
Ron's midnight snack

It's midnight at Hogwarts and Ron decides that he's hungry so he uses floo powder to order something for him to eat.

Accio_Potterheads · Book&Literature
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Ron's midnight snack

Ron quietly walked into the Gryffindor common room, and over to the fire. He grabbed a pinch of floo powder, sprinkled it into the fire, put his head into the emerald green flames and said, "Pizza Dragon!" Then he was suddenly looking out into the Pizza Dragon kitchen where wizards and witches were calling out orders, and cooking pizza using the dragon oven. A tall witch walked over to the fire where Ron was, and asked what he wanted to order. "I'll have a large pepperoni pizza. Oh, and can you please deliver it to Gryffindor tower?" Ron asked. "Yep, we'll deliver it by owl." said the witch as she wrote down his order. "Ok, great, thanks!" said Ron and he pulled himself out of the fire. He sat up and looked over at the dormitory staircases and saw Hermione walking towards him. "Ordering a midnight snack I see?" she said. "Uhh I was actually uh talking to my mom asking if she could send over my ummm new... Pajamas!" lied Ron. "Sure," said Hermione sarcastically. A few minutes passed in silence, then all of a sudden they heard a tapping noise on the window. "I'll get it" said Ron hurriedly. "No, let me" insisted Hermione. She walked over to the window, opened it, and two owls flew in carrying a large pepperoni pizza. "Pajamas huh?" said Hermione. "Aw man," said Ron disappointed. "You always catch me don't you?" "Yep," she replied.

The end.