
Rosabella and the Beast

Ella (Rosabella) is being treated like a slave in her father's house, but when Emperor Carl comes to her father's house for a visit, her stepmother poisons his current Queen because she wants one of her daughters to be with him. But Ella (Rosabella) has no idea that she is going to find out who she really is and who her birth parents are, as well as be with Emperor Carl instead of her stepsisters. Ella (Rosabella) also found out that her stepmother had never divorced from her first husband. Therefore, she is no longer her stepmother and her stepsisters are no longer her stepsisters. Her stepmother comes up with different plans but Emperor Carl, Luke (Ella (Rosabella)'s adopted father), Ian and his sons. Paige, Ella (Rosabella)'s stepmother's first husband and sons. They come up with a plan which allows Emperor Carl to finish his stay at Luke's house and make love with Ella (Rosabella). Ella (Rosabella) goes to the Royal Palace thrice, once to save Emperor Carl's first wife, second to break the spell that was placed over Emperor Carl, and third time to be with Emperor Carl for the rest of her life. Her stepmother and stepsisters get banished to another kingdom. They ended up in a Royal family and never set foot back in their home kingdom. Ella (Rosabella)'s adopted father ends up with the woman he had loved before his second ex-wife forced him to marry her instead. Ella (Rosabella) goes from a servant to a princess to a Empress and proves her fake ex-stepmother and stepsisters wrong.

Claire_Roulston_2480 · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Apprehensive and petrified

"But I refused to do what he told me, and he declared war against the Kingdom of Rose-Snow-Gold for his evil deeds. But you and I need something to eat and carry out what you learned." Rosabella nodded and took hold of the piece of paper. They stood up, and Emperor Carl helped her to walk downstairs to the dining room.

Emperor Carl helped Rosabella to stride to the table and pulled the chair out for her. Rosabella used the other chair and table to steady herself. Emperor Carl slowly pushed the chair in and sat down next to her. Rosabella placed the paper on the table and allowed Emperor Carl to look at it.

Emperor Carl looked at Rosabella and knew she had not shown it to Luke. Food came out of the kitchen, and Rosabella slowly started to eat up. Emperor Carl knew that Rosabella was apprehensive and petrified. Emperor Carl knew that Rosabella was still in shock, and it had not sunk in.

They finished the food, and Emperor Carl placed his right hand on Rosabella's left hand. Rosabella knew he was worried about her and cast her eyes at him. Emperor Carl stood up and knelt next to her. Emperor Carl pulled the chair out and got hold of Rosabella's hands.

Emperor Carl placed her hands on his chest and promised. "Rosabella, I am going to promise you right here, right now, that I will seriously 100% help your birth-home kingdom/country out and stop the late Queen's Kingdom from having another war against any other kingdoms. You deserve to know your birth parents and family. Luke will be rewarded for ensuring you were safe and raising you as his daughter."

Rosabella knew that Emperor Carl knew that Emperor Carl was telling the truth and approved. "Thank you for telling me; I am terrified and scared." Emperor Carl placed his left hand on her right cheek and stroked her face. Emperor Carl stood up and helped Rosabella to stand up. 

Rosabella looked away, and Emperor Carl placed his left hand to make Rosabella look at him. Rosabella glanced up at Emperor Carl, and he wrapped his arms around her. He pulled her close as she placed her hands on his chest, and they kissed on the lips. Rosabella gently pulled back and placed her head on his chest as she got hold of the piece of paper.

Emperor Carl knew that Rosabella had not sorted out her feelings and walked with her to her bedchamber with his right arm around her. Rosabella curtsy before him as he bowed low, and they stood up. Rosabella strode into her bedchamber, and Emperor Carl returned to his bedchamber. They all had a good night's sleep, and Luke got better throughout the night.

Rosabella was worried and scared about how she would tell Luke what she had found out. Rosabella was relieved to see her father walking again and knew that she must talk to him about her birth parents and who she was. The Beast knew that Rosabella must tell Luke what she had recently discovered, and he took Luke to Rosabella's bedchamber. 

Rosabella walked over to the sofa and chairs with the piece of paper. She sat down with Luke, and the Beast sat on a chair. Luke almost worked out what was happening and waited for Rosabella to speak. Rosabella looked at Luke and trembled. "Yesterday, after you were brought here after my fake stepmother beat you up for no reason whatsoever, and we met her first real husband."

"I want to know who is my birth parents and where I am from. I found out my birth parents' names, the Kingdom that they are ruling, and where I am from. (Rosabella took a deep breath and tried not to cry. Luke knew she was still shocked and waited for her to continue.)."

"My birth parents' names are Ivan and Victoria. I am a princess, and it has not sunk in yet. The Kingdom I am from is called Rose-Snow-Gold because my birth parents are the King and Queen of the Kingdom I am from. The late Queen's Kingdom's Silver-White-Blue is still having a war with my birth/home kingdom/country because the late Queen's father started a war for his evil deeds."

"The late Queen's father forced Emperor Carl to marry the late Queen, and Emperor Carl refused to cut ties with the Kingdom of Rose-Snow-Gold." Rosabella placed the paper, and Luke saw she was telling the truth. Luke picked up the piece of paper and read it thrice. He looked at Rosabella and quickly looked back at the piece of paper.

Rosabella was trying not to cry, and the Beast knew she was trying to be strong. Luke finally placed the paper back on the table and looked at Rosabella. Rosabella felt tears streaming down her face and slowly glanced at Luke. Luke placed his right hand on Rosabella's left shoulder and slowly spoke.

"Do not blame yourself because the person who brought you from your birth parents told me that you are a Princess, but I must treat you like my own daughter for your safety. I did ask why and was told it was for your safety. But I was not given any more information than I had to keep your real identity safe. That is why I treat you like my own daughter, and I could not help you find out who you are, as I did not know where you came from."

"I just want you to have a safe, happy life and now. You can choose who you want to be with for the rest of your life and find out why you are not with your birth parents, and I will support you all the way." Rosabella nodded her head, and Luke stood up. The Beast stood up and asked. "Where are you going and what are you going to do?" 

Luke knew that he must tell the truth and replied. "I have to leave here because even though you were told that Paige was coming here in four or five months'."