Kian's ears. AUTHOR'S NOTE: Completed on Wattpad, if you want to read more, you can search my username on Wattpad, @Mary_Joye. i love y'all!

Mary_Joye · Teen
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

9. in the embrace of trust

Third Person's PoV

As the cityscape blurred past the car window, Kian noted the proximity of their destination. With a desire to prolong the conversation with Skyler, he eased his foot on the accelerator, allowing the journey to stretch just a bit longer.

"My turn, baby," Kian said, his voice light with anticipation. "Hmm, what's your favorite foods?" he asked, turning the conversation towards a topic that often reveals much about a person.

Skyler's face brightened into a smile at the question. "My favorite f-foods?" she echoed, her excitement palpable. "I h-have m-many favorite f-foods, but I l-love my grandma's cooking." Her tone dipped into melancholy as she mentioned missing her grandmother, a longing that was tangible in the air between them. Yet, she continued, her voice gaining strength as she spoke of her heritage. "My g-grandma is a pure Asian, she's from the Philippines, she's a Filipino. So she'll a-always cook me Filipino foods when I was still in h-high school," Skyler reminisced, her words painting a vivid picture of home-cooked meals and familial love. "I l-love her chicken Adobo, and her Filipino-style s-spaghetti. And of course, t-those cute lumpiang shanghai, and her chicken and pork caldereta," she chattered on, each dish a memory, each memory a treasure.

Kian listened, a sense of wonder filling him as he discovered this new layer of Skyler's identity. The revelation of her Asian heritage added depth to her beauty, a beauty that transcended the mere physical. It was a beauty rich with culture, history, and the warmth of a grandmother's kitchen. In that moment, Kian saw not just the woman beside him, but the lineage of love and care that had shaped her into who she was. It was a shock, yes, but a pleasant one that only deepened his appreciation for the complexity and grace of Skyler Greene.

Kian's smile was unwavering, a testament to the joy that Skyler's reminiscences of her grandmother's cooking brought him. Her enthusiasm was infectious, and he found himself eagerly anticipating the opportunity to recreate those cherished dishes for her.

"Oh, my little Sky. Those foods sound delicious, don't they? I'm excited to try them in the future. For now, I'll practice how to cook them," Kian said, his chuckle a melody of shared anticipation.

The prospect of Kian cooking for her sent waves of excitement through Skyler, her cheerfulness bubbling over. "C-cook them? Y-you'll c-cook them?! I can't w-wait, Kian!" she exclaimed, her smile radiant, transforming her into an ethereal presence beside him.

"Of course, I'll cook them for you, baby. I can't wait," Kian replied, his eagerness matching hers. "I think I'll tell you my favorite foods in the future. I'll cook them for you too, and you'll be the judge," he teased, delighting in the spark of excitement that lit up her eyes.

Skyler's pout was playful, an adorable display of mock indignation. "T-that's unfair, Kian. Hmp," she protested, her attempt at anger only serving to make her look more endearing, like a kitten in a gentle tussle with its owner.

Kian's laughter was a gentle rumble, a sound of affectionate amusement. "It's not unfair, baby. You know I'm Italian, so my favorite foods are Italian too. You have an idea now. But I didn't know you're half Asian, so I don't have a clue," he reasoned, even as Skyler maintained her pout. The sight was almost too much to resist, but Kian stood firm, a playful battle of wills unfolding between them.

"O-okay. P-pretty fair," Skyler conceded, her pout giving way to curiosity. "My turn. Do you have many s-siblings?" she inquired, her question opening another chapter in their exchange of personal histories.

Kian's heart swelled with pride as he spoke of his siblings, the affection in his voice unmistakable. "Yes! I have three other siblings. And they're super cute! I have twin brothers, Karl and Micah, and we have our cute little sister Krizah. I can't wait for you to meet them, baby! They'll love you, I can say it, little Sky," he said, his excitement palpable.

Skyler's hands twisted in her lap, a clear sign of her growing anxiety at the thought of meeting Kian's family. "You t-think t-they'll love m-me?" she asked, her voice quivering with nervousness.

Kian's response was immediate and emphatic, his head bobbing in a vigorous nod. "Of course, my Papa and Mommy will love you too. Mommy's been longing to have another daughter, saying Krizah needs a female sibling too! Ooh, I really can't wait!" he assured her, his words designed to soothe her fears.

As the police station came into view, Kian was mindful not to alarm Skyler. "Baby, little Sky?" he called out gently, ensuring her attention was on him rather than their nearing destination.

"H-hmm?" she responded, turning to face him, her eyes searching his for reassurance.

"I'm here, you know you can trust me, right?" Kian asked, his gaze steady and sincere.

"Y-yes, I t-trust y-you, Kian," Skyler replied, her trust in him a fragile thing he vowed to protect.

Kian let out a sigh of relief, the tension easing from his shoulders. "And you know I won't harm or hurt you in any possible ways. I'm always willing to help you, right?" he asked again, his promise hanging in the air between them, as solid and real as the setting sun.

The car's steady hum was a gentle backdrop to the crescendo of emotions that filled the space. Kian's question, "You promise to trust and lean on me?" hung in the air, a beacon of hope in the uncertainty that lay ahead.

"Yes, I-I p-promise," Skyler affirmed, her nod as vigorous as the beating of her heart.

