~His real name is Helen Otis
~He was born in Octomber 1st
~His height is 5'8
~He is calm and quiet, doesn't speak much. He is very polite but he is also Selfish egoust, who always thinks about himself first.
~His childhood was spent under the pressure of his parents high expertations and control
~His parents had hoped to have daughter not a son
~ that became reason why they dicided to treat him like a female. gave him female name and dressed him like a girl
~He is very smart
~He is manipulator
~In Jenuary 13th his classmate fall of the roof, that was his only friend. he got blamed for that.
~that kid's name was Tom
~Later on October 30th, he killed 17 people and wounded 5 in his school dorm
~Otis was sent in psychiatric hospital and stayed there for years.
~After he was released he commit another murder before disappearing.