
Rosabella and the Beast

Ella (Rosabella) is being treated like a slave in her father's house, but when Emperor Carl comes to her father's house for a visit, her stepmother poisons his current Queen because she wants one of her daughters to be with him. But Ella (Rosabella) has no idea that she is going to find out who she really is and who her birth parents are, as well as be with Emperor Carl instead of her stepsisters. Ella (Rosabella) also found out that her stepmother had never divorced from her first husband. Therefore, she is no longer her stepmother and her stepsisters are no longer her stepsisters. Her stepmother comes up with different plans but Emperor Carl, Luke (Ella (Rosabella)'s adopted father), Ian and his sons. Paige, Ella (Rosabella)'s stepmother's first husband and sons. They come up with a plan which allows Emperor Carl to finish his stay at Luke's house and make love with Ella (Rosabella). Ella (Rosabella) goes to the Royal Palace thrice, once to save Emperor Carl's first wife, second to break the spell that was placed over Emperor Carl, and third time to be with Emperor Carl for the rest of her life. Her stepmother and stepsisters get banished to another kingdom. They ended up in a Royal family and never set foot back in their home kingdom. Ella (Rosabella)'s adopted father ends up with the woman he had loved before his second ex-wife forced him to marry her instead. Ella (Rosabella) goes from a servant to a princess to a Empress and proves her fake ex-stepmother and stepsisters wrong.

Claire_Roulston_2480 · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Over the top of pleasure (2) (R18)

Note: this chapter has mature content and should be read at your discretion. 

"C-Carl...hmmm." Emperor Carl smiled to himself and moved his hands all over her body. Rosabella could not think straight because Emperor Carl was the only thing on her mind. Rosabella's body was under his mercy, and Emperor Carl moved her breasts. Rosabella was trying to catch her breath and gasped with pleasure.

"Ahh...C-Carl...I am coming." Rosabella was feeling the peak of ecstasy, and Emperor Carl placed his head next to her left ear as he whispered. "Come for me, my Rose." Rosabella was not the only one feeling the peak of ecstasy because Emperor Carl was feeling it, too.

Emperor Carl and Rosabella moaned. "Ahhhh..." Emperor Carl held Rosabella in his arms as they heaved for breath and felt Rosabella was about to pass out. Emperor Carl placed Rosabella's feet on the floor, and they washed the sweat off. Rosabella borrowed one of Emperor Carl's shirts after they got out of the tub and got tried. 

Rosabella fell asleep on the bed as Emperor Carl held her in his arms, and they fell fast asleep after Emperor Carl placed the duvet over them. Luke asks a servant to take Emperor Carl and Rosabella's breakfast to their bedroom. Emperor Carl gets out of bed and places the duvet over Rosabella. He then wears a pair of trousers and hears a knock on the bedroom door.

Emperor Carl put on a dressing gown as he walked over to the bedroom door and opened it. The servant strolled into the room while pushing a trolly and placed the plates, cups, and cutlery on the table. He left the trolly and walked backwards as he bowed low before Emperor Carl.

Emperor Carl closed the door and sat on a sofa, waiting for Rosabella to wake up. Rosabella slowly woke up; she saw food on the table. Emperor Carl beckoned Rosabella to sit beside him and have breakfast with him. Rosabella got out of bed and strode over to the sofa. Emperor Carl wanted to be close to Rosabella, and Rosabella sat beside him as he placed a blanket over their legs.

Emperor Carl gave Rosabella a plate as he took one from himself, and they ate a late breakfast together. Rosabella enjoyed eating with Emperor Carl and knew it would only get even better for her. Emperor Carl placed the plates on the table and gave Rosabella a cup because he knew she wanted to drink something to smooth her throat.

Rosabella drank her drink, and Emperor Carl placed his right arm around her as he pulled her close to him. Rosabella almost spilt her drink on Emperor Carl's chest, but he put the cup back on the table as he felt at ease with Rosaeblla in his arms. Rosabella placed her head on Emperor Carl's right shoulder and her right hand on his chest. 

Emperor Carl knew he could reward Luke for raising Rosabella safe and away from life-or-death situations. He also understood that he must help Rosabella learn to be Royalty, as she would struggle, and be there for her. Rosabella never thought a day would come for her to relax, and Emperor Carl lifted her as he placed her on his lap.

Emperor Carl weaved his fingers through her hair and held her close. Rosabella glanced up at him, and he kissed her and lifted her in his arms. Emperor Carl carried her to the bed and placed her on it as he removed the dressing gown and the trousers. Emperor Carl threw the dressing gown and the trousers away from the bed as he slipped his hands under his shirt, and Rosabella wrapped her arms around his neck. 

Emperor Carl slowly undone the buttons and ripped the shirt off her. Emperor Carl held Rosabella close to him as he thrust into her, and Rosabella dug her feet into the sheets. She weaved her hands through his hair as he rolled over, and Rosabella placed her hands next to his head as she gazed into his eyes. Emperor Carl grazed her body with his hands and put his hands on her hips as she bounced on him.

Rosabella's hair struck against his chest, and they kissed. Emperor Carl rolled back on her back and placed her legs over his shoulders as he thrust hard into Rosabella. Rosabella knew that Emperor Carl was not letting her go and knew she must inform him of her decision. Emperor Carl sensed something was up from Rosaeblla as he placed her legs down on the bed and asked.

"Is there something that you want to tell me, and what is it?" Rosabella took a deep breath and responded. "After a long thought, whether I stay here or return to the Royal Palace with you, I realised that my life and where I meant to be are by your side at the Royal Palace, as I want to prove my fake stepmother and her daughters. If you want..."

Rosabella did not have the chance to finish her sentence as Emperor Carl gave her a deep kiss and turned her body to be on her front as he flipped himself over. Rosabella moved her right hand in his hair as she moved her body, and he wrapped his arms around her. Emperor Carl broke the kiss and replied.

"Of course, I will have you with me because I can do anything with you by my side, and I am not letting you go. Your fake stepmother will get one massive surprise, and I will help you learn to be queen. I will also ask my brother-in-law if your parents can come to see you for the first time in ages." Rosabella thought that her heart would jump out of her chest and knew she would meet her birth parents for the first time in her life.

Rosabella felt her body was going to melt into Emperor Carl's skin and held him close as they fell fast asleep.