
Ronin NarutoxBHN

He was not a hero, nor a villain, he was just a survivor who had his own way of life, that was what he learned from his teacher, heroes do not exist, nor villains, only people who had their own goals and objectives, who were willing to do whatever it takes to fulfill them, just like him. Naruto x Harem.

Iskandar06 · Action
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2 Chs

I am no Hero

In this new world, some people were born with abilities that were special and powerful, as well as abilities that were not very useful, a world where 90% of people were born with abilities that could be seen as Kekkei genkai in their world, obviously when these powers came to be there were people who took advantage of them to have a simpler life, involving robbery, intimidation, murder and more.

The world was going downhill and then something interesting happened, other people used their abilities to confront those who abused their blessings, those people they were named 'heroes', they were just good people doing the right thing, but good things are not known to last long.

Someone came up with the brilliant idea that being a 'Hero' could be a profession, it wasn't such a bad idea since for that there were also police officers, firefighters, soldiers, paramedics, people who were compensated for their efforts in helping to others to make a better world. But as it happens to every system this becomes  corrupted and this system was no different, since any person with powers, with quirks wanted to be a Hero, not for saving people, but for fame, money, recognition, without the umderstanding that a true hero never expected anything in return, that he only did what he believed was right. So everything went wrong when children from a young age only wanted to be like the heroes they admired, only to change in the future and seek glory for their own selfish reasons.

It was a hypocritical world, but in the middle of the darkness there was always a ray of hope, All Might, a person who deserved the title of hero, it was strange that this man is seen as a symbol of peace, since peace is something that is created among others, but no, All might protects that peace, not by extending an olive branch between enemies, but to crush them to prevent them from disturbing the peace with his own fists while at the same time inspiring those he protects, someone worthy of respect. Those actions complies with something that was part of his code, his way of life which he learned from the great Hokages of his village, the will to protect others no matter the price, even if it means sacrificing your body and soul, self-sacrifice, lying on the wire so that others pass over you, being that shield for those who need it. But…

Even so, although I respect All Might, he made a mistake that should never be made, letting your enemies live, those who attempted against your life and that of the people you love, it is a serious mistake that one will regret all your life, even so he had to respect the ideals of others, that was one of his own rules that his teacher instilled in him.

"Uzumaki stop thinking about stupid things! Go home!" was the shout of a large man who had the appearance of a mountaineer with his large brown beard, carrying a large steel beam, he left it on the ground to wipe the sweat from his forehead, the place where they were was a construction area in the which a building was being built, "Come for your pay kid, you did a good job today" leaving the towel on his shoulder on the way out with his other workers.

"..." the Uzumaki named by the worker broke a large stone with a pickaxe, calmly placed the pickaxe on his shoulder, taking off his yellow helmet, he showed his blond hair in spikes, the boy was apparently 14 years old, thin and athletic, He had blue eyes and some marks on his cheeks that resembled those of a cat, on his forehead he wore bandages which also completely covered his right eye and part of his cheek, measuring 1.60 tall and with a physique made for hard work, he wore heavy dark pants and a white shirt that was drenched with sweat.

Silently and with a relaxed expression, he left the pick together with his helmet, seeing that it was getting dark, he sighed, walking along with the other men with whom he worked with, he went to the exit where a woman was giving the paychecks to the workers, the woman showed only being in her twenties with this being the cute daughter of the foreman, when his turn came in line, the woman handed the check to the teenager, "Good job Naruto-kun, hope to see you tomorrow".

"Thank you Yumi-san" thanking with a thin smile he left the building, passing the minutes walking through the streets, it was strange how different the worlds were from one another, the technology was advanced, too much in his opinion, but the consequence of so much technology was shown in dependence on it. Continuing his way, the minutes passed and he arrived at a store, entering he had some drinks, without anyone seeing him he entered the bathroom, only for an adult person with dark hair to come out, paying for the beers, he left the store and in a burst of smoke he showed himself again as he was before, keeping the drinks in his backpack, he reached the lower areas of the city, he was not surprised to see women on the corners offering services or some men with threatening looks who just got out of his way.

It was already known at his neighborhood that he was a person who should not be bothered, breaking and almost ripping off the arm of an idiot who wanted to rob him was proof enough that he was not someone they should mess with, reaching some apartments he went up to the top floor and opening the door showed a gloomy, small and almost empty home, "I'm at home…" without waiting for an answer he went in and took the drinks out of his backpack, without shame he began to drink. Approaching his window, he remained silent looking at the city, with his only visible eye he took a necklace with a locket from his neck, opening it, he observed a photograph of himself being three years old carrying a one-year-old girl with red hair , "Oh how sad... you're going to make me cry" the Uzumaki just ignored the female voice that came from inside his head, closing the locket, kept it carefully and continued drinking, already opening the third can, "Do you plan to ignore me forever?" was the question of the voice that became more malicious and seductive.

