

Rose is a strong woman who has managed her life very well. She had almost achieved her dream of becoming an oncology surgeon. But all those dreams that were almost at the top of the pyramid came crashing down when an unwanted marriage suddenly caught up with her. Fate says that Rose must live with her accident patient. He is Ryu Sandy - a successful musician and businessman known for his cold image. Rose's life gets more complicated like a tangled thread when she realizes Sandy met Im Nana. Someone who reminds her of her long lost past. Nana makes a big mistake in her feelings for Sandy, ruining everything. Unknowingly, there is Steave Jo who admires her silently. Will Rose and Sandy be able to keep their home? And who is Nana really?

Dan_HeeRa · Urban
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10 Chs

9. Come And Go

Aunt Ryu was able to resume her activities. Occasionally he contacted Steave who struggled to work on the company alone. However, it seems that LEYO Studio still exists with its artists who are increasingly dominating the South Korean entertainment world even without the leadership of CEO Ryu Sandy.

All the staff understand that. Steave was now preparing for the music festival competition.

Aunt Ryu stepped into Sandy's hospital room. She opened the door and found her nephew dreamily staring at the white walls of his room.

"Sandy," Aunt Ryu called as she pulled up a chair next to her niece and sat down.

"Auntie? Are you okay? I was worried about you," replied Sandy who had woken up from her reverie while trying to sit up.

"It's okay." Aunt Ryu restrained Sandy's movement so that she wouldn't have to get up. "I'm just tired."

"I'm sorry." Sandy said softly. "I messed you up."

Aunt Ryu smiled. Stroking her nephew's head gently. "Very messed up. But, that's in the past. Let's not talk about it anymore. Let's talk about all the fun stuff. Like a vacation to Bali, maybe?"

"Indonesia?" asked Sandy for confirmation.

Aunt Ryu nodded. The half-century-old woman adjusted her seat, then continued, "Now I won't get tired of handling you."

Aunt Ryu's words made Sandy furrow her brow as she narrowed her eyes. He needed an explanation.

"Rose has helped a lot. So, the day after tomorrow you can go back to Seoul." added Aunt Ryu.

Sandy chuckled and shook her head. "Why does it have to be that foolish woman. Is she going to follow me to Seoul too? Even home?"

"Fool?" Aunt Ryu chuckled. "What are you talking about? You should lower your ego and temper."

Sandy patted the floor. "But, she's annoying!"

"I think you're more annoying," Auntie chided, making Sandy flinch.

In silence, Sandy pondered. Even he realized that his attitude towards Rose was too harsh. However, for some reason he wanted to do that. His ego was high.

"She's your personal doctor who will take care of you for outpatient care," explained Aunt Ryu who never faded her smile. "So, you should appreciate and respect her."

This time, Sandy took a seat. "Auntie, can't I just finish my treatment here instead of going outpatient?"

"Sandy, it's the same thing. You will need to go to the hospital for regular medical check-ups and I'm sure you won't be able to do that. Besides, the media has already taken many pictures of you secretly. You don't have any room for your private life," Aunt Ryu said trying to touch her stubborn niece's heart.

Aunt Ryu's words did not sit well with Sandy even though everything she said was true.

"But there are many other doctors besides her, right? Are there no male doctors in this world?"

"He's the best young doctor, Sandy. In fact, she can be more than just your personal doctor."

Aunt Ryu's unexpected words made Sandy think harder and harder to argue.


"Doctor Rose! I have a guest for you. She's waiting at the cafe," Nurse Choi said.

"Guest?" Rose immediately got up from her seat.

"Uhmm... he asked me to call for you."

"Alexa, I'm going first!"

Rose walked with more speed. Then when she was in the hallway that was close to her room, she returned to normal walking with her hands in her pockets while greeting the few nurses and interns who were passing by.

Then he accelerated his steps back to the café by taking the elevator. She left her cell phone in the room, unable to check if someone had called her before.

"What's going...?" Rose opened her mouth first with formal language.

"Good afternoon, Doctor Rose," he replied while bowing halfway down his body.

Rose felt that the man in front of her was younger than her. He looked like a flower boy.

"I'm Min. Yook Min," he said as he extended his right hand to Rose. "Nice to meet you, Dr. Lee Ji-Hyun."

Rose's eyes rounded. Her heart raced. Her eyeballs trembled. Because, there was only Jae who called her by her real name. Lee Ji Hyun.

"A-ah...." Then Rose returned the handshake.

"W-why don't you remember me?" the young man asked which made Rose rack her brain.

And in the next second she found her memory when she found out that the man in front of her had the same surname as Jae.

"Aah... Min!" Rose played with her index finger to emphasize her answer. "You're Jae's adorable little brother?"

"I'm still adorable even now," Min joked.

Rose laughed. "Not only are you adorable now, you're also very handsome. Although you don't look much like your brother."

Min and Rose talked a lot about the past. The time when Rose first met Min who was still in elementary school. He was so adorable and so spoiled for Rose. Incidentally, Rose also really likes small children.

Yook Hyun-Jae and Yook Min-Jae have a considerable age difference.

"So, I came here to talk a little about Jae."


Sandy was still diving into the ocean that contained all of her aunt's words. They were like a fire that burned his soul. He wanted to refuse and choose to run away from his aunt's wishes.

But Sandy still had a heart. He loved and respected his aunt very much. Because Aunt Ryu had spent a lot of her life taking care of Sandy since her mother's departure.

She also didn't want to make Aunt Ryu sick just because of her actions. But Sandy found this difficult. All the feelings were mixed up. Very abstract and disorganized like a tangled thread.

The man reached for the magazine that Aunt Ryu had left on her bed. It was the magazine that Steave had found on the day of Sandy's surgery that described Doctor Rose's entire biography. Sandy opened each page out of curiosity.

'Beautiful, intelligent, accomplished and noble. Doctor Rose was the ideal type for some men. And a role model for teenagers'.

"That idiot?" Sandy said to herself while chuckling. Shaking his head in disbelief. "Maybe people are blind just because of her beauty. After all, beauty can also be obtained on the operating table."

Although she clearly did not want to know anything about the woman, she was moved to open the next page and so on, until finally Sandy threw the magazine away.

"Why does everyone admire Rose so much?" shouted Sandy in frustration, "No! I won't! I have Alin!"

"Yes! I'm sure Alin will come back and look for me again." She shook her head, "No... no... or I would look for her again! She won't be able to stay away from me for too long either."


Instantly Rose felt all the joints in her body suddenly numb. She was weak and could no longer do anything other than shed the liters of tears that had been lodged in her eyes.

It was as if she was in a different atmosphere. Contemplating in an overflow of tears.

She could no longer finish reading the piece of paper in front of her. Then she sobbed while giving a small punch on his chest as a pain reliever.

Is it true that all the people she loves are gone?

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