
Rossi One: Kian's Little Sky

Kian's heart raced as he beheld the girl's beauty, her delicate features stirring something profound within him. Her small nose scrunched in her sleep, and her soft lips moved ever so slightly, painting the picture of an ethereal being. Was she an angel in disguise? With great care, he removed her jacket, ensuring his gaze remained respectful, and draped his hoodie over her. He also changed into a fresh T-shirt, all the while marveling at her innocent allure. "You're so precious and adorable, my little bambina," he whispered to her sleeping form, a smile gracing his lips. Noticing the bruise on her cheek, a fingerprint marring her skin, rage simmered within him. Whoever had harmed her would pay dearly. Yet, as he gazed at her, a deep connection took root, a vision of a shared future unfolding before him. When her beautiful blue eyes opened and met his, he felt an undeniable bond, a love at first sight that promised so much more. He longed to pursue her, to understand the pain behind those eyes and witness the beauty of her smile. He imagined it would be the most divine sight he'd ever behold. Her voice, a mere whisper, broke the silence. "W-who a-are you? W-where are y-you t-taking me?" It was the sound of heaven to Kian's ears. AUTHOR'S NOTE: Completed on Wattpad, if you want to read more, you can search my username on Wattpad, @Mary_Joye. i love y'all!

Mary_Joye · Teen
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

5. A Haven in the Storm

Third Person's PoV

Skyler savored the pasta, each bite a symphony of flavors she hadn't known in years. The rich sauce and perfectly cooked noodles were a stark, welcome contrast to the instant noodles and plain water that had been her sustenance for so long. As she took another bite, a contented sigh escaped her lips, a sound of pure culinary delight.

Kian watched her with a warm smile, his question gentle, "You like it, baby?" Her response was a shy nod, her gratitude evident in the softness of her eyes.

He was pleased, "Glad to know that, bambina. After you finish, do you think you can take a shower? You were drenched when I found you, caught in the downpour. And your jacket," he added, seeing the question in her gaze, "is in the backseat of my car. I had to give you my hoodie, or you'd be ill by now."

As Skyler polished off the last of her meal, Kian's smile broadened. She hadn't realized the depth of her hunger until the pasta was gone, and yet, a lingering hunger remained. It was more than just for food—it was a craving for safety, for the kindness that Kian had shown her, a stranger who had become her sanctuary in a world that had been unkind.

In the comfort of Kian's home, with the rain a mere whisper against the windows, Skyler found a moment of peace. And in that peace, an appetite for more than just food began to stir—a hunger for a new beginning.

"Thank y-you," Skyler murmured, her voice a soft stammer. The thought of showering without her own clothes to change into made her bite her lip in nervousness. She averted her gaze from Kian's penetrating hazel eyes to the safety of the large flat-screen TV on the wall.

Kian's response came with a light-hearted chuckle, "Silly, I can lend you some of my clothes. I'll wash and dry yours so they're ready for tomorrow. Does that sound okay, amore?"

Her nod was timid, a silent expression of her gratitude. As Kian gathered her empty plate and the glass that once held orange juice, Skyler felt a pang of guilt for not offering to clean up after herself. Yet, the comfort of the sofa held her in place, a feeling of warmth she wasn't ready to relinquish.

"Do you still want more pasta?" Kian asked, his voice carrying a hint of amusement.

"Uh, no. C-can I go shower now?" she asked, her hesitation clear as she finally met his eyes.

"Sure, baby," Kian agreed, his teasing tone evident. "But you seem so comfortable, almost snuggling deeper into the sofa. Aren't you, baby?" His teasing was gentle, accompanied by the playful bite of his lip and a self-knowing chuckle.

In the safety of Kian's home, Skyler found a rare moment of respite. The warmth of the meal and the kindness of a near-stranger wrapped around her like a blanket, offering a comfort she hadn't known in years. It was a simple act of generosity, but to Skyler, it meant the world—a beacon of hope in the dimness of her past.

Skyler's cheeks flushed a deeper shade of crimson, her heart fluttering at the melodic timbre of Kian's voice. It was a sound that seemed to weave through the air, wrapping around her in a comforting embrace.

"But I'll get s-sick if I don't wash up," she stammered, her fingers tracing the fabric of his hoodie. It was a cocoon of warmth, carrying the scent she had come to associate with safety. "Your hoodie is so c-comfortable, and I love the smell. Can I borrow more of your h-hoodies?" The words tumbled out, her desire for the comforting garment outweighing her shyness.

"Sure you can, baby," Kian assured her, his voice a soothing balm. He collected the dishes, his movements a silent promise to take care of everything. "I'll just get these to the sink and have your cheeks treated, then you can go shower."

As he pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead, Skyler leaned into the touch, a reflexive search for solace. But Kian was already moving away, standing tall with the plate and glass in hand. "Be right back, amore. You can watch something; the remote's on the glass table, baby."

In that small, cluttered living room, Skyler found a semblance of home. Kian's gestures, simple yet profound, offered her a glimpse of normalcy, a life she yearned to reclaim. As she watched him disappear into the kitchen, she realized that it wasn't just his hoodies she wanted to borrow—it was the sense of belonging they represented.

Skyler's mind was a whirlwind of fear and confusion, haunted by the memory of the three men who had attacked her. They were now behind bars, yet the terror they instilled lingered like a shadow. She couldn't help but wonder if Kian knew the bitter truth—that her only friend had been the catalyst for her nightmare. But no, Kian was a stranger, his motives for saving her as mysterious as his sudden presence in her life.