"Only until the day I die" was the simple answer of the boy who looked at the sky getting lost among the stars, however he was interrupted when everything around him changed and he found himself in a dark place with walls that seemed to have no end and water that came down to his ankles. "Your words make my heart ache, how you have no idea…"" In the shadows of the dark cave a figure appeared, a beautiful 1.85 m tall woman appeared, her hair was red like fire, her skin was pale and bright slanted eyes red like blood, some marks that resembled the one the Uzumaki had, what was most striking was her state of nakedness, she had a figure that could only be called divine, large E-cup breasts that defied gravity to stay firm, a small waist and large hips that fell to show off her long and shaped legs, smiling mischievously the woman approached and caressed the hair of the boy who was still sitting in the water.

"You don't have a heart…" were the grave words of the blonde who glared at the woman who only smiled even more.

"My little Naruto-chan…remember your place" his smile turned dark as large fox ears formed on top of his hair and nine titanic tails formed behind the woman who ran her hand over the blond's face, only to grab him by the neck forcefully and forcing him to look at her, "You're just my toy, just a little vermin that I could crush if I wanted to... but what if I go for her" approaching his face to the teenager's, she smiled lustfully, getting closer to him. The lips of both of them almost touched and they felt the warm breath of each other. But the redhead's smile broke when the teenager kicked her in the stomach and left the grip to fall on the ground with water, the kitsume didn't react to the blow, but from the rejection.

"We have a deal! You said that you wouldn't touch her!" The Uzumaki who was kneeling on the ground shouted loudly, when he was going to get up the redhead's foot prevented him, being subdued he could only look at the Kitsune with hate, who only smiled mockingly.

"I know… and part of the deal is that you are at my mercy, what I say must be obeyed, without complaints… or resistance" the kitsune's tails moved slowly to surround both of them, the woman silently She took her foot off the teenager and knelt down, staying next to him and approached his ear, "Because you are mine now and forever..." she whispered with a dark and low voice only for everything to turn dark for the Uzumaki who I close my eyes.

Opening his eyes again, he found himself back in his apartment, "..." looking around he saw that he had finished drinking the drinks and the alcohol had already begun to act, feeling the heaviness in his body, he sighed, the only way to drown the pain, with alcohol, he already understood why veterans drank so much. Getting up from the frame of the window house, he threw himself into his bed and just looked at the ceiling, little by little he closed his eyes and then fell asleep.


Another day, the same routine, the Uzumaki got up from his bed with a weak hangover that only disappeared after a few minutes, the advantage of being the Kyubi's jinchiruki, or at least a part of it, the memories were still fresh in his mind.

Flash back

Konoha was on fire, the attack of the most powerful tailed beast was only wreaking havoc on the village, the shinobi were giving their lives for their village, either fighting the tailed beast or rescuing as many people as they could.

"Ugh!" a blond three-year-old boy was carried by a 16-year-old teenager who had silver hair on point, had his left eye covered and a mask that hid the lower part of his face, the young man had to jump several times and drift to avoid falling when a burning building collapses.

"Kakashi-nii where are we going?!" asked the boy on the shinobi's back who was focused on how the nine-tailed beast was crushed by a giant toad summoned by his master, only to then disappear in a flash of gold.

"I must take you to sensei!" The teenager replied that he was giving everything to run as much as he could, passing between the burning buildings. He ignored the calls for help from the civilians who were in the crossfire of the biju and the shinobis, but this was seen by the boy who was listening clearly. Cries for help.

"Stop, we must help them!" His screams were ignored by his older brother figure who kept running, gritting his teeth. The blond boy wanted to jump off the shinobi's back, however, the shinobi grabbed him with more force, "We can't leave them! Stop-"

"We can't save them all! You are more important!" he said with determination and then kept silent, the shinobi looked seriously at the Uzumaki over his shoulder who only kept silent at being shouted, moving forward the young Hatake reached the forests of Konoha, just in time he managed to pass so that a kind of force field was made of golden chains appeared.

The two boys watched as the great nine-tailed beast was bound by hundreds of golden chains that came out of a weary Kushina Uzumaki who was carrying a bundle in her arms, "Oka-san!" Leaping off the shinobi's back he ran to his mother, kneeling beside her.

