
Roost of the Palace

In a land of long ago, the soils were untainted by the cruelty of war. Kingdom's stayed in peace, every monarch kept their feet up as the everyday within their land flowed like the fresh waters. Kingdom's that consist of humans, beings that all had their own trade, each kingdom providing unique and exotic goods. But one stuck out, a Kingdom that almost fully exists within the mouth of the large volcano of Vallendrconis. The unpredictable aggression of nature was tamed by the magic that this kingdom held. That magic being far greater than any mage could wish to have. The gift of the ability to shift their weaker and non-magical bodies into that of the graceful and powerful dragons. The kingdom that had fully built on those who weld a dragon morf. The dragon's built their kingdom with the natural magic, the elements. Taming the molten larvar and building a grand Palace within it's mouth. With their power they've built a peace over all kingdom's, their own kingdom acting more as a council. This peace was not ment to last. Within the ancient times, a tradidy struck, a poisoned arrow had hit its target. As the poison took the life of The Queen of Montes, so did the lives of many soldiers. The poison of such a cruel and twisted power could only be brewed from the volcanic flowers of the Draconis kingdom's. The dragon morf kingdom. The King of Montes declared a war that outnumbered the dragons. Banishing them underground where they're cursed to live in the deepest depths like monsters. A gift fell on the Kingdom, a prophecy, declaring "When the war has been scorched from history, when dragon's and human's have grown. A Queen will fight for the blade, who will set foot on the grand Palace again. A King will rebirth their grace and together their new monarch and heritage will forge the blade into peace. Birthing the new empire and a new dawn of time will be born". Nearly over two centuries had past since the great tradidy. The surface having been wiped with any evidence of the dragon morf's existence. And the once great kingdom became a muffled myth, turning into the villians of the old fairy tales. Now the four kingdom's rule over their own land, peace unbalanced and any alliance so easily lost. Princess Shir of the, newer and largest, kingdom of Vallendrconis, was raised. This Princess had been set up to marry the Prince of Montes, the oldest kingdom. Princess Shir knew of Prince Rknom, hearing the tales of how he defended his kingdom against a stampede of trolls, fighting the foul beasts off and protecting his kingdom. Princess Shir also knew the delicate but also unstable relationship between the Vallendrconis kingdom and the Montes kingdom. The two having only recently left a war on a peace treaty, now seeking an alliance. That's where their marriage came in, Princess Shir knows the importance of this ordeal but deep within her heart she knows she's ment for something much greater. She knows that becoming some lonely Queen to a warrior King was not the path set out for her but could she abandon her duties on a hunch? Or will she have to forfill her duties and marry this Prince for the sake of her kingdom's alliance? Further down into the earth, a fallen kingdom scrambled like rats. The once proud and noble kingdom having lost any grace they had after being banished. Prince Eoviet finding struggling into feeding himself let alone the very few left of his people. In a last attempt he used the old tunnels up before his now twisted and scaleless snout poked into the open air. The first for his kind to see the open world in over two centuries. Now under the mercy of the Princess, he had found himself digging around for any sign of hope for his people. To find the last evidence of his grace within the volcano.

Tahliz · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 4: The alliance

Chatter. Chatter, chatter and more chatter. The Princess sat quietly whilst also feeling her mind drift to some old book she used to read. As this Prince continued to blab on and on about his accomplishments as a soldier. The throne room was already filled with multiple parties discussing their own topics but none were near as one sided as the one Shir found herself trapped in. She thought there was a chance to actually like this Prince, how he had asked to talk to know each other but the whole time all he's gone is brag about himself. "I thought I was a chatter box, guess he beat me to that title" Shir thought. Trying to include herself into this "conversation" but was immediately brushed off by him moving onto his next story.

"I know, being able to fight against a hag and win is such an impressive feat but have you heard of the time I was able to fight off five full trolls?" Prince Rknom grinned, a proud spark to his eyes. Princess Shir, however, was on her third wine glass, struggling to keep up on these stories and tales of his she couldn't honestly give any more care in the world about.

"How can I not?" Shir said in her most bored and unamused tone she could possibly make at the moment.

"Good, good" Rknom nodded, his grin somehow looking more smug, "so, picture it for a moment, Princess, I had spent the last week fighting off troll after troll. Each one being his own breed, one was even able to summon a mini storm but each one ended with their heads on a spike. Their guts butchered by my own blade. Now, near the end of the day five nasty, stinking more charges into the outer village" as Rknom explained, he made gestures and little symbols with his hands to really lay out the scene.

