
Ronald Weasley: A Noble's Ascension

Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to J.K Rowling. I don't own the Cover Image: Credit to Patilda on DeviantArt. Mc is reborn in the Harry Potter world as Ronald Weasley. Unlike the rich Malfoy, smart Hermione, or famous Harry follow Ron! Discord: https://discord.gg/qZNwXS I'm going to make ALOT of changes to the story, this novel is based on my own personal knowledge. So if anyone knows more please let me know if I get something wrong or if I'm missing something.

AnonAuthor · Book&Literature
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Ron's First Friend

Having purchased his item bag and books, Ron waited nearby the entrance to Diagon Alley. Since he was starting to feel the effects of his Aging Potion waning. By all means it was a painless process, in which he rapidly shrunk and regained his youth. Back to his regular size, Ron then casted the Hair-Regrowing on his nude scalp.

' Crinis Crescente.'

Returning back to normal, Ron quickly exchanged the dark shady Knockturn Alley for the brighter and safer Diagon Alley. His reason for coming back here was to buy a good quality couldron and to settle an old debt.

His first stop, Potage's Cauldron Shop, heading inside the entire room was packed full of cauldrons. They ranged from small to large, and from a wide variety of colors and designs.

Hogwarts first years or simply a beginner potion brewer would purchase a pewter couldron. Ron on the other hand was looking to buy a copper cauldron, which brewed noticeably faster.

Walking up to the counter Ron was enthusiastic greeted by the middle aged woman behind it.

" Well isn't this a welcomed surprise, going by your hair, you just be Molly's boy. What can I do for you sweetie?"

' Damn it...'

" Ah, I'm sorry I forgot..."

Ron quickly ran out of the shop leaving the woman confused by his abrupt departure. Outside, Ron clicked his tongue out of annoyance, he couldn't believe he'd made such a stupid mistake. What made him think he could enter any shop in Diagon Alley, and not be recognized. The problem of course being seen spending a couple of Galleons to buy a single couldron.

' Should I go back to Knockturn Alley and buy one there? It'll be more expensive but it seems like-'

Standing outside the shop rattling his brain, Ron failed to notice the girl standing right in front of him. Who was staring directly at him, but hadn't said anything, seeing him in deep thought.

" Shit!"

Shouting out of frustration, Ron decided to return to Knockturn Alley. Only to be startled by a high pitch, looking down he saw a familiar face. One belonging to a pretty girl dressed in expensive clothing who was trying to stand up.

Thinking on his feet, Ron put forth his best worried face as he helped her up on her feet.

" I'm terribly sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. Are you alright, my lady?"

Without replying, she grabbed onto Ron's outstretched hand and stood back up. Now the two awkwardly faced one another, with neither saying a word. Ron had recognized her, as Daphne Greengrass, by her chestnut colored hair and clear blue eyes. He waited for a few more seconds before finally breaking the silence between the two.

" What brings you to Diagon Alley today, Lady Greengrass?"

" I accompanied my father to Gringotts and as I was passing by I saw you..."

' Her father's here? He was smart enough to cozy up to both sides during the last war. I doubt he isn't aware his daughter's with me right now, so is this part of some ploy? Hmm, even if that's actually the case, I can use her...'

" I see, then today must be my lucky day as I got to run into you, Lady Greengrass."

" I-it's nice to see you too, Ronald."

" Please call me Ron, and if you don't mind me being so bold, I'd like to be your friend, Lady Greengrass..."

" C-call me Daphne!"

" If that's what you'd like, Daphne."

" I'd like that... Um, Ron, could I ask you a question?"

" Of course ask away Daphne, we're friends now, you can ask me anything."

Hearing him repeatedly pronounce her name she couldn't help herself from blushing. Ron took notice and sweetly smiled at her which only made her turn redder.

" How did you get so good at Potions? My dad got me a tutor, but even he isn't as good as you."

' And there it is, my way in.'

" Is that so? This might actually be fate! You see I've recently thought about tutoring, so if you wouldn't mind, I'd happily offer up my services to help you."

Daphne couldn't believe his words, how fortunate could she be, for Ron to personally tutor her. She even pinched herself, to see if what she wasn't dreaming. Realizing that she hadn't responded yet, Daphne nodded her head so fast that it seemed like it would come off.

" Great, talk to your father first and then we can sort of the details later. We can do it at my house, or if you'd like I can go over to your house."

" I'll speak to my father, but I'm certain he'll accept."

Now that Ron somewhat solidified their friendship, it was time for her to help him.

" Daphne, could you please do me a favor?"

The girl wasn't expecting him to ask for something and thinking that he might ask for money she readied her money bag.

" Could you please take this money and buy me a copper cauldron?"

" Huh?"

She'd expected him to ask her to buy something, but not that he'd give her the money.

" If you have the money why don't you-"

" I got in trouble with the shop owner, and now she won't sell to me anymore. That was the reason I was so frustrated when I bumped into you. So could you, please? I'll be sure to invite you to some Ice cream at Florean's after."

Since she didn't have to pay for it and she was going to get treated to Ice Cream, Daphne accepted. Taking the Galleons from Ron's hand, she casually strolled inside the shop. A few minutes later she walked out holding onto a copper cauldron. Which she carefully handed over to Ron who threw it into his red bag.

" Thank you, Daphne! You're a great friend, come let me treat you to some Ice Cream."

" Oka-"

" Daphne!"

Before she could answer a loud yet sophisticated voice called out to her, turning around she saw her father standing there.

" I'm sorry Ron I have to go, but I'll send you a letter after I talk to my father."

" It's a shame that you have to go, but I understand. I'll see you later then, but don't think I've forgotten about treating you to some ice cream."

" Bye!"

Daphne ran to her father who kept his eyes on Ron the entire time. Ron noticed his gaze and politely bowed to the man, who replied with a slight nod.

' Well that went perfect! I got my cauldron and if her father accepts, it'll get me in with those like them, Nobles.'

As he watched the Greengrass's apparate away, Ron went to Slug and Jiggers to pay his long overdue tab.




{LAST UPDATED ON: 7/17/20}

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