

Rose is a strong woman who has managed her life very well. She had almost achieved her dream of becoming an oncology surgeon. But all those dreams that were almost at the top of the pyramid came crashing down when an unwanted marriage suddenly caught up with her. Fate says that Rose must live with her accident patient. He is Ryu Sandy - a successful musician and businessman known for his cold image. Rose's life gets more complicated like a tangled thread when she realizes Sandy met Im Nana. Someone who reminds her of her long lost past. Nana makes a big mistake in her feelings for Sandy, ruining everything. Unknowingly, there is Steave Jo who admires her silently. Will Rose and Sandy be able to keep their home? And who is Nana really?

Dan_HeeRa · Urban
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10 Chs

6. Doing What's Best

"W-was Alin Mr. Sandy's lover?" probed Rose with another possibility.

"She's more than a lover. Sandy and Alin are also engaged. Sandy can think of her as a mother or a sister." Aunt Ryu exhaled slowly before continuing her sentence again.

"They've known each other since Sandy was in high school. Alin is exactly one year older than him. That is, until Alin became a musician trainer at LEYO Studio. On the day of her debut, three months ago, she disappeared. Everything was like a whip for Sandy"

Rose snorted loudly. "I'm sure it was very hard for Mr. Sandy." She could imagine how fragile the man was. Because, Rose also had a figure that was just as meaningful as Alin's position to Sandy.

"To make him forget about the past... that's out of my hands. But I will try to make it better," Rose continued more enthusiastically. Because that was her goal in becoming a doctor. Saving people from their illnesses.

There was relief on Aunt Ryu's face as she rubbed Rose's head like a daughter. "You are indeed a good doctor, Rose. You are reliable. Your parents must be proud to have a daughter like you."

"Maybe," Rose replied simply as if a bolt of lightning had struck her heart.

"Why?" asked Aunt Ryu who was analyzing Rose's discomfort at her words.

Noticing that Aunt Ryu was getting flustered, Rose quickly brushed it off while putting a smile on her face. "No! Maybe if they were still alive they would be proud of me."

"Sorry. I'm not..."

"That doesn't matter. Get some rest, Ma'am. I will do my best for Mr. Sandy's recovery." Rose concluded her conversation with Aunt Ryu that night as she waved goodbye to her until she had made her way out of the room.

Underneath it all was Aunt Ryu's disturbing inner thoughts. She really didn't know that the calm and cheerful Rose no longer had parents. She felt guilty about what she said earlier. But Aunt Ryu felt that Rose was much more understanding of her niece because they were both away from the love of their parents.


Slowly, Rose caught the sunlight that began to penetrate into the window of the doctor's dormitory with its golden, egg-red glow. It made Rose narrow her eyes. Then she stretched her body on the bunk bed while yawning.

"Rose! You're staying here!" exclaimed Alexa as she folded her arms across her chest.

She was ready with her neat appearance. But Rose didn't heed her words, instead she closed her eyes again making Alexa raise her voice with a shout, "Rose! 5 more minutes and you'll be late for morning roll call!"

The shout ripped through the base of Rose's eardrums waking her up. Now, she sat up with her eyes rounded and her long hair messed up like a lioness.

Without thinking, Rose got out of bed, rubbed the corner of her lips and grabbed the stethoscope on the table. Running in a huff, she closed the door and tied her hair up to keep it from looking messy. Rose was really bad this morning.

Seeing her colleague's silly behavior, Alexa couldn't control her laughter. Especially when she saw the watch lodged in her hand. She was even more satisfied laughing at Rose. Because, there was still half an hour for morning absence.

"Rose ... Rose ... it turns out you can look ugly too, huh," Alexa said as she shook her head.

Who wouldn't recognize Rose's beauty? But when push came to shove like this, she was worse than anything.


"Alexa!" Rose returned to the dorm with a grim look on her face. That didn't stop her best friend from laughing.

"You tricked me?" continued Rose still upset.

"No! I just wanted to wake you up." Alexa replied with a chuckle.

Rose lifted one corner of her lips as she pulled out a chair and sat herself down in it. Rose folded her arms in front of her chest remembering all the words of her seniors who laughed at her when she came for morning roll call.

"What's wrong with you, Rose?"

"You look really bad this morning."

"Are you still dreaming, Rose?"

"Why are you like a lioness?"

"No need to rush, Rose. There are still 30 minutes left before the roll call is closed. That's enough time to get cleaned up."

"Argh!" Rose yelled in frustration while ruffling her hair.

Once again, Alexa couldn't help but laugh. This time, however, she covered her mouth to keep from making a sound. "Alright, let's eat!"

Rose stood firm. "No! I have no appetite! Let me take care of Mr. Sandy."

"Okay. Looks like she prefers Ryu Sandy than me." Alexa sarcastically sighed. Looking at Rose's back which was disappearing from her sight more and more.


Sandy reached for the television remote beside his bed. The television turned on, immediately bringing up the news about him. From the traffic chaos caused by the accident, to his being taken to the hospital.

Sandy switched to another channel. Pressing the button roughly, the news was still the same. But this time there was a reporter broadcasting live in front of this hospital.

All of this made Sandy swear incessantly and ended up throwing the remote in a random direction which startled Rose who was currently standing right beside Sandy.

Sandy stared at Rose who had just entered the room with his cold gaze for a few seconds, before he swore again, "Why is everyone talking about me? Why?!"

Rose looked down with her eyes closed as a pretext for her shocked reaction to Sandy's shouting out a completely nonsensical question.

Isn't Sandy a public figure. Wasn't it no wonder that he was constantly in the media? Subsequently, Rose chose to remain silent rather than provoke his temper again. But Sandy was still faithfully staring at her, but this time with a sharp intake of breath.

"Gosh, what am I asking a stupid doctor for?" scolded Sandy as he turned his face to the window.

Stupid? It seemed Sandy was the first person in the world to call her stupid. Rose practiced her patience again. She scratched the back of her head, which was not itchy. Then tried to break the ice by stepping closer to him.

"Excuse me, Mr. Ryu Sandy. I will check on your health again." Rose said with a warm smile. Hoping Sandy would calm down and stop swearing.

Sandy heeded her, even without a smile. Now, Rose was ready to attach the stethoscope to his ear that had been hanging from his neck.

Aiming at Sandy's broad, broad chest. It was even wider than the ocean. Before she could get to the heartbeat, Sandy let out another roar that made Rose gasp.

"What are you doing?!" screeched Sandy. He was always cursing at people, even the doctor who was treating his illness.

"I'm going to check your heart rate, Sir." Rose replied simply. Flatly. Her emotions almost got the better of her.

Sandy chuckled in annoyance. He never wanted any physical contact with the opposite. Last night was enough. But what the hell, it was for his health.


This time the handsome man with round eyes chose to lose. Letting Rose check his heart rate and pulse to be written down in the records, as Sandy's health progressed over time.

Occasionally Sandy paid attention to every movement Rose made. She was so swift and painstaking, she didn't even look like a stupid doctor. There really are stupid doctors in this world.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!


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