To anyone who isn't, also a Knight or who hadn't faced a troll themselves, this would he an engaging story. Hearing how this one man fought against such beasts with their own magic abilities. But Shir had faced one, when she got fed up of the usual guards being too spooked by their snarling tusks. Shir had drawn a sword without waiting for her father's command, knowing he would tell her to retreat but in all reality, she was fast enough to slash the beasts throat and defeated it in an unsatisfying way. She had expected more. But now hearing the Prince talk about his encounters, she was not impressed, he sounds to have struggled more than she had when it was just one on one.

"With them grunting and snorting like a pig," Rknom continued his tale, his eyes shining with pride. "I charged back, drawing my trusted blade and I unseamed the first beasts head, next came a crash of of an ice bolder. Knocking me off balance, I was had to scramble back to my feat and with the right timing I was able to stab that monsters heart. Killing two, I only had three left," he looked back the Princess was had just finished her theird wine and barly looked awake right now. Rknom cleared his throat and continued, "with only three left I wrestled with the beasts until the blasted, fire one set another alight, taking him out for me. The distraction allowed me to take out the theird and I then locked eyes with the firey troll. One swift swing and I carved that beasts brains out" he finished though he looked more offended when Shir failed to surpress a yawn.

"How awesome was that?" Prince Rknom asked again. Shir raising her eyebrows in an attempt to feel more awake.

"Alright? I mean, you seem to fight any being with a pulse" the Princess answer honestly, feeling slightly dizzy from having drunken three wines to make it through all of those tales. After all, she didn't touch alcohol often, so when she did she got tipsy easily.

"I wouldn't expect such a delicate face to understand" Prince Rknom grinned, trying to stay calm after being offered by the Princesses attitude so far. "There's a glory when you kill something that hunts on the innocent, a satisfaction that your actions can help protect those who can't fight themselves" the Prince went on to explain.

Princess Shir yawned then answered back with a straight face, "yeah, killed one myself, not that hard when they can't exactly run". The Prince looked at her with a raised eyebrow then chuckled deeply as if she was just throwing some joke at him.

"Yeah, sure you have, Princess, such a wild and bulky beast" Rknom continued to laugh thought controlled his tone as to not disturb anyone else, "a troll would eat you alive". Shir sighed and stretched on her seat.

"Well, I'm alive and I have a troll skull in my chambers to prove my victory if you really don't believe me" the Princess answered, her tone slightly off to show how the wine had began to effect her.

"Oh? Did one of your brothers help? That must have been sweet of them to let you join them" Prince Rknom complemented but Shir only grew more irritated. This jerk, why is it so hard for him to believe that she did, indeed, fight a troll? They're not the most dangerous beasts out there, even if they are aggressive, so why is it so hard for him to believe?

"No, I was alone with two wounded guards in fact" Shir answered more sternly, now showing a more offended tone. The two stared at each other for a seconed, both looking offended and irritated. "What a wonderful start to a relationship?" Shir thought to herself as a joke. Not even engaged just and they're already having their first argument.

Prince Rknom was the one to sigh and shrug, "sure, why not? Whatever makes you happy, Princess". This irritated Shir more than it should, she felt like scolding the argent brat right then and there. But before she could even draw a breath to argue her father called out to the room.

"Ah! Dessert had arrived, everyone please, enjoy the treats we offer as we talk about the last of our needed duties" King Arvin called joyfully. He was sat with King Shev and the two had seemed to be discussing something that had ended in an agreement. With a huff, Shir made her way back to her seat. Sitting down a little uncoordinated and when her head spun a little, she began to regret drinking so much wine. So much so that when a servant offered a refill, she declined and ordered the servant.

"Nah, nah, you drink it" Shir spoke in a serious tone, causing the servant to pause for a moment. Even when tipsy, Shir could see that the servant was struggling to tell if he should obay or not.

"O- no thank you but thank you, Princess" the servant smiled with a bow, slightly nervously and moved on to serve the rest of the court.

