

Rose is a strong woman who has managed her life very well. She had almost achieved her dream of becoming an oncology surgeon. But all those dreams that were almost at the top of the pyramid came crashing down when an unwanted marriage suddenly caught up with her. Fate says that Rose must live with her accident patient. He is Ryu Sandy - a successful musician and businessman known for his cold image. Rose's life gets more complicated like a tangled thread when she realizes Sandy met Im Nana. Someone who reminds her of her long lost past. Nana makes a big mistake in her feelings for Sandy, ruining everything. Unknowingly, there is Steave Jo who admires her silently. Will Rose and Sandy be able to keep their home? And who is Nana really?

Dan_HeeRa · Urban
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10 Chs

2. Chaotic

Sandy's luxury car had to bounce off a truck from the opposite direction due to his own mistake in running the traffic light.

The sound of the collision between the two vehicles shocked hundreds of residents in the city center. All of them were transfixed by the traffic chaos caused by this incident, plus the rain that was still pouring down.

Moreover, the smoke from the hood of the car was still billowing despite the rain, making the afternoon sky even darker. It didn't take long for the sirens of patrol cars and ambulances to wail throughout the city.

All officers intervened to evacuate the victims and asked the participating citizens to immediately pull over because the situation around the crime scene was not conducive, there could still be a potential fire due to the collision of these two vehicles. so far, the victims who have been successfully evacuated have died. The truck driver and his colleague. There is only one victim inside who is crushed by the steering wheel.


A woman with a mask covering half her face was trying to enter the gap, trying to save the one remaining person.

"Miss, what are you doing? This is very dangerous," said one of the officers as he grabbed one of the long-haired woman's arms.

"I have to save him, I'm sure he's still alive," she said softly as she blinked away the clear liquid that had been in her eyes.

"This is our duty. We will save her immediately." the officer's words made her think again.

"Alright. Save him, I don't have much time."

The officer simply nodded and went about his duties, not knowing what the woman's words meant.

Several officers removed the debris from the wrecked vehicle, then pulled out the figure clad in a white striped shirt who was covered in blood on his head. but when the victim was pulled out, the medical team immediately checked the pulse in his hand, as the woman ran under the pouring rain.

"He's alive!" said one of the medical team. swiftly, the other team carried Sandy into an ambulance belonging to Wooridul Hospital, Daegu.

"Sandy!" the woman shouted as she sobbed, pulling on the wrist of one of the medics.

"Are you a relative?" he asked compassionately as the woman continued to cry.

"N-no, but I know him."


The Wooridul Hospital had prepared everything to accommodate the victims of the accident. However, only one victim was still alive. Ryu Sandy, was rushed to the hospital, and the woman ran to escort him to the emergency room.

"I'm sorry, you can't go inside, you should just wait here!" pleaded one of the male nurses.

"But how..."

"Don't worry, we'll take care of it right away." The nurse's last words were like a whip to him. The nurse turned around and disappeared into the very closed room.

Sandy was already wearing a patient's uniform. There were many wounds on his head, which made Doctor Rose decide to do a scan. Then his body was brought into the large CT scanner. Because the head is the most vulnerable part if it is slightly injured.

Doctor Rose prepares to scrutinize and examine through his computer that has been connected to the CT scanner. Rose looks so smart with glasses lodged in her eyes.

The 28-year-old young doctor whose real name is Ji-Hyun Lee is famous for her superior IQ. She is just an ordinary person who graduated cum laude from Sungkyunkwan University. She was an exchange student in Australia as well and is now in her third year of residency in the neurosurgery department.

From there, she got her nickname, Rose. hence her charming and graceful beauty like a rose, with a warm personality.


Rose went out of the room to talk to the guardian or the family about the next course of action for the patient.

"Where is Mr. Ryu's guardian?" Her eyes continued to wander in all directions.

A small person ran up to Rose. "I told him to wait here."

"Probably, taking care of the paperwork," Nurse Shin added. "I will look for her."

"Alright, I'll go in first!" Rose turned towards the installation room while stuffing her hands into the pockets of the white coat she was wearing.

She ordered some nurses to quickly attach an IV to Sandy. Occasionally Rose looked at the face of her unconscious patient, then looked at her computer screen again while grunting harshly and massaging her forehead lightly. like a lot of burden plus looking at the results of Sandy's brain scan with the senior doctor, Doctor Gyeon.

On the other hand, unbeknownst to Rose, the rose gold cell phone she had left in her office had lit up, indicating an incoming call. at a time like this, Rose couldn't possibly bring the flat object into the installation room.


'Peoples, an accident that occurred in the center of Daegu City between a truck and a sedan this morning killed two of the three victims. The survivor is Ryu Sandy, CEO of LEYO Studio. And is now being rushed to Wooridul Hospital, Daegu.'

'The news of the accident has spread widely throughout South Korea. especially since there is a famous figure who became a victim there. the woman with long tied hair stared at the television in the hospital, listening to a reporter deliver the news firmly as she looked down to consider many things.'

"The family will be here soon." The woman with glowing white skin under her mask stood up to leave her seat. But before she had taken five steps, she had to stop.

"Excuse me." A female nurse bowed halfway, followed by the woman. "Are you the guardian of Mr. Ryu Sandy?"

"Argh!" With all consideration he nodded.

"Come with me to fill in the details!" The nurse kindly requested as she showed the way for the woman who was still faithful to her black mask, along with the commotion that had just erupted in the hospital lobby.

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