
A Two face ceremony

The ceremony is today, and I find my self been dress by three maids, as Mary keeps staring at me with a disapproval face. I guess she is mad, I am titanium rank same as her. You, might be confused how I was able to rank up so fast, well the answer is money. When you have money you can take nano injections to expand your meridian, however titanium is the last rank most people reach. Why, you might ask because after titanium you must be able to affect the surrounding with the tachion energy inside you, and most people fail, here is where martial artist truly began.

" he is ready miss Mary" answer a maid

" Ok you may leave" answer Mary, then she turn to look at me, " Remember everything that you learn in class and do not embarrass the Lady, or I will hunt you down and kill you, do you understand" finish Mary with a crazy murderer face.

" Ok I understand"

I Walk to the mirror and stare at my reflection. I do not look that bad, I could even be call attractive. The suit make me look well fit, and my long black hair kind of makes me look like a vampire except for the white skin.

I walk to the dinning hall where Juliana was waiting for me to have breakfast together.

" I see the cloth fit you well" calls to me Juliana.

" ahh yes they do thank you, Miss Hightower" I answer back politely, however I could see her disapproval when I use her last name.

" Today, although it's a ceremony to celebrate our engagement, it more of a den of snakes, where people are going to try to get the most out everyone, try to not speak, and also do not accept any duels. Although you might have the same rank, you have only focus on your foundation, while have hand to hand training, and real life experiences. Any questions?"

" is there any family name that I have to be careful about"

" all of them, they are all send by ss class families, and there are also a few s class families going to be present. After all they all want to see for whom I rejected their offer for. "


' I will just sit at a corner with a plate of food, since nobody wants to talk with a glutton'

After, breakfast Juliana left to go change while I sat on the hall waiting for the snakes to arrive. As I sat, I look around and spotted a piano, this brought memories of my mom. She would always teach me about music and how to read it, and although I never play a real piano, I would always practice with a painted carve wood plate. I remember, tears streaming down her face as I practice, how I would want to go back to those time and relive my memories. Before I knew it I was in front of the piano, so I sat down and stared to relived my memories, from the first song to the last song that my mom taught me. Out of all of them there is one that was fun song she enjoyed to practice, it was called the Turkish March by Beethoven. Letting out all of my feeling, I started to press the keys down. It is different from the wood plate I had, but I got all the keys at the right time it just I would pressed them down or too hard or soft. however by the time I finish it actually sounded like a true song. After I finish I wipe away my tears and walk back to a chair waiting for the snakes to arrive.

Finally, at noon they all started to arrive, laught and mocking looks would escape them looking my way. I knew this would happen, since most of their families have been rejected for me. As I am wondering alone through the hall, a man walks up to me.

" So for how much did you sell yourself kid" said the man with a mocking voice.

" Who are you" I answer innocently

" I, you don't know who I am kid, Just open any news channels and you will know" answer the man with defiance face.

" oh are you a reporter" I answer innocently again, ' He is Martin Lee family head of one of the richest families non the city but only the city he would be considered A class family. probably a spied send by those S or SS class families'

" you, " he answer with a angry voice, but decided to just walk away.

Behind me a women laughter breaks my concentration. " My name is Romeo, and who would you be"

"My name is Juliet, Romeo and Juliet isn't this a love story for the two of us" answer Juliet with a seductive voice

" Not really, it more of a tragedy, and I try to stay away from them"

" Well you are walking right into one if you finish with this ceremony"

" I don't think so, since there are no stories about a tragedy for a Romeo and a Juliana"

" interesting, all well don't say I didn't warned you"

"you lowly life of a scum," a angry voice broke our conversation it was that weird guy from the other day. As I see him, I notice he has a broken hand and black eyes.

" you are" I answer pretending to not knowing him.

" you , I will get you for this, but not today, today I leave the honors to someone else." and then just walks away.

" So they are going to cause problems for me today"

" well accourse" answer Juliet " you are going to be engaged to the most wanted woman, I still don't know why she chose you. I know she helps the slums and she always donates nano bots for the pregnant women of the slums, but to get someone from there I think it is too much."

" did you said she donates nano bots, and helps the slums why haven't I heard of this"

" ohh, so you don't know, so that means she got your cooperation another way, now I am more intrigued"

' shit I just let out too much information, but still to help the slums and even give out those nano bots, if only my mom would have received them in time maybe'

" I challenge you a duel"

" ohh go away fat man, can you see I am thinking"


"yes, Juliet"

" You where thinking out loud just now"

I look up and I see a well built up man with a really murderer face. ' ohh shit, me and my stupid mouth'

" I said I challenge you to a duel"


" you can't walk away it is stated that anybody can challenge the fiance in their engagement ceremony"

"where" I answer back

" it is tradition"

" so nowhere, ok so that means I don't have to do it"

" you must do it if you want the approval of all of the families"

" Since when does a S class family needs approval from A and SS class families to get engaged" this time it was Juliana cold voice domineering the people that shut them up.

"Juliana, it is not about your engagement, it is about this slum guy that wants to marry into our social class"

" ohh your social class is Below my"

answer Juliana and then continue," The ceremony is just formalities, I do not need this,"

This exchange got me thinking, if I take on the challenge and win, they would shut up and leave Juliana and me alone. But it is going to be hard to win, I only have power and no moves to defend my self. By just using my body I can defeat a titanium rank, and if I add my energy then I think I can handle a prince rank. Ok, I going to fall into their traps, and see if I can make use of their words for good.

" ok I accept the challenge but it is only fair that the challenger belongs to the same rank. "

" Don't play into their games Romeo" says Juliana with a worry face.

I just nod and walk outside hall.

" ohh Juliana, where did you get him, Jaja accepting a losing battle" said Juliet as she grabs Juliana by the hand and pull her away in a friendly manner. While she was thinking ,' to accept a losing battle, either he is prideful or he has a secret, I hope he has a secret and shut all of those families up. '

In front of me is a well built man, from his face I can tell that he has seen far too many battles. " Kid just surrender I have been killing people for almost my entire life. "

" it's ok, I have been surviving for my too" I answer with a smirk trying to get him mad.

He makes the first move and jumps at me with a high kick going for my right ear. However, it was too slow so I decide to lean my body to the left just enough for it to miss. He then follow, with a left jack and then right, with little movement I evaded all of his punches. Too bad he gave and opening, controlling my power I hit him on his jaw, successful knocking him.

After I notice that he was not going to be able to get up, I decide to walk back to Juliana.

" good job, Romeo, I didn't know you were an expert boxer" interrupted Juliet.

" thank you" I answer keeping it short, since I don't want to give her any more information.

Juliana the moves on to hold my hand as she looks at the crowd, " Enough of games let's go back to the ceremony" together we walk back into the hall.

Only two stay behind staring at Romeo back, one was the Juliana grampa, and the other was the challenger, both were thinking of the fight it didn't make sense. They, both could tell that Romeo was inexperienced, and could not predict the next move. therefore, that means that Romeo was reacting and moving as he saw the incoming punch, this is the type of reaction speed any martial artist would kill for. Yet this slum kid had it, and worst he could use it at will.