
First Class

3 days later.

In this time Jing Li has finally fully accepted his knew identity. He also got familiar with his physique. Just like the name the physique lets you absorb a persons origin. After absorbing someones origin which is just like a person's soul he gets not only all the cultivation of that person but also his memories and things like bloodline or physique's.

It sounds very strong which it also is but it also has his weaknesses. Like if the person he is trying to absorb is in a much higher realm than him he can get injured or die and it is very hard on him to absorb people just like when he did it previously.

Also his physique is split in different levels and right now his level is 0. For every level you get an ability and the first on is called 'Root Devouring Technique' which is the main ability which lets him absorb other people.

Today is his first day so he is walking in a hallway going to his first class of beastiology. It isn't a super interesting field but still popular because it is very useful.

After arriving at the class he took on of the many empty seats and opens his book to go over the his book of beastiology. After 10 minutes the class starts.

"Hello class, my name is Professor Maxwell and I will be teaching you beastiology. I expect of you that you have already read about it but for those who don't I will start at the basics. So to start can anyone tell me what beasts are". He looks at the people who have their hand up and chooses one.

"Miss Xin Yan". Professor Maxwell points at a beautiful girl and she answers.

"Beasts are animals which have awakened their bloodline and have the ability to cultivate. This started at the same time as humans found Qi which is the beginning of the 'Qi Rejuvenation Era'".

The professor smiled and said.

"Very good miss Xin Yan. Beast have many similarity with human cultivators but also many differences".

The teacher continued talking for a lot but it was boring for Jing Li because he already know the basics.

After this class ended he still has a swordsmanship class. Every student needs to take at least 1 weapon class.

The class was nothing special. After having no classes for the day he decided to think about a more pressing matter at hand.

Because of circumstances when he devoured Jing LI for the first time some things went wrong and his soul is in a weakened state. For now every few days he needs to absorb a soul but he would be crazy to absorb a soul on campus here with a lot of strong people.

Luckily he can get of campus on his free time and he found the perfect people to absorb. The academy is of course in a city and there is of course a prison. The problem is that the prison security here is much to high.

But with his level in a less developed city sneaking in a prison shouldn't be a problem. He called his driver and with a flying car went to a another city. When Jing Li saw this car he was quite amazed because in his previous life a flying car is only something from the future but here he can ride one.

He is currently in the Early Golden Core Realm which is very good. There are 13 students in his academy who are on the same realm as his in the same year and he is ranked 7th. This puts him on the rank of genius in his academy.

There are 500 students every year and the ranks are this. 1 is monster, 2-3 are genius among geniuses, 4-10 are geniuses, 11-100 are talented, 101-250 are above average and 251-500 are average.

Of course the people ranked average are still talented people and get respect outside of the academy. After a while of flying he arrives at the city and goes to a market to buy a mask. Although with his cultivation weaker people wouldn't be able to see him but just in cases it is better to be cautious.

His mask is a fox mask. He chose it because his favorite animal is the fox. After asking around he found the way to the prison.

He was walking to the prison but suddenly bumps into someone. The surprising part was the cultivation realm of the other person which is also Early Golden Core Realm. He couldn't see the other persons face due to she wearing a mask but from her body you could tell she is a girl.

"Are you alright miss." He asks the other person. "Ahh yes thank you for asking." She says while standing up and dusting her black robe. After this she walked further down the road.

Hearing her voice surprised him because it sounds familiar and then remembers it is a girl in his class called Xin Yan who is also the person who his trash of a brother is courting.

Jing Li is curious why she is hear but he is also here so why can't she. But remembering his reason for being here made him curious again.

'She is probably isn't here for some important reason'.

After arriving by the prison he uses a technique which can hide his presence. It is in the middle of the day so most prisoners are outside or inside in big groups. After looking for a bit he finds the strongest prisoner here who is 7th Qi Gathering Realm. But even he can't just make an prisoner disappear without it being noticed. After thinking he made a plan.

He goes behind a guard and knocks him unconscious. After taking the guard in the bathroom he chances clothes and makes an illusion on his face to look like the guards.

After arriving outside he sees his target lifting weighs. His name is Eden Anchors and is 47 years old. He is in prison for robberies. He approaches him and says.

"You, the warden wants to see you".

Eden gives him a look that says 'When I get out of here I am gonna kill you' but still follows him because he doesn't want to get beaten.

After arriving at a place with none and no cameras he turns around and gives Eden a terrifying look before lifting his hand a black demon head shoots out of it and goes trough Eden.

Eden falls to the floor while looking just like before but more frozen. JIng Li starts to feel the same feeling as when eating Jing Li but much weaker.

He feels his soul and cultivation improving both and even breaking trough Middle Golden Core Realm. He also gets the memories of Eden which are mostly useless.

Looking at Eden body he has now 2 choices. 1 to burn his body and the other to bury it. ' Lets just bury him, its not like he is a piece of shit'. He decided this because he know that Eden is a believer that if you cremate a body its soul will never rest. Although he now is kinda resting for eternity in nicer words.

Although everything he did may sound very cruel he is used to cruel things. In his previous life he did a lot of cruel things and although never directly killed anyone he did order and even saw it a few times.

He put the body in his space ring and also chanced clothes again while realizing the mask was totally useless. he didn't regret buying it because it looks nice.

By the forest he saw a mountain and decided to bury him there. It may sound like a lot of effort to go al the way to a top of an mountain but with his cultivation it is quite easy.

When going down the mountain he suddenly sees a little dot in the corner of his eyes and after closing in sees that it is the person who he bumped into, Xin Yan.

P.O.V. { Xin Yan }