

Roshak is the title of the story of an college student who is inhired with the soul of an legendary demon since birth.He overcomes many troubles when the magic is returned on earth (a paralel world like earth).When he realises that he can't return in his pacefull life he tries to find a meaning in his survival. Characters: Raiho Halson (Roshak) is our main character with the soul of an legendary demon inside him. Bona Kamis is an ex teacher who has looked after Raiho in his high school days. Luis Halson is Raiho older brother. Noir Halson is Raiho younger brother.

Roshak_Hacks · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 12


In the middle of the city of Trixopoly the cries of a woman could be heard.

"R-Raiho-kun please stop, it's really scary."

Yes, this woman was Stela Niterbough in her first ride on a motorbike.

"Come on, don't be like that. Look it's almost night time. View it from another angle, not like you are going to fall driving in high speed, but as you are enoying a lights show that I'm providing for you."

"A lights show?"

"Yes, but try to keep your eyes open first."

"Eh!" What Raiho was talking about were the fragments of long lights that passed one after another and never ending. In night time lights were all around the city. Shops, restaurants, coffes, hotels, they were all lights of the night.

"It's pretty, like thousands of shooting stars. It's strange because I have seen them from the window of the car too but..."

"Riding on a motorbike the wind is flowing all around your body and..."

"...It feels like I'm closer to these shooting stars. It's really pretty."

'I wish this could last for a while.'

This new discovery of Stela was going to keep her captive for a while.

"We are here."

"Eh!?" Right after that Raiho stoped the motorbike. It looked like her wish wouldn't come true. 'Cold.'

"Your house is down in the left turn right?"

"Ah, yes but..."

"Don't tell me."

"I can't enter from the front door or the yeard without being found and my room is in the second floor."

"How cliche is this situation. But wait a minute, how did you get out then?"

"My room has a balcony so it wasn't hard to get down using a rope, and my maid was helping me."

"What are you a runaway princess? I can't belive I'm taking part in something like this. Anyway let's first get to your balcony."

Leaving the motorbike behind they were going to sneak in the Stela's house.


Standing in front of an certain balcony.

"It' hard to think that I used to call this mansion a house."

"That aside what are we going to do now?"

"The rope that you used to get down is still there right."

"Ah, probably."


With that word left behind Raiho got down to the balcony and then he made a big jump.


Of course for the right now Raiho jumping in the balcony was not a big deal, but he made a lighter jump and was holding in the balcony making it to seem like a dificult fight of do or die. Getting in the balcony he found a rope lying down and threw one side of the rope down when holding the other side.

"Catch on it."

"Eh, but I don't think that I can climb up."

"You just need to hold on it, I will get you up."


After Stela catched in the rope Raiho pulled it up.


'Ah, I pulled it harder then I thought.'

That's right. He used more strenght in the rope that Stela was pulled up in a second and falled in his arms.

"Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah, but what was tha..."


Raiho was holding her in a princess carry and their faces were close.

'What should I say in this situation...ah, right.'

"You are lighter than I thought so I used a bit more strenght."


"Who is there?"


"Ah, it's Alfred. Get inside before he see's you."

Getting inside the room he puted her down in the bed.


'I told him to get inside but what now, he is really inside my room.'

The room of Stela wasn't the cliche grlish pink room but was that of a stylish rich girl and was big as to fit five beds without problem.

"My lady did you come back?"

Opening the door of the room was a woman in her twenties wearing a long maid dress.

"Ah, Daina I came."

"I see you have a guest."

"He is..."

"Hi, I'm Raiho Halson. Sorry for my interude but I will be staying here untill the guard goes away."

"Nice to meet you Halson-san, I'm Diana. Don't worry about coming in, you can stay all the night here if you want."

"Diana what are you..."

"Thanks for the offer but I will have to refuse. I only came here to bring her home."

"Oh that's really polite of you. But it's really a shame that you couldn't stay."

"Diana stop with that."

"My lady is everything okay in there?"

The one talking this time was Alfred down the balcony.

"A-ah, everything is okay, I was just talking with Diana."

"Well as long as you are okay."


"It looks like he leaved."

"Than I will take my leave too."

And there he jumped from the balcony to get down.

"Ah, are you okay Halson-san?"

"Yeah no problem. Good night Diana-san, Stela too."

"G-good night, thanks for everything."

"Good night and come back soon Halson-san."


"Who would have thought that he could jump like that?"

"Yeah. He is a pretty wierd guy."

"Hmm...Did he made you fall for him?"

"W-what's with that? That's impossible."

"Heee. And why did you bother to escape from your house to meet him?"

"I-I-I wasn't meeting him, he was helping me to study."

"Yeah yeah."

"What's with that reaction?"



Getting in his motorbike Raiho was attacked by golden chain, but he managed to dooge it by jumping.

"What do we have here?"

"Oh boy, you are pretty fast."

From the shadows a woman with long black hair was holding a golden shiny chain in her hands.

"An sprigan."

A sprigan is close to what you would call a witch. But diferent from a witch they are weaker and consume other peoples magic energy and life force to live longer.

"Hoo. So you know what I am. But I know what you are too."

"And what I am?"

Licking her lips she speaked in a graceful tone.

"You are my food. I can feel the magic energy that is flowing inside your body. It is so much that I can't resist it. With all that magic energy I can live young and beautyful for another 100 years.So would you mind giving me a kiss?"

"I'm really sorry but I refuse to kiss an old lady that I just meet."

"Old?" You could clearly see the change in her expression when Raiho used the word 'old lady'.

"And you really must be stupid or desperate chasing after a big fish like me."

"What did you say? I'm stupid? Have you seen in what condition you are? The magic energy in you is great but it is unstable. I doubt you can properly use it."

"Unstable huh." Looking to his hand Raiho had a faraway look in his eyes. "You are right my magic energy right now is unstable but it doesn't mean that I can't use it, it means that it is uncontrolable after I use it."

"Cut the crap and just be a good boy."

The woman unlashed her golden chain again but this time Raiho didn't move and was caught by the chain.

"Mhm...His magic energy is raising?"

A smile came across the face of Raiho.

"You inferior existence dare to say that you will turn US into your food."

Blood was driping from the corner of his left eye and the eye turned black with a red pupil. In the left side of his head a blood red horn was growing making him look really devilish.

"Wh-what is that? A demon? But demons can't leave the underworld."

The chain that was holding Raiho rusted and broke down. He grabbed her by neck moving in a speed that her eye couldn't catch.


"So what should WE do with you now?"


"All right WE won't kill you."


"You wanted magic energy right? Than I will give it to you."

Enveloped by a a blood red energy that was coming from his body it started to enter hers.

"T-this is....good. It is.....much....to much. Stop it, it burns."

"Now now. You shouldn't be picky about your food."



"I'm home."

"Welcome back....now what, a plane crashed on you?"