
Rossi One: Kian's Little Sky

Kian's heart raced as he beheld the girl's beauty, her delicate features stirring something profound within him. Her small nose scrunched in her sleep, and her soft lips moved ever so slightly, painting the picture of an ethereal being. Was she an angel in disguise? With great care, he removed her jacket, ensuring his gaze remained respectful, and draped his hoodie over her. He also changed into a fresh T-shirt, all the while marveling at her innocent allure. "You're so precious and adorable, my little bambina," he whispered to her sleeping form, a smile gracing his lips. Noticing the bruise on her cheek, a fingerprint marring her skin, rage simmered within him. Whoever had harmed her would pay dearly. Yet, as he gazed at her, a deep connection took root, a vision of a shared future unfolding before him. When her beautiful blue eyes opened and met his, he felt an undeniable bond, a love at first sight that promised so much more. He longed to pursue her, to understand the pain behind those eyes and witness the beauty of her smile. He imagined it would be the most divine sight he'd ever behold. Her voice, a mere whisper, broke the silence. "W-who a-are you? W-where are y-you t-taking me?" It was the sound of heaven to Kian's ears. AUTHOR'S NOTE: Completed on Wattpad, if you want to read more, you can search my username on Wattpad, @Mary_Joye. i love y'all!

Mary_Joye · Teen
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

15. flavor of forgiveness

Third Person's PoV

The world outside was a gentle whisper of life, the rain's soft touch turning into a mist that seemed to dance around them. Sky and Kian, each clad in their jackets, stepped out of the safety of the apartment building, venturing into the open where the air was fresh with the scent of rain.

Kian led the way, his hand finding Sky's as they navigated the wet sidewalk. The droplets were like tiny prisms, reflecting the hesitant light of the afternoon sun that fought to break through the clouds. It was almost three, and the day felt like it was holding its breath, waiting for them to take the first step into the rest of their lives.

Sky's gaze fell upon the car, a newer model than the one she remembered. It was sleek, with lines that spoke of speed and comfort, and it gleamed even under the subdued light of the day. Kian noticed her lingering look and gave her hand a reassuring squeeze.

"It's just a car," he said with a soft chuckle, "but it's ours for today."

Sky smiled, the warmth in Kian's voice melting away any lingering doubts. They reached the car, and Kian unlocked it with a beep that seemed too loud in the quiet afternoon. He opened the passenger door for her, and she slid inside, the seat embracing her with a familiarity that felt like a promise.

Kian got in the driver's side, and the car's engine purred to life, a low rumble that spoke of power and potential. He glanced at Sky, his eyes asking a silent question that she answered with a nod. They were ready.

As Kian drove, the scenery passed by in a blur of green and gray, the world still dripping from the rain. Sky watched the droplets race across the window, each one a tiny world of its own, and she thought about the vastness of the life she was stepping into.

Kian's voice broke the silence, a soft melody that filled the space between them. "I have something planned for us," he said, his tone mysterious yet inviting.

Sky turned to him, curiosity lighting up her features. "W-what is it?"

"You'll see," he replied with a smile that told her it was something special.

The car slowed to a stop, and Kian parked it with careful precision. They were in front of a quaint little shop, its windows displaying an array of colorful items that immediately caught Sky's attention.

"This is our first stop," Kian announced, his hand on the door handle. "Are you ready for a little adventure?"

Sky's heart leaped with excitement. "With you? A-always," she said, her voice steady despite the fluttering in her chest.

They stepped out of the car, the tiny droplets a gentle caress against their skin. Hand in hand, they walked towards the shop, the bell above the door chiming their arrival. The adventure was just beginning, and Sky couldn't wait to see where it would take them.

The bell's chime was a gentle herald to a world of wonder that awaited Sky and Kian. As they crossed the threshold, a kaleidoscope of colors and shapes greeted them, each shelf and corner of the shop brimming with treasures. Sky's eyes sparkled with delight as she took in the rows of stuffed toys, each with its own charming character and soft, inviting texture.

Kian watched her, a smile playing on his lips as he saw the joy in her eyes. "Take your time," he said. "We have all afternoon."

Sky nodded, her attention already captured by a display of plush animals. There was a family of bunnies, their ears floppy and soft, a congregation of kittens with whiskers that begged to be touched, and a huddle of bear cubs with button noses. She reached out, her fingers grazing a bunny's ear, and the plush toy seemed to lean into her touch.

"Oh, Kian, l-look at this one!" she exclaimed, holding up a stuffed panda with wide, innocent eyes. It was holding a tiny bamboo shoot, and its fur was a patchwork of black and white that felt like clouds under her fingers.

Kian chuckled, his heart warmed by her excitement. "It's adorable," he agreed. "Just like you."

