

Her life was joyful, or so she thought, having no day go by without laughter and happiness, everything came crashing down when she discovered the biggest secret of her life. Feeling betrayed by her own parents for hiding her reality and prospective identify from her, worry, anger, pain, and hatred replaced All joy, happiness and enjoyment from her life. Reality filled life with fear and guilt, betrayed by loved ones, and pushed into the unknown. what she thought her fate will be, was about to change, she was about to find out she's gifted and one of her kind...

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I woke up, as the sun rays touched my face. I groaned, after waiting for five minutes I moved blanket off my body and splash water on my face and freshen up.

I opened the door nothing but deadly silence, everyone was still sleeping. Without making a click, I closed the door. Main door started banging, and it dad came out of his room, before I get caught I hid myself under the stairs.

"Stop hitting the door, I'm coming" dad said while jogging towards the door.

As dad opened the door uncle Josh and a man came inside in hurry. I looked and gasped that was Mr. Xavier my history teacher.

I didn't know that he knows my uncle and dad, I moved a little closer to hear their conversation but was pulled back and someone put hand on my mouth. As I found that was Alex, I punched him on shoulder, he groaned in pain and I smirked.

"What the heck were you thinking, they could've seen me, lucky I didn't go for your nose idiot" I pinched on his shoulder.

"Yeah you caught me off guard, unless you wouldn't be able to do it I'm 5'10 and you're just 5'6" he teased me.

"God, where did I end up, now can we please listen to their conversation" I rolled my eyes.

I checked no one has noticed us at all, they were having very tense conversation. I signaled Alex to move forward. He walk towards them and as dad saw him he yawned.

"Mr. Xavier, what brings you here?" he widened his eyes.

"Hi, good morning everyone Mr.Xavier what are you doing here?" I asked with confusion while eyeing Alex.

"Nothing, we are discussing something important why don't you both go back to sleep, we'll surely keep our voices down" dad glared.

I looked at Alex, it was better to leave. We both nodded and walked back towards his room. I closed the door behind me and sat on his bed.

"Oh I forgot to tell you something" he pulled out his phone.

"Yeah, say it I'm listening" I laid down on his bed.

"Okay I heard mum and dad talking about something, first promise me that you'll not share this with anyone" he insisted.

"Fine, fine after all I'm your secret keeper, and sorry about that punch, after all you deserved it" I laughed.

"Okay, so they were talking about giving you, me and Max some sleeping pills, so that we couldn't find out about Nick and Jack's transformation, and then mum said that it won't affect us as we all have werewolf genes, that's it I didn't stayed I felt disappointed" his shoulders went down in relief.

"What, God this is so miserable, now I found out why I always feel way too much heavy on full moon night, shit this is such a disappointment" I nearly dazed out.

"Yeah, well and mum said that it won't affect us, so no problem, that's it anything else?" I wiggled my eyebrows.

"Nothing important, do you feel like your hearing is getting better?" he questioned again.

"Yes, I felt that too and right now we are going downstairs, I think they are still here" I looked at my brother who jumped from his bed and opened the door.

"After you mom" he teased.

"You're such a bully" I hit on his back as he closed the door.We both slowly went downstairs and hid ourselves under the stairs.


Loud whispers woke me up from my sleep, last night I slept like a baby, I checked while opening the door and as I reached downstairs I felt someone is hiding under the stairs. Who might that be, as I reached I found Alex and Rose, they both were trying hard to hear dad's conversation. Which was nearly impossible for them. Funny thing is that they didn't even realized that I'm standing behind them.

"Hey what are you both trying to do?" I whispered and they both jumped.

"Shush, dad will kill us both he told us not to come downstairs again, and we are trying to find out that  What Mr Xavier is doing here" Alex explained and Rose rolled her eyes at me.

God she's so stubborn, she's still mad at me, I shouldn't have closed the door with so much pressure. Hope she haven't told her partner in crime, Alex. She ignored me while I tried to talk and keep her attention towards dad.

