


Luciis · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Soradeus [2]

It's been a few days since the incident with Olivia and it was only one day until our trip.

I was excited.

I was ready to see the museum and history of Riftwalkers. Plus, the excitement of seeing Soradeus itself was extraordinary.

'Let's see... I have 10 minutes until we meet.'

I thought to myself while getting ready.

All the classes for the day had already ended and I was on my way to meet Asa and Jenna about the serum.

I had gotten enough money after saving a cat from a tree. It was a bounty Jonathan gave me over the phone.

"I should probably tell that guy I'm going on a trip."

Despite how annoying he was, he's really helped me out with guild related things.

I swiftly made my way to the café Jenna texted me. It was a small yet cozy place that was located on campus for the students.

From the many reviews it looked like a nice place to get a cup of coffee or tea.

Whichever you prefer.

The place was only a five minute walk away from my initial position. When I made my way there, I could see plenty of students with their separate groups.

Most of them smiled brightly, flashing their white teeth.

'I guess everybody's excited for the trip.'

I thought to myself as I arrived to the café.

"Hey over here!"

Suddenly a girl with light blonde hair stood up from her chair and started waving her arm around.

Jenna had a big smile on her face as she was waving towards me, whilst Asa was facing away from me.

"Hey isn't he the one that blackmailed the vice president?"

"Hey be quiet! Didn't you hear all those rumors were false?"

When I was walking through the café I could hear two girls speaking about the rumors.

The girl that initially started the conversation was quickly shushed by her friend.

"Sorry about that Keir, we can't completely get rid of rumors that quickly."

Asa said in a dissatisfied tone.

He suddenly spoke up to me as I took a seat next to Jenna. When I first met Asa I had this image of him being a super noble and self centered person.

He would put on this kind facade to the students and when you personally talked to him, you would see the true him.

I didn't mean this in a bad way. Of course, he was still a good person from what I could understand.

He's just a bit arrogant.

"Ah yeah, that's fine. Stuff like that doesn't really bother me."

I was lying.

It did bother me a bit, but there are clearly bigger things in life.

"Anyways, let's talk business shall we?"

Jenna suddenly said with a cheerful smile.

Seeing this, Asa and I both nodded with a slight smile.

"Alright so here it is."

He pulled out a small box and presented it to Jenna and I.

"If you have the money I'm willing to give it to you, but you'll have to promise me something."

"What is it Asa?"

He had a serious look on his face, one that screamed he wouldn't forgive me if something went wrong.

"Do not. I repeat, do not share this with anyone besides Jenna and I. If the secret gets out it could be disastrous. Imagine if people like Berith got their hands on this."

"I promise you, I won't tell anybody about this."

He was right.

If an organization like Berith were to get a grasp of this serum then the repercussions would be devastating.

They would be able to instantly increase their firepower with ease. Making a headache for the city security force.

"Here's the money."

I lifted my wrist and fiddled with my watch until I came across the screen I wanted.



> 150,000 CR


> Asa Galen


> Complete

"Pleasure doing business, now if you'll both excuse me. I have a meeting with the professors about chaperones for our trip."

Asa seemed satisfied with the transfer and left the serum for me.

"He seems happy."

I said out loud.

"Hmm yeah he does, hah- that's a first.

Jenna said in surprise.

"Ready for the trip now Keir?"

I shifted my gaze to the small box in front of me before redirecting it towards Jenna.

With this serum I should be able to get stronger, although it was a bit like cheating.

"Yeah I'm all set, super excited to see the city."

"Im glad, the city is amazing as well. Im sure you'll love it."

I thought to myself for a moment. Suddenly a thought had entered my mind.

"Actually… scratch that I'm not ready. I need to go somewhere first."

Jenna and I bud farewell before I made my way out of the café.

I had something I needed to do before leaving.


7:00 PM, Bounty Guild, Haneul City.

"There ya are kid. Thought you already left."

"Well I wanted to at least say bye in person."

Jonathan sat in his seat before lighting up a cigar.

"You smoke so much, you know that shit's bad for your lungs right?"

I said in disgust.

I personally found smoking in any form disgusting. It didn't necessarily give you health benefits either.

"The fuck is some smoke gonna do to an -A-rank like me? Oh this is a cigar by the way, I don't inhale it dumbass."


