
-Chapter 37-

-Chapter 37-


"With just the Reach, the Westerlands, and the Stormlands, we have a combined force of over 200,000 soldiers. We don't need to fear this young wolf who thinks he's a conqueror. No matter what, the Riverlands will not submit unless we break Robb Stark, and that won't happen if Robb Stark's army retreats behind Moat Cailin. So let's give them a good reason to come back."

Despite the fact that my plan seemed crazy, Tywin Lannister was not a man who ignored good ideas out of sheer pride. He was intelligent and he listened, so I continued:

"No predator likes another to enter and roam on its territory. It will be the same for Robb Stark. If we recognize the Riverlands as an integral part of his kingdom, he will return. Whether he knows it's a trap or not will make no difference."

Seeing that I had everyone's attention, I continued without stopping and said:

"If he doesn't, we can simply offer free passage by sea to the wildlings who have an army of 100,000 men ready to invade the North, or finance pirates and mercenaries to attack them. They won't be able to hold out forever without gold, food, and supplies. We can even finance Houses like the Boltons to fight the Starks. There are so many possibilities without us continuing a war that will bring us nothing."

"I must admit it's a worthy idea, but what about the Vale?" Tywin asked, finally agreeing with my idea.

"Baelish has been single for too long. It's time he got married. I think he will have arguments that will appeal to the Regent of the Vale, won't he?" I asked, looking at Petyr Baelish.

Petyr Baelish looked at me incredulously, and all eyes turned to him. I then asked more solemnly:

"Do you feel capable of bringing Lysa Arryn back into the royal fold?"

He nodded, confused by the reason for this sudden offer. Then I said:

"Nobody likes war when they can have peace, and we should prepare for the arrival... of the Targaryens."

The look Varys gave me made me smile inwardly.

"Targaryens? I thought there was only a girl with young dragons barely bigger than dogs?" asked Tywin, not at all frightened by the idea of dragons arriving on our shores in a few years.

I was about to say something, but Varys quickly replied:

"No, there is also a claimant called the Young Griff, probably because his adoptive father is the best friend and uncle of our dear Lord Protector. He claims to be Aegon Targaryen, son of Rhaegar Targaryen, but I think he's an impostor that House Connington has used to claim the throne and control this impostor like a puppet."

'Unfortunately, even if you've realized you're in danger, it's too late, you vile snake.'

"GUARDS!" I said in a loud voice.

A wave of gold cloaks entered the room, and everyone tensed.

Even Cersei looked at me with uncertainty. It amused me because with one sentence, he had cast doubt into everyone's hearts.

They all wondered if I was going to execute them.

"Varys... Varys... Varys," I said, standing up slowly and walking around the table, hands behind my back.

"I've known for a while that you're one of the Targaryen informants, but it never bothered me because I had no problem with you. You're an informant not only for Daenerys Targaryen but also for this claimant who pretends to be the son of Elia Martell, who was brutally murdered. Without my intervention, you would have gotten what you wanted: the kingdoms at each other's throats and the dragons finishing the job."

"He's not a pretender," he said calmly.

"Not a pretender... hahaha. Varys, the Golden Company has never and will never serve a Targaryen. They only serve..."

"Blackfyre," said Oberyn, gritting his teeth in anger at seeing Varys's scheme.

'I didn't even need to convince him, it's perfect,' I thought.

"Exactly, and I know for a fact that your good friend Illyrio Mopatis married a Blackfyre. The male line thought extinct is now back thanks to Saera Blackfyre, who gave birth to Aegon Blackfyre. My poor uncle, mad with grief, believed everything you told him because he wanted two things: revenge and to find his deceased silver prince," I said contemptuously.

To be honest, I didn't know if Aegon and Young Griff were two different people or if Saera was a Blackfyre, but at this point, the truth didn't matter because I wouldn't give him time to argue against me.

'No matter what, for the stability of the kingdom, Aegon and my uncle must have no allies in Westeros.'

I smiled and suddenly grabbed the traitor's head before whispering softly:

"You shouldn't have become my enemy."

Then, with a swift move, I slit his throat.

I planted the bloodstained knife in the table and looked at the rest of the people at the Council table, saying:

"If I truly wanted your misfortune, you would all be dead already."

The table was flooded with Varys's crimson blood as he convulsed, trying to contain all the blood pouring from his throat.

In a few seconds, he was dead.

I looked at one of the gold cloaks and said:

"Decapitate him cleanly and place his head on the ramparts. I want the entire capital to know that he tried to bring the dragons to Westeros to burn them all like the Mad King. And tonight, distribute bread throughout the city, mainly to the orphanages, in the name of the king and the Lord Protector."

"Yes, Lord Protector," said the officer before getting to work under shocked eyes.

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