Sky blushed but didn't protest, her attention caught by a shelf of miniature houses, each crafted with meticulous detail. There were tiny doors that opened to reveal even tinier furniture, and windows with lace curtains that fluttered in an imagined breeze.

As she explored further, she discovered a collection of music boxes, each playing a different tune. She wound one up, and a delicate melody filled the air, a lullaby that seemed to wrap the shop in a blanket of tranquility.

Kian joined her, his hand finding hers as they listened. "It's beautiful," he whispered, and Sky nodded, her heart full.

They spent the next hour wandering the shop, Sky marveling at the hand-painted figurines, the intricate puzzles, and the rows of storybooks with gilded spines. Kian was content to watch her, to see her so alive with wonder.

As they made their way to the counter, Sky's arms were full of treasures-a stuffed panda, a music box, and a set of storybooks. Kian paid for them, his gesture one of simple generosity that spoke volumes.

They stepped back into the world, the rain now a distant memory, replaced by the laughter that bubbled up from Sky's chest. The tiny droplets had given way to a clear sky, and as they walked back to the car, Sky felt as if she was walking on air.

"Thank y-you, Kian," she said, her voice a soft murmur of contentment.

Kian squeezed her hand. "No, thank you, little Sky, for reminding me how beautiful simple joys can be."

And with their hearts light and their spirits high, they continued their journey, the afternoon sun casting long shadows behind them as they moved forward, together.

As the sun began to dip below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, Kian glanced at Sky, noticing a slight wince cross her delicate features. It was then he realized, amidst the day's enchantment, they had neglected one very human necessity-food.

"Sky," Kian said gently, concern lacing his voice, "have you eaten anything today?"

She shook her head, a sheepish smile on her lips. "I guess I was too c-caught up in everyt-thing. I didn't even think about it."

Kian's brow furrowed, aware that she needed to take care of herself, especially with the discomfort of her period. Without a moment's hesitation, he steered her towards the cozy diner just across the street. The warm glow from its windows promised a haven from the growing chill of the evening.

As they entered, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the sizzle of a grill greeted them. Sky's stomach responded with an audible rumble, and she laughed, the sound mingling with the soft chatter of the diner's patrons.

They slid into a booth by the window, and Kian handed her the menu. "Order whatever you like, little Sky. You need to keep your strength up," he said with a tender smile.

Sky perused the menu, her eyes lighting up at the comfort foods listed. She settled on a classic-grilled cheese with tomato soup-and Kian ordered the same, wanting to share the simple pleasure with her.

As they waited for their meal, Kian reached across the table, taking her hand in his. "I'm sorry for not noticing sooner. I should have remembered," he said, his thumb caressing her skin.

Sky squeezed his hand in return, her heart swelling with affection for this man who cared so deeply for her well-being. "It's okay, Kian. T-today was perfect, and this," she gestured around the diner, "is just the c-cherry on top."

Their food arrived, and they ate in comfortable silence, the warmth of the meal soothing Sky's cramps and filling them with a contented drowsiness. As they finished, Kian insisted on a slice of apple pie to share, claiming no diner experience was complete without it.

With the last bites of apple pie sweetening their palates, Sky and Kian lingered in the diner, the hum of conversation and clinking of dishes a comforting backdrop. They sat side by side in the booth, Sky's head resting lightly on Kian's shoulder, feeling the gentle rise and fall of his breathing.

As the minutes ticked by, Kian's thoughts turned to the evening ahead. He wanted to do something special for Sky, to care for her in a way that spoke of home and heart. An idea sparked in his mind, and he gently nudged Sky.

"Little Sky," he began, his voice low and warm, "how about we cook dinner together tonight? Your favorite-lumpiang shanghai."

Sky lifted her head, her eyes brightening at the thought. "R-really? I'd love that," she replied, the idea of cooking with Kian filling her with a sense of domestic bliss she rarely felt.

They paid for their meal and stepped out into the cool evening air, the sky now a deep indigo. The city lights flickered on, casting a soft glow on the streets. Hand in hand, they made their way to the local market, the scent of fresh produce and spices wafting towards them.

Inside, they moved through the aisles, Kian picking up ground pork, carrots, onions, and spring roll wrappers. Sky found herself drawn to the herbs, selecting a bunch of cilantro and green onions, their fragrant aroma reminding her of meals shared with her grandmother.

As Kian gathered the last of the ingredients, he looked over at Sky, her face alight with anticipation. "You'll have to teach me your secrets," he said with a chuckle.

Sky laughed, a sound that seemed to dance through the market. "It's a deal. But be w-warned, I'm a strict t-teacher," she teased.