He closed the lighter he was using and threw it on his desk. Leaning back further into his chair, he took a puff from the cigar and released smoke into the air.

'This guy…'

"Haaa- that feels better."

He said while putting his feet up on the desk.

"Can I try?"


"C-can I try one?"

Jonathan sharpened his eyes as he looked at me. He looked at me for about thirty seconds in silence before his face twisted into a cringing expression.

"Hahhh? Hell no I'm not giving you one of my cigars. You too young anyway kiddo."

"Tsk- fine. Where's Charles by the way?"

It was worth a try.

"He's out grabbing some food. Did you eat dinner yet?"

"No I didn't eat yet."


My stomach instantly started grumbling at the thought of some food. I hadn't noticed it but I've barely eaten today.

That cookie after leaving the café didn't count.

"I'll message him to get an extra bowl then…."

Jonathan said with an awkward smile.


I felt embarrassed.

My stomach just had to have the best timing on the planet.

"Ah also I almost forgot-"


Jonathan suddenly stood up from his slouching position and turned to the vault behind him. After he opened it, he pulled out a large card with engravings on it.

"What is that?"

I asked with a curious face.

"It's a newly found rift art. One of our teams found it within one of the rifts they were breaking and took it to be deciphered."

I see.

Rift arts were mostly special techniques passed down throughout the years but they initially came from the rifts themselves.

Without being deciphered they were bundles of RC found inside rifts. When they were properly deciphered they became a usable skill.

"So what does this one do?"

"It's a Rift Art apparently called deflection. Here I'll give it to you."

"Wait what?"

I didn't expect Jonathan to suddenly gift me a skill.

"Take it as congrats on making it this far in Aethra."

"A-alright then…"

I took the card from his hands and placed it over my watch. It's surface was engraved with things similar to that of the monolith inside my dreams.

After I held it above my watch it quickly disappeared with a slight blue hue.


A notification popped up from my watch.


Name: Keir Licht

Rank: F

CL: 10

RC Level: E

Strength: E

Agility: F

Stamina: F

Charm: E


- Advanced Swordsmanship: Mastery of the


- Advanced Martial Arts: Make your body the


- Free Running: Extreme affinity with running over obstacles and escape tactics.


- Deflection: Use the RC weave to create matter that reflects any attack as long as it is within three ranks of the user. The attack reflected deals 1.5x more damage than the initial attack. (NEW)

- Tempest Rush: Imbue your body with white lightning from the heavens to increase movement exponentially, can be charged up to gain a massive burst of speed.


"Holy shit…."

This new skill seemed absurdly powerful. Even going as far as to stare that it will reflect the attack no matter how strong it is.

Only if they were within three ranks of my own.

"Isn't this too powerful? You sure you should be giving this to me?"

I looked at Jonathan with widened eyes.

He was taking another puff from his cigar.

"It'll be fine, I trust you; and you'd probably only be able to use it like twice a day at your level."

'Twice a day?'


"Because you're weak!"



'What the hell?!'

All of a sudden the world shattered into a void. The monolith appeared before only for a split second before disappearing once more.

Was it Nishil? That fucking entity inside me?

I felt a searing pain come from my wrist. Looking down towards it, I saw the tattoo fading away entirely.

"Keir you alright?"

"Huh? Y-yeah I'm fine."


"Oh, looks like he's here."

Jonathan got up quickly from his seat and made his way to the door. When he opened it, Charles came in with bags of food.

"Ah hello there Mr.Licht."

"Hey Charles you can just call me Keir, it feels weird having someone as wise as you call me mister."

Charles then nodded his head in response.

"Oi no hello for me?"

Jonathan asked in disbelief.

"My own older brother won't even say hello to me tsk tsk-."

"Just take the food and stop complaining."

Charles said while opening the bags of food.

Now that I look closely, the two of them did in fact look like brothers. When I first found out they were related I nearly spat out the drink I was having.

"We have ramen young master Keir. Would you like some?"

"Yes I'll take a bowl. Thank you Charles."


Later that night, a few hours before the trip.

Even though the news of Charles and Jonathan being related was unexpected, it was welcomed.

We all sat down at the desks and ate our bowls of ramen, and simply talked for the rest of the night. The night was full of laughs and joy and excitement.

In anticipation of the coming trip, but I couldn't help but think to myself.

If only it could've stayed that way.