I tugged her towards me and took her to my room, as I shut the door she started shouting at me and I stayed quiet until she was done. Then I asked her that if she told someone especially Alex about it or not.

"What do you think I am three, I know what promise means I didn't tell anyone about it and will not do it, but if I feel that something is wrong I'm telling dad about it" she said slowly as her face was red.

"I'll tell you on your birthday as I promised, now cool down" I sighed.

"If you're done can I go downstairs?" she asked in frustration.

"Yes you can go" I opened the door and she ran downstairs.

God she really has changed or may be it's my fault I never tried to be close to my one and only sister, I closed the door in guilt.


God what has got into my brother's head, he's acting so weird, I shrugged my thoughts and reached Alex, he tugged me with him. Mr. Xavier and uncle were leaving and dad went outside with him. He grabbed my hand and take me upstairs towards Nick's room. I asked him and he didn't replied, he opened the door in hurry we both went inside.

"So what was all that about?" Nick asked and he sat on his bed.

"Well I think you need to know, they were talking about tomorrow as you know it's full moon. They all were talking about taking you and Jack somewhere else, so that when you lose control on your wolf after your transformation, it'll be easy to control both of you" he took a breath after saying it all once.

"Ok fine, well lets just say my emotions are on edge and I don't want to end up getting angry on both of you so it'll be best for you to leave right now" he said while showing us way out of his room.

"It's fine Nick, we understand" I said and he gave me weak smile.

Few hours later...




After doing lunch I did some of my homework, and talked to Jennifer about morning and she told me that she knew and was about to call me, before hanging up the call she told me that she'll be visiting us tomorrow.

I decided to check on Nick who still hasn't said a word since we left his room. I slowly knocked his door, the door shot open and nearly was about to come out from its sockets.

"Oh come on, why are you here, I told I'm not in mood" he let me in and closed the door.

"Just came to check up on you" I sat on his bed beside him, as he sighed slowly.

" You've changed so much, you don't talk to anyone, why are you distant, is this about me calling you monster, I already apologized" I stared him.

"I get it Rose you're worried but you can't help me, I'm like this now, and I'm not angry at you, even if you haven't apologized I would've forgave you" he said and his face expressions changed.

"Just talk to me, what's going on with you, I'm not going to leave until you tell me, I want my old brother" I told him.

"You know it's hard to live with being different from others, I can't control it, I'm angry all the time, and I'm afraid that my anger is going to eat me alive, I never wanted to be like this, and apart from everything, you're afraid of me and now you're asking me why I'm distant, I don't want to hurt you knowing or without knowing" his voice broke.

I hugged him without saying a word, he was so sad and can't do a thing about it, he froze and didn't move and then he hugged me back after few seconds and relaxed.

"I didn't know how to react when you called me monster, I was angry and sad so I ran off" his voice cracked.

"It's fine bro. I'm not mad at you for anything, it's no ones fault, so don't let this eat you up, now please stop this you'll be fine, where is the Nick who used to save me from falling off the cycle" I tried to change his mood.

"I don't know I'll be that brother again or not but I'll try my best, but everything seems impossible, I'm tired" he argued again.

"God it's fine, no matter what happens you'll be my brother I can never hate you, I don't want you to change okay, now please will you stop being such a baby" I tapped his back.

He let me go and smiled, just like he used to but this time it wasn't that smile like from before, he was trying hard to smile.

"You've grown up, God you've started to act already like my big sister and I felt like I'm younger than you for a second" he laughed.

"At least I made you laugh, now I've to help mom with dinner, and you're supposed to be down in a minute or you know what I'll do" I warned him while laughing.

"Fine... fine, no need for that" he teased while closing the door.

Dinner went well no one discussed anything except for dad discussing about tomorrow' s full moon. But it felt like old times after weeks...

I would very much love to know your thoughts about this story, it's a very first one I'll try as much as possible to update sooner, do point out my mistakes as I'm a beginner... Thank u all for reading my story it gives me motivation to write more and improve it.....

ARISHA_AHMEDcreators' thoughts