
Roses Multiverse Power Unlocking System

Ruby Rose, the team leader of RWBY got unlucky when she fell. Instead of falling into the Ever-After, she hit some poor sap's soul and got their memories. Oh yeah, also she got nabbed by some God and was given a system to travel the Multiverse with. Armed with a cruddy system that she barely uses, she now travels the Multiverse to get home to her family. (Will have Yuri and will generally be slow-paced as I'm a lazy writer. Also despite system being in the name of the Novel I wont use it often) THIS STORY IS IN THE PROCESS OF BEING REWRITTEN

GaZe_Zero · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Update/What Happened *o* le gasp

So I am going to start off this by saying hello to the readers of this frankly dead fic.

I wanted to give an apology for the lack of news/updates, especially with this fic which is arguably my most popular one. 

Now onto the Good News, the Middle News, and the Bad News I have for you.

Good News first is that I am not dead! Even though some of you might want that for my lack of updates :/ 

My excuse is I pretty much quit writing. I started writing as a way to create stuff I knew other people would want to see. Cool shower thoughts for fics that needed it, stuff like that. The thing is college and being an adult removed much of my free time for writing those shower thoughts. 

I won't get into the nitty-gritty of my life as that's lame and a ton of other authors always trauma dump, so my answer is that I am pretty much just busy. Any free time I do have I use it to read or do work, leaving little to no time to write. 

I wrote this fic when I was really into some fictions that needed stories for them. It was to bridge them all together, and I if I have the motivation/time to I WILL continue this or make something similar. 

But back to the good news part, is that there is something I like to call Middle News!

That is, some might take it badly, and some might take it in a good way. The thing is-with this fic is that I don't know how to really fix it, but I plan on maybe trying to fix it and rewrite it over the summer.

SO! Don't worry it might still continue! 

I wrote this fiction when I had a lot of free time, never expecting it to become so popular. I was pretty much a brand new writer, experimenting, dipping my toes in the water. Since then, I have developed far past my old writing style, and looking back I could see it was slightly cringe with a classic overused system and trope. 

With this fic I could've done a whole lot more to make it flow better, and def plan it out better. Because of my lack of foresight, I am stuck with this fic in a precarious position. 

That moves onto the Bad News, which is that idk what to do with this story rn. I lack a lot of time and the same motivation I had for this story. I can fix it, leave it, just power through the long delays and issues, or remake it but I still need to figure it out.

To the people really dedicated to this, and still "asking for more" like that Ratatouille scene, I don't know if or when I will get it back to you. I tried rewriting this a few times, as I promised in the previous update, and each one was... let's say badish.

So what in all likelihood will happen is that this story will be dropped or I will continue the story from where I left off but go way off the path I planned for it to fix the mistakes.

I will try over the summer to fix it, due to the dedication of a lot of people asking for more. 

In the summer (1 month or so) I plan on continuing a fiction on my Fanficnet account, and I will probably continue a few other ones on here, if irregularly. 

So that's that! I wanted to apologize and update y'all as I haven't been too active here for a long while. 

Over the summer expect some updates from some of my stories, maybe some new ones, or something. They won't be updated regularly, and I won't have as much time to dedicate to them, but I feel like giving everyone some stuff to read as a lot of the stuff on here rn is pretty bad. 

Sorry again my fellow readers, but expect news from me in new or old fics. Life hits us all, and with what I want to do in the future it leaves me with little free time. 

Anyways~ Cya in a future update/chapter/fix of this fic or the continuation of some of my others! Maybe even a new story thrown in, who knows?