
Rossi One: Kian's Little Sky

Kian's heart raced as he beheld the girl's beauty, her delicate features stirring something profound within him. Her small nose scrunched in her sleep, and her soft lips moved ever so slightly, painting the picture of an ethereal being. Was she an angel in disguise? With great care, he removed her jacket, ensuring his gaze remained respectful, and draped his hoodie over her. He also changed into a fresh T-shirt, all the while marveling at her innocent allure. "You're so precious and adorable, my little bambina," he whispered to her sleeping form, a smile gracing his lips. Noticing the bruise on her cheek, a fingerprint marring her skin, rage simmered within him. Whoever had harmed her would pay dearly. Yet, as he gazed at her, a deep connection took root, a vision of a shared future unfolding before him. When her beautiful blue eyes opened and met his, he felt an undeniable bond, a love at first sight that promised so much more. He longed to pursue her, to understand the pain behind those eyes and witness the beauty of her smile. He imagined it would be the most divine sight he'd ever behold. Her voice, a mere whisper, broke the silence. "W-who a-are you? W-where are y-you t-taking me?" It was the sound of heaven to Kian's ears. AUTHOR'S NOTE: Completed on Wattpad, if you want to read more, you can search my username on Wattpad, @Mary_Joye. i love y'all!

Mary_Joye · Teen
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

4. The Enigma of Comfort

Third Person's PoV

Skyler Greene's eyelids fluttered open to the rhythmic sound of rain tapping against the car window. Confusion creased her forehead as she found herself in the unfamiliar surroundings of a passenger seat, the leather cool against her skin. The realization dawned on her — this was no dream.

She pinched her cheek, a sharp pain confirming the harsh reality. Her heart raced, a mix of fear and bewilderment coursing through her veins.

"Don't hurt yourself, baby. Are you still sleepy, hungry?" The voice was soft yet hoarse, a melodious sound that somehow soothed her frayed nerves.

Skyler's head whipped towards the driver's seat, and her breath hitched. There, as if conjured from her deepest fantasies, was a man of such arresting beauty it seemed almost otherworldly. His nose was sculpted perfection, his eyelashes long enough to cast shadows on his cheeks, and his lips… a flush of red that hinted at the forbidden.

"W-who a-are you? W-where are y-you t-taking me?" she whispered, her voice betraying her with a stutter that made her cheeks burn with embarrassment. Skyler cursed her treacherous tongue, wishing for once it would cooperate when she needed it most.

The man turned, a gentle smile gracing his features, and Skyler felt a strange sense of calm envelop her. Despite the situation, despite the fear, there was an undeniable pull towards this stranger, a connection that defied explanation.

As the car continued its journey through the rain-soaked streets, Skyler's mind raced. Who was this man, and what did he want with her? The questions swirled, but deep down, a part of her wasn't sure she wanted the answers.

A smile flickered across his lips, a brief but genuine expression of warmth. "I'm sorry, did I scare you, little baby? I tried to rouse you before securing you in my car, but you were unconscious. Are you feeling better now?" His glance was fleeting, yet Skyler felt the heat of embarrassment flood her cheeks once more. "We're en route to the nearest police station. Is that alright with you? I've informed the authorities, and those three men have been apprehended. I insisted you accompany me because you were still out cold, and I didn't want you to panic upon awakening in a police vehicle." His tone was a balm, designed to ease her fears.

"A-arrested?" Skyler's voice emerged as a feeble croak.

"Mhm, yes. Are you hungry? Or would you prefer to rest? We can postpone the visit to the station until tomorrow. I'll explain that you need more time to recover and aren't ready to give your statement. What do you think, baby?" As she clutched the fabric of the hoodie she found herself in, a new worry crept in. Her jacket — where was it?

The man's concern for her well-being was palpable, yet Skyler couldn't shake the feeling of unease. The pieces of the puzzle were slowly coming together, but the full picture remained elusive. As the car hummed along, Skyler wrestled with her thoughts, torn between gratitude and suspicion, comfort and caution. The night was far from over, and the truth, whatever it may be, awaited her.

"S-statement? Can we go tomorrow? Can I go home now?" Skyler stammered, her fingers nervously twisting the hem of the hoodie.

He sighed, a sound that filled the car with a weighty silence. "Yes, you can, baby. I don't want to pressure you, but let's get you something to eat first. Would it be alright if we went to my place for food? I know it's unconventional since we've just met, but I assure you, you're safe with me. Are you listening, baby?"

Skyler's gaze lifted from the fabric she had been inhaling — the scent was intoxicating, comforting even. Her cheeks flamed with a fresh wave of heat as she fumbled with the hoodie once more. The man's offer hung in the air, tempting yet terrifying. Trust was a luxury she couldn't afford, not after everything that had happened. Yet, in the soft cadence of his voice, she found an odd sense of security.

The night was a labyrinth of uncertainty, and Skyler stood at its threshold. To go with him or to insist on going home — the choice was hers. But with each passing moment, the lines between caution and curiosity, fear and fascination, seemed to blur.

"I'm h-hungry. W-want some p-pasta," Skyler murmured, her voice barely above a whisper as she dared a glance at the man beside her.

His laughter was rich and warm, filling the car with a sense of ease. "Pasta, then? I'll cook for you, baby. How about we head to my place? And if you feel uneasy, I'll take you back after you've eaten. What do you say?"

Skyler's eyes darted around, avoiding his gaze. She felt a knot of shyness in her stomach, her nerves tingling. "Um, p-pasta and s-sleep," she managed to say, her voice a soft echo in the confines of the car.

"Pasta and sleep it is. Rest now, and I'll wake you when we're home," he assured her, his tone gentle.