"Naruto-chan…" tiredly the red haired woman just smiled at the arrival of her eldest son, lowering the bundle in her arms she showed a little baby just a few minutes old, "Look… This is Natsumi… your little sister" He said weakly, showing the little girl to his son who only observed the little girl, meanwhile nearby the Yondaime was forming a long line of complex seals. "Well done Kakashi" gratefully the blonde Namikaze patted the shoulder of his student who, still breathing heavily, nodded his head, becoming more serious as an altar appeared and a spectral figure appeared behind him that was only seen by him and the beast that struggled even more in its bonds, "Naruto…" drawing the attention of his son, he came before him. "Oto-san…" he said slowly as he carried his sister who was taken by his father and placed her on the altar, while he was placed in front of the altar, his father smiling calmly patted his head affectionately.

"Minato wait! Not them, not! You'll put a burden on them that no one should carry!" was Kushina's scream that tried to reach her children, however all her concentration was on keeping the biju at bay, if she moved she risked everyone's lives, Naruto looked at his father with fear, but his father forced him to look at him new.

"You remember what we talked about, right... a shinobi" he began with an increasingly weak voice, looking into his son's eyes.

"You must always watch over your village, no matter the cost" he finished completing his father's words, who smiled weakly.

"Right… now as Hokage I name you a Konoha shinobi" standing up he turned his back to his son, looking at the beast with a tail he clapped his hands and formed a hand seal, "As the Hokage's last order you must promise me the following conditions…" with blood dripping from his mouth he felt his vision dilating, "Protect and care for your village…"

"I promise" was the weak response of the boy who lowered his head, at his young age he already knew what the world around him was like, he knew that they were now in danger and that his father would take care of solving it, but at the cost of his own life.

"May you always value the safety of your comrades, you will be willing to do whatever it takes to make the village prosperous and enjoy peace... no matter the cost" he said seriously as he felt Shinagami's hand go through him and go straight to the Kyubi, another hand went through it to repeat the same action.

"I promise" closing his eyes the boy could only cry in silence, but he had to open them when he saw his father fall to his knees, he slowly turned around to face his son.

"That you…" raising his hands, he took off his hitai-ate stained with his blood, slowly approaching it to tie it on the little Uzumaki's forehead, "…you will protect your family… your Oka-san… and your little sister…" little by little he losing the sparkle in his eyes.

"I promise!" The blonde shouted, he only witnessed a strong glow and the last thing he saw was his father's proud smile, the nine-tailed beast was divided into two, one black sphere with red details and the other was orange with flash white, the darkest sphere went directly to the chest of the boy who felt the strong burning inside, as for the orange sphere, it went to the little girl at the altar who began to cry when the sphere merged with her.

"..." little by little Minato's body fell, but not before his soul was ripped out and devoured by the Shinagami, the body fell badly in advance to be caught by the little blonde who could only hug his father's body , the tears came out non-stop and with a heartbreaking cry he cried for his father's sacrifice.

End Flashback

"..." frowning, the shinobi got up to go to the bathroom, standing in front of his mirror, he removed the bandage from his forehead to show an old hitai-ate with the symbol of the leaf carved in the middle, only that it was marked by a scratch that It betrayed the fact that he was now a renegade ninja, even with his right eye covered, he passed his hand through it.

Sighing, he took off his clothes to show his body, which was worked by the hard training he had been carrying since he was young, but that also carried large scars, especially one that crossed his chest, this being a wound produced by a sword, caressing his wound He remained silent, then calmly took a shower.

As time passes we see the shinobi walking through the streets with a white sweatshirt, dark pants and blue shoes, finally he was carrying an old brown backpack on his back, ignoring the people around him he continued on his way, he was already more than Six months in this city, he had to leave and continue in another, it was important to keep moving.

It was a bad habit to be so paranoid, but shinobi life was like that, in silence he reached a train station, listening to some noise, he looked curiously in the distance at a giant man fighting against a giant woman in clothing, from his point of view something suggestive.

"Hasn't that guy already been beaten before?" was the question of a man in a suit who was close to the shinobi, the people before the fight instead of moving away to avoid danger, they approached as if this was a show, but after all, what was this, a battle between good and evil? An act of heroism on the part of the giant 'heroine'? Not from the point of view of the shinobi who saw this with annoyance, this was just a show, training, or at least it would be until something really bad happens and it becomes a serious loss, not material, but something more serious.

Like that guy said, how come that villain was free? The system wasn't perfect and there was always an easy way out for people with connections, this was a joke, take these people and lock them up, what's the point? I knew that this giant already has fatalities in its acts, the shinobis only kept prisoners if they only had crucial information or something worthwhile to keep them alive, it sounded cruel and even inhumane, but... since when do things right it was well seen.

