

The wind blew from all directions, shaking the earth as dry leaves rustled, flying around, scraping the tombs of dead relatives. Thunder rumbled from time to time and vertical lightning made its appearance too. It was raining hard yet mother and daughter stood their grounds, both dressed in black gowns and scarves covering their hair, drenched in the rain.

Today was very tough for them. They had lost their breadwinner.Their friend. Their companion.

Her mother stood straight but seemed caught up in a trance. She had accepted her fate. Her husband no longer existed in flesh even though he would always remain in her heart.

Her daughter wept profusely as she could not still believe that her father was gone, even though he was already buried in the ground and she had witnessed it.

He had died in a gunfight.

That was what people had said, but no one had witnessed a gunfight for long. No one heard of it, but yet people claimed that it had taken his life. But she knew that it was all lies. There was certainly no gunfight because she had witnessed his passing.

Her mother had gone to the market to sell her wares like every other day, after reminding Rosalia countless times to do all of her chores before going to visit her best friend as it was a Saturday.

After completing her chores, Rosalia took a tour around the neighborhood, chanting her favorite songs.

Stopping by, to help elderly ones in lifting heavy bags, rescuing children that were at the verge of getting bullied, settling a dispute between two little kids who had damaged their little doll during their little fight and even having small talks with some people that greeted her as she made her way to her destination.

She was to meet her best friend under their favorite tree. It had become a routine for them to sit and talk of any and every thing they encountered when they were not together.

But unlike every other Saturday, he was absent. He always made it on time, he never came late and was always the first to get there.

What happened?

Rosalia went back home disappointed, mentally reminding herself to check him at his house.

She did some cleaning. She scrubbed the foot mat and polished her father's favorite shoes. She repeated a few episodes of her favorite Tv shows when she had nothing else to do.

She slept halfway through the shows but was woken up suddenly by a loud cry and the shattering sound of glass being smashed.

Rosalia found herself moving to the direction of the noise, she cautiously made her way downstairs and was baffled to see a figure she knows too well disappearing through the broken window.

Running into the room, she was beyond grief-stricken to see her father laying on the floor, bleeding profusely with his face battered and blood spewing out of his mouth.

He had three bullet wounds, one on the chest area, another on his lap and the last on his arm.

Rushing to his side, she wept awfully, holding his good hand and begging him to stay awake. As she rose to get help, he held her hand and left one last message for her to deliver before he breathed his last.

"Tell your mother to open the lock and leave this God forsaken place!"

That was all her father left for them. She cried bitterly as she rushed to get her mother.

And her father was a good man. He never meddled in dangerous affairs. He was a good father, he made certain there was always food, shelter and clothing for his family. He did not deserve to die like that.

What exactly went wrong?


"You must never give into selfish desires, always do the right things. Do not ever forget, you are a woman of virtue, always do virtuous things no matter the situation ".

Her mother recited as she matted her daughter's hair. It has become a habit. Her mother continually advised her whenever they were together.

Rosalia mamma promised herself that she would raise her daughter to become a loving independent woman.

She's a strong woman who recently lost her husband but refused to get swayed by her condition. While she wept behind closed doors, she made sure to always smile and remain polite to people.

"I shall never forget mama", 15 year old Rosalia replied. After a minute of silence, Rosalia questioned her mother again,

"But mama, when do we leave? Papa made his intentions clear."

Rosalia mamma is yet to decide on her next step, so she responded to her daughter's question by asking her questions too.

"Have you cleared your portion yet?"

"Yes mamma, the plants will be happy once again as you always say"

"And ironed your uniform for school tomorrow?"

"Yes ma"

"Perfect. The dishes need to be cleaned"

"I have already done that before sitting for my braids"

"And the chickens?"

"You need not worry mamma, it is done"

"Perfetto. That is why you are my daughter. Perfect child. My virtuous woman"

Her mother chimed in again "rimarrò virtuoso anche nella morte"

"rimarrò virtuoso anche nella morte". Her daughter chanted as well

Rosalia mamma has to think. And she had to think fast before the people who killed her husband hurt her daughter too. She sighed and continued her task at hand.



rimarrò virtuoso anche nella morte - I will remain virtuous even in death

Perfetto - perfect