Kian, sensing the tension that gripped her, offered a respite. "Good baby. We're here, do you still want to continue our game for a couple of minutes?" His voice was a soothing, a promise of normalcy before they faced what awaited them.

"W-we're here?" Skyler's voice trembled, her eyes widening with the realization. "Can w-we c-continue our g-game f-first?" Her fingers found the fabric of Kian's shirt, a silent plea for a few more moments of escape.

"Of course, is it my turn now?" Kian asked, his actions deliberate as he found a parking spot and turned off the engine, the car giving a final shudder before falling silent.

"N-noo, I s-still have t-to answer," Skyler insisted, clinging to their game like a lifeline. She spoke of her longing for siblings, a dream nurtured in the depths of her soul, a dream to shower love and affection as freely as the sun bestows its warmth. But reality cast a shadow over her desires, her mother's words echoing the pain of a home fractured by a father's harshness. "M-my mama don't want t-to give b-birth anymore 'cause Daddy is not treating her w-well," she confided, her voice a whisper of sorrow.

As Skyler's story unfolded, a sob broke through, a dam giving way to the river of her anguish. Kian, propelled by a protective instinct, swiftly unlocked their seatbelts. In an instant, he was by her side, his presence a fortress against the storm of her emotions. She shook, a delicate flower in the wind, her sobs a melody of broken dreams and unspoken fears.

Kian drew Skyler closer, her petite form nestled against him as she perched on his lap. His fingers tenderly wove through her braided hair, while his other hand rested on her slender waist, offering her a sense of stability and comfort.

"My little Sky, you're crying again. Baby, please. It hurts," Kian murmured, his voice a soft echo of the ache that tightened around his heart. The sight of her tears was a torment, each sob from Skyler sending a sharp pang through his chest.

"H-hurts? What hurts?" Skyler's voice was a fragile whisper, her sobs punctuating the silence.

"This. Seeing you cry in pain, baby. I'm hurt, it's hurting. My chest feels like it's being pierced, my little Sky," Kian confessed, burying his face in the crook of her neck, his own sobs threatening to break through the facade of strength he tried to maintain.

"W-why?" she asked, her cries beginning to subside as she fought to regain control over her emotions.

"Because I appreciate you, I cherish you, and it hurts to see you in this state. Why do I always make you cry? Whenever I talk or ask, you'll cry. It just pains me, baby," Kian whispered against her skin, his breath warm and shaky.

As Skyler's trembling eased, Kian felt a wave of near relief wash over him, yet the residual ache lingered. He knew, with a resolve as deep as the ocean, that he must protect this precious girl in his arms. She had endured so much pain, and for how long, he couldn't fathom. But in that moment, he vowed to be her sanctuary, her shield against the storms of life. In the safety of his embrace, Skyler found a haven, a place where her tears could fall and her heart could begin to heal.

Skyler's movements were tentative, a delicate dance of fingers against Kian's hand, her touch light as she guided his thumb to rest against the rhythmic drumming of her heart. Kian, a silent sentinel, allowed her this moment of control, a shared intimacy that spoke volumes in the quiet of the car.

"I a-appreciate you and I cherish you t-too, Kian," Skyler's voice was a hushed murmur, her words weaving through the air, wrapping around them both like a comforting shawl. "Please, don't think that it is your f-fault that I'm like this, because it's natural to me, Kian. It's me ever since, and I don't think I'll ever find light but l-last night, my hope skyrocketed when you saved me, my king," she confessed, her fingers gently squeezing his hand against her chest, a silent testament to the trust she placed in him.

A smile broke through Kian's tears, a ray of light in the darkness, as he realized the depth of the bond they shared. She was his angel, his little Sky, a beacon of hope in his world.

"You called me your king," Kian murmured, his voice muffled against the softness of her neck.

"Yes. Because y-you are," Skyler affirmed, her sobs subsiding, the tremors that once shook her body now stilled.

"Can we still play the game, baby?" Kian asked, a whisper of normalcy in the midst of emotional turmoil.

"Okay," Skyler replied, her sniffles a soft counterpoint to their conversation.

"Hmm-mm. My turn, baby," Kian whispered, a promise of continuity, of future moments to be shared.

Kian's mind momentarily turned for the future, to the introduction of Skyler to his family. They would surely embrace her, envelop her in the love and warmth she so deserved. In his heart, she had already become a part of them—his mother's daughter, his father's principessa, the twins' little sister, and Kriza's sibling. Kian's resolve was firm: he would show Skyler the love of a family, a love that would heal, protect, and uplift her. In his arms, she would find a new beginning, a family that would stand by her through every storm.

Skyler's yawn broke the silence, a delicate sign of her weariness. She nestled her head against Kian's chest, her sigh a soft melody in the quiet of the car.

"You sleepy?" Kian asked, the chuckle in his voice a gentle tease.

"Mhmm, does t-that include in our g-game?" Skyler's words were a playful challenge, her beautiful blue eyes fluttering closed as another yawn escaped her.

"Hmm, what do you think?" Kian's question was light, his tone playful as he continued their gentle banter.

"You're really bad, y-you're teasing m-me again," Skyler accused, though the hint of a smile played on her lips.

Kian's laughter filled the car, a rich sound that resonated in the small space. Skyler shivered, but it was not from cold—it was a shiver of delight, a physical response to the warmth and joy that Kian's presence brought her.


Mary Joye.