

I'm locked in the Tower of Peace (a big stone pyramid with ten floors. Ten floors of misery, each level harder than the last. Tch, level, like I'm in some sort of twisted mind game set up by God himself.), currently my body hangs by a thread. A thread of chains that only clung to one part of my body: my neck. Oh yes, the Chains of Judgement. Chains that have a mind of their own, you see. These specific chains have the power to: change lengths, control it's temperature, multiply, control the air in the room, and grow stronger the more you grow used to it.

I couldn't help but gaze my eyes down towards... her. There laid a few feet below me was a crystal ball. My punishment... I only get a glance of my dearly beloved. She sat in a corner, knife held tightly to her chest. Fear and pain trickle in her scarlet orbs. Every part of my body cried out with the desire to protect. That's all I want; it's all I've ever wanted. I could feel my heart clench up, rattling along my rib cage. I could feel my adrenaline kicking up, my blood rushing throughout my veins. Not even a single second goes by and the Chains of Judgement comes right on cue. A metal ripping sound echoes throughout the room, piercing my ears as the chain's arms rip apart from each other before wrapping tightly around my head, torso, arms, thighs, and legs heating itself to almost the boiling point of an angel's blood. But I would not give them the satisfaction of a single tear or a whispered cry. They will not break me like the ones before. I refuse to abandon my beloved to her sick, cruel fate...

It was my fault after all.

I was the one that committed treason. I was the one that committed murder. "I" was the one... that destroyed the world. And, yet... she suffers a fate worst than death. A terrible curse she could never escape. My... Rosatheen. I jerk my head back in pain, my eyes lock on with the guard's pink eyes just a couple floors above me.

Slowly the chains untangle, unwinding until the only thing left was one arm strangling my neck. My punishment was to never look at Rosatheen. But Rosa's punishment... is to be banished into the Damn; a twisted cell that morphs your fears into reality.

"Give it a rest." Scout hisses, leaning over the rails (she was on the fifth floor. The only way out.), "She's dead." Her blonde curls bounce past her shoulders, framing her face. Even from where I was, I could tell that mischief swirls inside her pink eyes like a hurricane. Scout crosses her arms on the railing, laying her head on them.

I quickly shift my gaze towards the side of my chamber. I started to count the stone blocks in the walls in my head. One... Two.... Three... Ugh, why are there so many?! "Not for long..." fell out of my mouth, bouncing along the walls and into her ears.

"You forget?" a simple hum follows from her rose lips, "Once you're Damned, you are-"

The doors fling open, each hitting the wall with a bang. I didn't have to look up to know General Leo prancing in here with a mock-grin rested on his face. "Scout, chatting our guest's ears off?" General Leo was quick witted, a traitor, smart, let's not forget the traitor part, and always combat ready. Did I forget to mention traitor?

"Of course sir, there's nothing else to do," she only mutters.

"Right you are, would you like to join him?" each word fills my gut with anger. What makes that arrogant sleazebag sleep at night?

I only roll my eyes, shaking my head before locking mine with his. His blue orbs were coated with power. "Disgusting".

"N-No, sir." Scout straightened up her back, taking a few steps back away from the scene.

"What do you want..." if only looks could kill I'd tighten up my scowl and stick my tongue out.

The General presses his palms against the rail, jumping up, "Can't I have a "tea party" with an old, old "friend"?" and sits on the rail kicking his legs over, crossing them like some sort of king.

Oh, how I could punch that arrogant prick- Wait, did he just say-

The General swung his cane behind him, a bright light (almost blinding) washes over Scout as the eagle cane hits her right upon her head, causing her to fall to the floor. With a twirl and a smirk he leaps off the balcony, "You didn't think I'd let you rot here forever, did you?" He grasp for the chains, sliding down it as he mutters a simple chant. Blue sparks ignite as his heels of his boots slid down the Chain of Judgement.

"Uh... Yes?" I wasn't sure what to say, it was all going so fast. What is happening? Is he breaking me out of here? Bewildered, I watch as the Chains of Judgement rattle, pulling him and I up to the floor above me.

"Why, I never!" his face scowled, but somehow no wrinkles were to be seen in sight. Maybe the white paint was covering them?

"What's going-" I whisper, unable to make a single sound.

BOOM! The wall beside me erupts into tiny pieces, crumbling on top of us. I raise my arms to protect my face. The chunks rain down upon us, cutting and tearing my skin at the seams.

"Oh, for heaven's sake!" Leo whines, draping his cape over him, "Honestly, couldn't they have at "least" chosen a better spot?"

One of my eyebrows raise up, "'Th-They'?"

The General jumps to his feet, grabbing my tattered shirt and pulling me up to my feet with no effort, "Not the time nor place I'm afraid~."

His hand rests on my upper back, "Wait a minute-" and with a simple push I fell into the chest of my saviors? Kidnappers? What is "happening"?!

"Got him!" a deep voice yells before chucking me up the rabbit hole.

The pressure of the air came crashing on me, stealing all my breath away. My vision went blurry almost as if I was looking through water. My voice was squeeze down into my stomach. My heart had stop dead in it's tracks. What the heck was going on? I couldn't tell what was happening. I could barely even make out the hues of colors. Am... Am I safe?

Two hands grip my left arm while two more grip my other arm. My chest and knees scrape against the edge of the surface as the arms pull me out of the hole. A few coughs of blood and water rattle my body. I gasp for air, my vision slowly returning. I open my mouth one more time, trying to get at least a clue to this madness, but before I could utter a sound something hard hits me on the back of my head sending me to rest.

A/N: Hello, thank you for taking the time to read my story! How did you like it?

Rosatheencreators' thoughts