

Roshak is the title of the story of an college student who is inhired with the soul of an legendary demon since birth.He overcomes many troubles when the magic is returned on earth (a paralel world like earth).When he realises that he can't return in his pacefull life he tries to find a meaning in his survival. Characters: Raiho Halson (Roshak) is our main character with the soul of an legendary demon inside him. Bona Kamis is an ex teacher who has looked after Raiho in his high school days. Luis Halson is Raiho older brother. Noir Halson is Raiho younger brother.

Roshak_Hacks · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter 10

'My name is Stela Niterbough and I am the queen of the college that I'm in. At last that's how the other students call me.'

The reason is because she is rich and beautyfull young lady. Her family lineage is that of a noble status. In the modern days noble status isn't any big deal because people nowdays say 'what is the difference bettween big money and big money? they all rule the same even if you are a noble or not.' That is different for the royals of the countries who still keep the rule by the king or queen down the lineage. And it looks like we got of the topic.

Our young lady Stela is always an freesh topic of the college. Peoples are always around her and try to be her everyday friends. She gets invited by the boys of the college almost everyday at college and she always turns them down. She keeps an cold attitude against the other students to play the role of a rich noble lady. Sometimes she thinks that she shouldn't be that cold against them, but she knows that all the peoples around her try to be friendly with her because of her status, so she keeps her role-play active. Sometimes this makes her lonely and she tries to escape the eyes of other students using an black wig that is different from her blonde hair and black glasses, like today. She passes throught crouds of students and enters the empty classroom. Sits in a seat and leaves an deep sigh.


She came 40 minutes early so she could be the first in the classroom.

"Why do I do this?Well this looks like an foul day for me and I don't wana see any of the smiling faces of these tow-faced peoples."

The reason why she was in a 'foul day' is because of Deniz Sprout. He is one of the handsome guys of the college. He is rich, and he had been kind to Stela. From all other students Stela thought that he might be an really kind guy since they were of the same social status and how she never saw him using his status to step on the others. But yesterday she saw that he was one of the most worst two-faced guys when she heard him talking to other boys of how he will make Stela his own 'property'.

"Aaaaah I wana have an real friend."

Drooping her body weight in the bench it looked like all her energy was leaving her body.

"I hope you are not talking to me because I can't help you make friends."


Hearing a voice coming beside her, her body got stiff. She turned her head like an unoiled old machine from her shock and there she saw an boy sited on the seat beside her. This boy was focused on using his phone and didn't even give a glance at Stela.

"W-wh-what are you doing here?"

"That's rude, I was here first."


"Yeah really."

The boy was talking to her but it looked like he wasn't at the seem time.

And silence falled in the large classroom.

'This is kind of awkward. And he listened me talking to myself, what should I do?' Stela was having an hard time thinking that what will happend if rumors started about her and she would die socialy. Or thinking that he will blackmail her and turn her in his sex slave.

'What should I do ? I should make a move or it would be to late. Right money, if i bribe him with money he should keep his mouth shut.That's what I'm gona do.... But how do I do this, usualy is the other students who talk to me first...waaaaaaaaaa I can't even talk to him.'

The boy watching the stange facial expressions that Stela was making and understood of what she was thinking.

"Don't worry I won't spread rumors about what you said, in the first place I don't know who you are."

"S-so you won't, that's a relief.....huh wait did you say that you don't know who I am?"


"Eh?!" Stela got shocked, I will repeat 'She got shocked'. That's because she took of the wig and the glasses when she entered the classroom and the boy should be able to clearly see her face.

"Are you trying to make a joke, that's not funny at all." After a minute of shock Stela turned her face straight with the bench and runing her fingers throught her hair she used her role-play giving him an cold attitude.

For the first time the boy stoped tapping in his phone and turned his head looking at her.

"Ha? And why should I know you?"

"Gugh...." This time Stela feelt like a knife stabbed her.

"D-do you have an bad eyesight? Acting like you don't know the famous Stela Niterbough."

"And for what are you famous for?"

"Eh?" Locking eyes with the boy she thought that he really didn't know who she is. 'No, it must be that he can keep the poker face.'

"S-still doing the dumbfound act. This is an insult to the noble family of Niterbough. My family has been of an pure noble blood and powerful from generations, and you keep saying that you don't know me."

"So your family is famous, but you still haven't done anything to be famous right?" The boy returned his atention to the phone again.

"Th-that....." In that moment for the first time Stela thought that she was noone.

"Hm?" Looking at her sideways the boy saw that tears were formed in the corner of her eyes.

"What's...your name?"

"Raiho Halson." Than Stela stood up from the seat.

"Remember this well....Raiho Halson, I.....Stela Niterbough will teach you....that I am an great person to."

And she ran away.



"I'm coming."

Walking to the door Bona was the one opening it.

"Ah you are Stela-san right, come in."

"Yeah.....eh?!" Stela was taken a back watching that the one who opened the door was the girl that Raiho had told her that she was a friend of him, and the most strange thing was that she did know that Stela was coming.

"Are you okay?"

"Ah, y-yeah...I'm fine."

"Oh Stela, so you really came huh. I see that you still use that black wig."

When Raiho saw Stela he greeted her (in his way) and pointed out the black wig that wasn't put properly in her bag.

"O-oh, hi Raiho-san." WhenStela was trying to adapt herself to the situation she thought: 'He remeberd my wig but not my name when I meeted him at the caffe.'

Of course the reason that he rememberd that was because of his regeneration abilities who made for him possible to even recall the first days of his life, but Stela couldn't know this.