The market's closing murmurs were a soft lullaby to Sky's ears as she and Kian completed their culinary quest. The realization that Kian had remembered her favorite Filipino dish, lumpiang shanghai, sent a wave of warmth through her. It wasn't just the food itself, but the love and thoughtfulness behind his gesture that made her heart race with excitement.

Kian, with his arms full of the fresh ingredients, turned to Sky, his eyes twinkling with affection. "Tonight, you're my queen, and queens don't carry groceries," he said, his voice playful yet filled with reverence. Sky started to protest, wanting to share the load, but Kian shook his head, insisting, "No, let me do this for you. You've given me so much joy today; let me take care of you now."

Feeling a blend of elation and gratitude, Sky allowed herself to be led out of the market. They walked side by side, the cool night air brushing against their skin, the city lights casting a soft glow on their path. The bags in Kian's hands seemed to be a symbol of his dedication, each item a testament to his desire to make her feel special.

As they approached Kian's car, the digital clock on a nearby building shone brightly, displaying 8:00 PM. The day had slipped away into evening, and the night now beckoned them with its serene embrace. Kian unlocked the car, carefully placing the bags in the backseat, ensuring nothing would be crushed or forgotten.

Sky slid into the passenger seat, her mind replaying the day's events like a cherished movie. She watched Kian as he started the engine, the dashboard lights illuminating his features. There was a comfort in the silence that filled the car, a shared understanding that words were unnecessary.

The drive home was quiet, the streets less crowded as the city settled for the night. Sky found herself lost in thought, reflecting on the unexpected turns her life had taken. With Kian's return, there was a sense of completeness, a feeling that, despite the scars of her past, the future held a promise of healing and happiness.

They arrived at her apartment, the familiar surroundings welcoming them back. Kian carried the bags to the kitchen, setting them down with care. He turned to Sky, his smile gentle and reassuring. "Let's make some memories in the kitchen," he said, his hand extended towards her.

Sky took his hand, her spirit soaring with anticipation. Together, they began to prepare the meal, each chop and stir a step closer to creating a dish that was more than just food-it was a symbol of their bond, a blend of tradition and new beginnings.

In the warmth of Sky's kitchen, the rhythmic sound of chopping and the sizzle of the frying pan created a symphony of domesticity. Kian and Sky moved around each other with an effortless grace, a dance they had come to perfect over time. As they prepared the lumpiang shanghai, there was a palpable sense of harmony between them, each action a silent testament to their deepening bond.

Kian watched Sky as she expertly rolled the mixture into the spring roll wrappers, her fingers deft and sure. "You're amazing, you know that?" he said, his voice filled with admiration.

Sky looked up, her eyes meeting his, and in that moment, the world seemed to stand still. "I'm just m-making lumpia," she replied with a modest laugh, but the blush on her cheeks betrayed her pleasure at his compliment.

"No, not just that," Kian insisted, stepping closer. "You make everything brighter, everything better. You've turned a simple meal into a feast, just by being you."

He reached out, brushing a stray lock of hair from her face, his touch as light as a feather. Sky's breath caught in her throat, her heart skipping a beat at the tenderness of his gesture.

"Kian..." she began, but words failed her. Instead, she leaned into him, her head resting against his chest. They stood there for a long moment, the only sounds in the room the gentle hum of the refrigerator and the soft beating of their hearts.

Kian wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. "Sky, you've healed parts of me I didn't even know were broken," he whispered, his lips pressing a gentle kiss to the top of her head.

Sky lifted her gaze to his, her eyes shimmering with unspoken emotions. "And you've shown me that l-love isn't just a word, but something you do, s-something you live," she replied, her voice a mere whisper.

Kian's eyes held a depth of regret as he paused, the laughter and lightness fading into a moment of vulnerability. "Sky, I need to apologize again," he said, his voice thick with emotion. "Leaving you for that week without knowing what you were going through... it haunts me. I should have been there for you."

Sky's hands stilled on the lumpia, her heart aching at the memory, yet she saw the genuine remorse in Kian's eyes. "It was a d-difficult time," she admitted, "but it also showed me my own s-strength. And now, you're here, and that's what matters."

They shared a look of understanding, a silent promise to move forward, together. As they resumed their cooking, the kitchen once again filled with the sounds of their shared task, the earlier tension dissolving into the steam rising from the pan.

The lumpiang shanghai sizzled as they cooked, golden and crisp, the aroma a comforting blanket around them. They worked in sync, their movements a dance of two souls intertwined by fate and choice.

As the night deepened, they plated the food, the table set for two, the candles flickering softly. They sat down, their meal a testament to their journey-a blend of flavors and experiences, bitter and sweet.


Mary Joye.