Coming out of his thoughts, the blond with bandages just looked at the battle and then continued walking ignoring what had happened, focusing, turning to look at the clock and decided to wait for the train to take its route again to leave the city.

"Now who's the bitch?!" the blonde-haired giant heroine gave an uppercot to her opponent, causing him to fall on his back, smiling arrogantly, she saw the cameras that focused on their confrontation, when she was going to give the final blow she was hit by a car that was thrown by the giant with a nose shark, stunned the woman staggered and held her forehead from the blow, "Hey wait!" Snarling angrily, he saw the villain run off to go to the subway station.

Smiling, his hand went into the crowd and took a handful of people as his hostages now being three children and a grown man, "Get back or you'll just get smashed civilians!" Raising his hands, he showed to those present his hostages who were screaming for help.

"Damn coward!" the heroine was forced to keep her distance to prevent the hostages from getting hurt, cursing herself for this blatant oversight, swallowing dryly, "Just leave them and we'll make a deal!" At the subway station we see how almost everyone had left, except for one person who was seriously observing what happened.

"Fuck you! One misstep and they all die!" threatening with their hands up, several of the newly arrived heroes kept their distance and waited for the negotiation specialists to arrive.

Meanwhile, on the ground at a slow pace, Naruto walked away from the chaos caused by that spectacle that could now turn into a tragedy, it wasn't his problem that this happened, "Please help! I don't want to die!" was the cry of one of the children who was a six-year-old girl with blonde hair, crying and writhing under the grip of the giant who with fun took her with his free hand separating her from the other hostages, but apparently the girl's quirk  was revealed as a strong sound wave that came from her crying, annoyed by the loud sound that only made his ears hurt, the giant took her with force, causing the witnesses to tense up.

"Brat..." Silencing the girl, he opened his palm to take her between his fingers, "I'll give you a real reason to scream" squeezing his fingers slightly, making the girl's scream heard for miles, everyone felt powerless, As for the blond who was on the ground, he stopped his walk to look at the ground, returning to the giant who looked at his hostages, "To show that I'm not kidding, I'll get rid of this brat!"

"..." Putting his hand in his pocket, the shinobi continued walking with a somber look, moving away from the scene.

"Stop!" Mt. Lady couldn't stand the girl's screams anymore and ran against the giant who squeezed her hand and blood splashed everywhere. All time came to a halt as the giant's hand was cut cleanly letting out a geyser of blood. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Screaming in pain, he held onto the stump of the wound, his entire hand had been cut off, without ceasing to grunt in pain, he noticed that he was using the hand with which he held his other hostages, however, he had nothing.

The girl who was screaming just a few seconds ago was on the ground along with the other hostages who saw a silhouette in front of them, this appeared to be a teenager carrying a short sword of about 40 cm and a dark handle, the blade being stained with blood , "That's enough…" the blonde calmly turned around to face the giant who focused on the one that cut off his hand, "… I won't let you hurt them" with those words he pointed his blood-soaked sword at the villain who roared in anger.

"Damn brat!" Using his remaining hand, he lowered it to crush the shinobi who did not stay still, he jumped up to the giant's arm and running through his arm he reached the face of the giant who did not have time to think since his head was separated from his body.

Everyone was stunned at such a brutal scene that just happened, a B-class villain had just been brutally murdered, the gigantic body making a dull sound and blood soon spread all over the place, the blonde only then sheathed his sword in the scabbard that was strapped to his backpack. Only for a few seconds later, something or someone fell in front of the destroyed pavement.

With a somber look, the teenager raised his head to see the person who had just arrived, he was tall and had blond hair, having two large locks that acted as horns, his eyes were dark, only showing his blue pupil that shone with intensity. He was wearing a blue suit with white and red markings, "..." the blonde, without blinking, saw All might in front of him, apparently he acted just when the number one hero was about to arrive.

"You'd better do this the easy way... or..." his eyes flashed menacingly as the ground beneath him cracked and his muscles grew slightly, "It'll be the hard way..." with those words he looked into her eyes. to the adolescent who did not show fear, doubt or even anything for having killed a person and now being in front of one of the strongest men in the world.

Slowly the blonde brought his hand to his sword, taking a moment to look around, but his attention focused on the girl who had reached her father to hug him tightly while crying with happiness, then the blonde shinobi turned his attention to the number one hero. He took out the scabbard from his back, put it on the ground and raising his hands in surrender.