Shir looked over the dessert that her father had planned, a droopy grin formed when she saw it was honey covered pancakes. Her favourite since childhood. Everyone in the court sat patiently, awaiting for the two King's go ahead to dig into the treats that was offered. "Please, enjoy yourself before we dive back into buissness" King Arvin smiled with a pride to his tone. Honey was hard to come by naturally but when the valley's forest grew rich, so did the flowers and naturally, the bees became more common. So honey was a regular treat in the kingdom, more so for the rich and royal, since harvesting the honey can be a bit pricy. Most not willing to get stung unless gold was presented to them but was the price worth it. Especially on thin pancakes, where the honey was drizzled over the ripe berries that the Vallendrconis kingdom had to offer. The whole dessert was savoured even if the Princess was tipsy.

Shir finished her pancakes soon and when she observed the courts, she saw that many were close to finishing as well. Even King Shev looked satisfied with his treat. "Looks like you had one too many drinks, Princess" Lady Swea cooed, amusement laced her soft and gentle tone. Princess Shir leaned to her and whispered in a complaint.

"You try find a better way to listen to every tale Prince Rknom has to offer" the Princess spoke hushly, not wanting anyone to ease drop on her complaint. The Lady giggled and passed the Princess some water.

"Here, this'll help" Swea giggled then calmed herself to look over the Kings.

After a few sips, King Shev called for attention this time. "Once we have all enjoyed our little treat that King Arvin was so generous to share," the older King also looked a little tipsy, his tone far more relaxed now and a slight droop to his grin. "We still have one main issue to discuss about the alignment" King Shev, confessed. One everyone had their attention to them, King Arvin stood up to announce.

"Our alignment provides benefits for both noble Kingdom's, but we have one main issue" King Arvin cleared his throat, sounding far more sobar than the later. "It is hard to ignore the bad blood, the on and off wars between both nations, so me and my friend here had asked ourselves, how would our people trust each other?" Shir's father announced, his gaze scanning over the courts and landing on her and Prince Rknom for a moment.

"Here's where I say good bye to normal Princess life" Shir joked internally, that small feeling she felt deep in her mind now screaming louder. Trying to tell her to fight it, trying to persuade her it's not ment for her. But her rational thought, even if muffled by alcohol, told her that it's for her people not her. The same people she had roughened her hands in trianing so she could protect them. The same people she spends every day hunting the gamey meat to feed them. This is not for her but it's not about her either, even if it feels wrong for her think about it like that.

"So we have proposed an idea" King Shev chimed in, "a proposal that would bridge a new future for our kingdom's. One that the people can rest easy with". The court turned their attention to Prince Rknom, who had rose from his seat with a delighted grin. His eyes shined with a genuine joy, a soft smile as he bowed his head respectfully to the Princess. The later sat in her seat, half way through sipping her water as the attention was brought to her. It was no secret, everyone saw this outcome happening. Everyone was delighted for it, even if it felt wrong to the Princess.

"For the kingdom's, for our people but most importantly," Prince Rknom spoke with a sweeter tone, a gentle voice came from the Prince who once sounded so stuck up and prideful. "For us" he finished, walking over to the Princesses, holding the smooth black box and presented the silver and emerald ring. "Will you take my hand for this great honour?" He asked, Shir stood slowly, she so badly wanted to say no. To smirk and tell him to find some other Princess to take his ring but that would mean war. It would be her words, indirectly, rejecting the alliance, they're engagement is the alliance. With a soft breath her voice came out softer than normal, a stunned tone.

"Yes" Princess Shir looked into his green eyes with her amber ones, she forced her expression to be neutral, to have a neutral smile.

Prince Rknom on the other hand, smiled more brightly. Gently taking her hand and placing the gorgeously crafted ring on her ring finger. Sealing the deal. Princess Shir felt her heart begin to race, she did intend to marry, maybe even have an heir of her own. She never thrown the idea off of her table entirely. She just wished she could have more of a say in the ordeal. Instead, the Prince gently rose her hand to kiss it politely. Of which the Princess bowed back, this was not the time to be rude. "He has manners at least, it's not like he's all jerk" Shir tried to convince herself, it helped that the Prince did also have the looks to make up for his ego.

Princess Shir turned her gaze to her father, the courts applauding the scene. She sat down and kept her natural smile as her father returned it with a proud one. "May the many years ahead of us!" King Arvin announced to the cheering court, "bring us all! Great fortune!". With that the court cheered, congratulating the newly engaged monarchs, wishing them the best of marriage. It was a joyful experience but that never silenced the feeling deep within her.