She tried to push the thoughts away, to forget the men who had caused her so much pain. She wanted to erase the night from her memory, all but the moment Kian had stepped in, a guardian in her hour of need. The fear of that night was overwhelming, eclipsing even the dark memories of her father's wrath.

As she nestled into the soft embrace of the sofa, comfort overtook her, and sleep claimed her weary body. For the first time in what felt like forever, her dreams were not marred by nightmares. She slept soundly, peacefully, like a child cradled in safety. Perhaps it was the presence of Kian, a man she had known for a mere seven hours, who had become her unexpected protector, her beacon of hope in the darkest of times.

Skyler awoke in a vast king-sized bed, enveloped by blankets as soft as clouds and pillows that seemed to embrace her with every fiber. The room's walls, painted in shades of black and grey, whispered of Kian's presence, his choice of colors a silent testament to the man himself. The coziness of the room beckoned her to linger amidst the cushions, yet the rumble of her stomach spoke of needs that stretched beyond the comfort of soft fabrics.

Memories of her grandmother's cooking flooded her senses as the aroma of bacon wafted through the air, a scent that carried her back to the carefree days of high school. It had been ages since she indulged in the familiar taste of bacon paired with eggs and cheese, a reminder of the Filipino dishes she cherished and longed for.

Compelled by hunger and nostalgia, Skyler cast aside concerns for her disheveled state and bounded from the bed. A puzzle nagged at her mind—how had she transitioned from the sofa in the living room to this plush sanctuary? The answer seemed to hover just out of reach, suggesting that Kian might have carried her while she was lost in slumber. The thought brought a flush to her cheeks, and she mentally prepared an apology, imagining the effort it must have taken him.

Her feet carried her swiftly to the kitchen, where the sight of Kian, adorned in a quaint apron and brandishing a spoon, painted a picture both endearing and domestic. "G-good morning, Kian!" she greeted, her voice a mix of gratitude and bashfulness, marking the start of a day that held the promise of new beginnings and the warmth of unexpected companionship.

Skyler's presence in the doorway caused Kian to start momentarily, but his eyes quickly softened at the sight of her. "Good morning, baby! How did you sleep?" His voice was a gentle rumble as he closed the distance between them, greeting her with a tender peck on the cheek.

Frozen in place, Skyler stuttered her response, "I slept w-well. I'm sorry that you had to carry me to bed last night. W-where did you sleep?" Her fingers twisted together nervously as she watched him deftly handle the bacon, transferring it onto a waiting plate.

Kian's smile was a beacon of reassurance. "That's good to hear, bambina. No need for apologies; you're light as a feather. That's why I'm going to make sure you eat all of this." He gestured to the food with a flourish. "And don't worry about me—I slept in my library." He pulled out a chair for her, inviting her to sit.

"Thank y-you," she whispered, barely audible. Kian approached with a plate heaped with her favorite foods, and this time, he planted a kiss atop her head—a gesture that spoke volumes of his care and affection. In that moment, Skyler felt a warmth that went beyond the savory scent of bacon—it was the warmth of being cared for, a feeling she had not known for far too long.

Kian's words were firm yet playful, the humor in his hazel eyes softening the sternness of his tone. "You eat these and you can shower, and this time you won't sleep on me again, you little girl."

Skyler's response was a weak nod, her focus on the feast before her. Between mouthfuls, she managed to inquire, "You have a l-library?" Her voice held a note of wonder, for books were a passion of hers.

"Yes, I have," Kian confirmed, his voice carrying a sense of urgency. "I can show you around, but we need to hurry, baby. I don't want you to feel forced, but remember, we still have to give your statements. You need to eat and be brave for me, would you, baby girl?"

Turning to face him, Skyler found Kian's gaze already on her, his fork paused mid-air. "Uh, yes, um… can you be with me when I give my s-statement? Can you accomp-pany me? Sorry if it's too much, I just feel safe with you," she confessed, her eyes locked with his.

A myriad of emotions flickered across Kian's face before he leaned in to kiss her forehead once more. "I will be with you as long as you want me to, baby. Don't worry that pretty head of yours about these things. I can perfectly accompany you wherever you want, okay? So give me that smile I'm dreading for, can you, princess?" His words were a promise, a vow of protection that wrapped around her like a shield.

Skyler's lips captured her lower lip in a shy bite, the endearments from Kian stirring a warm, fuzzy sensation within her. When she offered him a smile, his response was a delighted coo, "There you are, that's a good pretty little girl for me. Let's eat now, but… you looked so adorable with your messy bed hair, I liked it so much darling."

The blush that crept up her cheeks was a testament to the effect of his words, a bloom of color that seemed to match the warmth spreading through her. Each time he spoke, the fuzziness intensified, wrapping around her like a soft, comforting blanket.

In the quiet of the morning, with the sun casting a gentle glow through the kitchen window, Skyler found herself enveloped in a sense of contentment. Kian's presence, his casual endearments, and the simple act of sharing a meal together wove a tapestry of intimacy that was both new and exhilarating. It was a moment of pure, unguarded connection, a dance of emotions played out in the sanctuary of a kitchen, where every blush and smile spoke volumes more than words ever could.


Mary Joye.