She hugged herself, seeking warmth in the oversized hoodie. "C-cold, is i-it still raining?" she inquired, the rain's melody a soothing backdrop to their conversation.

"Yes, it is, baby. Are you cold? Let me turn on the heater," he said, reaching for the controls.

Skyler closed her eyes, the comforting scent of the hoodie enveloping her as she nestled deeper into its folds. The warmth spread through her, and she surrendered to sleep, the car's steady hum a lullaby that carried her into dreams.

The nudge was gentle, a soft coaxing from the depths of slumber. Skyler's eyes fluttered open, her vision adjusting to the dim light within the car. The man's presence loomed over her, yet there was no fear, only an inexplicable sense of safety that enveloped her.

"We're here, baby. It's nearing midnight, and I've informed the police that you'll provide your statement tomorrow. Are you steady enough to step out, or shall I carry you inside?" he asked, his lips curving into a smile that radiated kindness.

The blush crept up Skyler's cheeks, a reaction as immediate as it was involuntary. She pouted, her gaze lifting to meet his — those deep hazel eyes that seemed to hold stories untold. It was a strange sensation, locking eyes with another after such a prolonged isolation. Her stomach fluttered, a whirlwind of butterflies set loose within.

"I c-can walk," she asserted, her voice a whisper of newfound determination.

The rain continued its steady cadence outside, a reminder of the world moving on, indifferent to the turmoil that had upended her life. Yet, in that moment, with the offer of food and shelter extended by this enigmatic stranger, Skyler found a glimmer of hope, a chance to reclaim a semblance of normalcy, if only for a night.

His laughter was a soft rumble, a sound that seemed to chase away the chill of the night. Swiftly, he exited the car and moved to Skyler's side, opening the door with a chivalrous flourish that deepened her blush. He extended his right hand, an offer of support she found herself needing as she fumbled with the seatbelt, a contraption that had always been her nemesis.

"There you go, bambina. You ready to go?" His smile was a beacon in the dim light.

Skyler nodded, her fingers intertwining with his, finding strength in his warmth. The car beeped its farewell as he locked it, his other hand finding a gentle resting place at the small of her back.

With a tenderness that belied the strength in his frame, he guided her to the front door, unlocking it with an ease that spoke of familiarity. Once inside, the warmth of his home enveloped her, a stark contrast to the biting cold she had left behind. He led her to the living room, assisting her out of her sneakers with a care that made her cheeks flame anew.

The heater hummed softly, its warmth seeping into her bones, and Skyler couldn't help but feel a sense of peace. Here she was, in the home of a man she barely knew, yet the kindness he had shown her was a balm to her frayed nerves. The night's events had left her reeling, but in this moment, there was solace in the simple act of being cared for.

"Take a seat, amore," he invited, his voice a gentle nudge in the quiet room.

Skyler hesitated, her gaze falling to the pristine sofa. The fear of marring its perfection with the grime of the night's ordeal held her back.

Noticing her reluctance, he leaned in closer, his whisper a warm caress against her ear. "Bambina, are you okay? If you're uncomfortable, I can take you home. I don't want you feeling pressured, okay? You can tell me."

She shook her head, her voice a timid murmur, "I d-don't want y-your sofa to be d-dirty." She bowed her head, the shame of her disheveled state weighing heavily upon her.

"Sshh, you can't get my sofa dirty. Don't fret, and let me see those beautiful blue eyes of yours. C'mon," he coaxed, his hands gently guiding her shoulders to face him.

Lifting her gaze, Skyler found herself lost in the depth of his hazel eyes. He towered over her, his stature imposing yet somehow comforting. In his presence, the chaos of the world seemed to fade, leaving her with a sense of safety she hadn't felt in far too long.

Kian chuckled, his fingers gently tucking Skyler's loose hair behind her ears. "Let's fill your stomach before you head to bed, bambina," he said with a tender smile. "I wouldn't want you to sleep on an empty stomach. Go ahead, take a seat, get comfortable and warm, and I'll whip up some pasta for you." His thumb caressed her bruised cheek with such care. "And remember, if you're ever uncomfortable, you must tell me. Your feelings, your emotions, they're my priority, as is your safety. Now, can you be a good girl and rest for me? Hmm, baby?"

Skyler could only nod, her thoughts drifting to Bren and the comfort of her own bed. "We'll take care of that cute cheek of yours too. It's bruised; does it hurt much?" Kian inquired, concern lacing his voice.

She shook her head quickly, the desire to speak eluding her.

"Mhm, take a rest then. You can watch some TV as well," he suggested.

With a soft grip, Kian guided Skyler's body onto the sofa, his touch gentle and reassuring. He grabbed the remote from the red ottoman, and as he clicked it on, the sound of the TV erupted, startling her. Kian muttered a curse under his breath.

"I'm so sorry, baby! My cousin likes the TV loud when I'm not around, and it seems he was here earlier. I'm really sorry," he apologized, his presence at her side immediately soothing. As the volume lowered, Skyler felt herself relax.

"That's a good girl," Kian cooed, standing up. "Let me take care of dinner."

Before Kian could step away, Skyler found herself reaching out, her fingers timidly clutching the hem of his T-shirt. His gaze dropped to meet hers, a softness overtaking his features. "What's wrong, amore?" he asked, his voice a gentle murmur.

"W-what's y-your name?" she stammered, her eyes searching his for reassurance.

"Kian, baby. My name's Kian," he replied, a hint of apology in his tone. "I'm sorry I haven't introduced myself properly; it just slipped my mind. You can watch now."

With a shy bite of her lip, Skyler released his shirt and watched as he turned, his figure disappearing through a door she presumed led to the kitchen.


Mary Joye.