
Romantic villain

Synopsis: Abhi, a young man in his twenties, transmigrated into his own novel as a villain Lin Qin. Will he be able to survive there or end up killing people around him? Cause he holds the power to destroy all kinds of magic and can copy anyone's magic. But the twist comes here when Abhi meets the real owner of the body, Lin Qin. WRITER NOTE: IGNORE SILLY MISTAKES IN THE CHAPTER, BECAUSE IT'S MY FIRST TIME WRITING SOMETHING WITH DEDICATION AND NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT----- please do leave a review and don't forget to add it in the library

Ajaychaudhari · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Power of black fire

Liu asks. Lin answers with a smile, "Right now... and orders the servants to take care of Wei until he returns from the market."

In a little while, Lin and Liu head towards the market.

Lin picked up a robe and said, "This might fit Wei." Liu nodded in agreement. Then suddenly, Lin suggests, "First, let's go for a stroll somewhere near the river; we'll buy clothes later.

"Liu suggests, "Let's go see the canal that the Qin family is building."

Lin says, "No, Liu, let's go to a different place where I can sit peacefully and rest without any fear, somewhere I can sleep peacefully."

And today, I am already tired. So I wanted to go far away from this place. And I want to take some rest.

Liu replies, Master, we can go to the riverbank.

Lin excitedly replies, "Yes, let's go to the riverbank." Then Lin and Liu head towards the river, starting to walk slowly from the market towards the river.

Lin and Liu walked for a long time. They both reach the riverbank. Lin gets very tired and says, "Now I need to rest.

Lin told Liu, You should also take some rest; just go a little far from me and rest somewhere."

Liu says, "I need to protect you because you're my master. Your life could be in danger. So I won't rest."

Lin says softly and very politely, "Okay, but you can stand by that tree over there because I need to rest."

Liu agrees and nods. "Okay, master."

Lin says, "I'll rest now because a lot has happened to me in these two days''. I need to understand something before I face a new problem. I'll go home later, and for Wei, I need to buy clothes and some items that will help him get stronger. Lin thinks, "I'll rest now because it seems I'll have to fight every day from now on to stay alive."

Lin tries to sleep under the tree. After resting for a while, Lin calls Liu and says, Let's go back to the market, buy some stuff, and head straight home.

By now, Grandpa must have also returned home. Let's go back. As they head towards the market again, Lin's speed has increased significantly; he is even flying and using martial arts powers that he couldn't use before, making it difficult for Liu to keep up with his speed. When Liu is going to the market with Lin, he looks back and sees that the tree near the river where Lin was resting is completely burned with black fire.

After some time, they both reach the market. One by one, Lin starts looking for clothes for Wei. He picks out a lot of clothes for Wei, along with all the necessary items he needs.

After walking a little further, Lin spots a sweet shop crowded with people. He decides to buy some sweets.

So he told Liu to buy some sweets from the shop of each kind.

As he moves forward, he notices a street seller selling various items, such as different types of jewelry, hairpins, and perfume sachets, which Lin really likes. Lin rushes over to the vendor. He asks for the price of an earring the vendor is selling.

The vendor girl angrily replies, "Two silver coins." Lin then again asks about the price of the necklace. Lin wonders which one will be good for her: a necklace or an earring. The vendor got irritated and responded, "If you want to buy something, buy it; otherwise, leave." 

Today is the worst day; no one has bought anything from me[vendor owner: girl in her mind]

Lin says very politely, "Okay, okay. What's the price of everything?

The vendor girl replies to Lin, "Who do you think you are? girl asked Lin Do you even have enough money to buy the all items?" 

Lin says, Just tell me the price of the items. Very politely.

The vendor chuckles and asks, "Are you really going to buy as if you'll buy it all?

Are you the young master of the Qin family? The girl says, Because, in this entire capital, only some families have this much money."

Lin recalled something and thought, Could this necklace be one of those precious items of the first royal family of the fourth continent? 

Lin said, "What is the price of all these items that you're selling?" The girl laughs and says, "The price of all these items is 20 gold coins. Do you still want to buy all these items, sir?"

The girl said, "Okay, fine, since you are saying you're going to buy everything, I'll give you a discount. You have to pay only fifteen gold coins," for you.

Lin quickly takes out 14 gold coins from his pocket and says to the girl, "If you're really giving a discount, then only take fourteen gold coins and pack all these items."

The girl is totally surprised when she sees 14 gold coins, and she's like, "What?!" as she looks at Lin.

Lin said, "I know the actual price of all these items. The total of these items should be 12 gold coins only, isn't it?"

"Hmm?" He questions whether the actual price should be twelve gold coins only.

The girl nodded yes.

"Lin says, So I am giving you enough money.

The vendor girl agrees, too stunned to speak, and hastily packs all the items.

She says excitedly, "If you need anything else, sir?, come back tomorrow. Why this way, sir? What's your name?"

The girl thought that if I could sell more products to him, I should be able to earn enough money for my family.

Lin looks at her and says, "I'll come tomorrow. You'll find out then. Bye."

Lin starts to wonder why Liu is taking so long to buy sweets. I think I should buy something else too.

But his thoughts suddenly changed when he saw Liu still struggling to buy the sweets.

"W-What is this? I don't believe this!"

To say he was shocked would be an understatement, because a six-year-old child just came to the shop and bought the sweet, going right in front of his eyes.

And meanwhile, Liu is struggling to get in line to buy the sweets.

This brother and bodyguard of mine is so innocent.

"Should I go and help him or continue to shop?"

"What should I do?"

Lin decided to help Liu. So he went near Liu and said it loudly: Someone wants gold coins. Then he took two gold coins and tossed them in the opposite direction of the shop in front of everyone. 

It grabbed everyone's attention. The shop became less busy, and Lin asked the shopkeeper to give him sweets of every kind.The shopkeeper packs the sweet according to Lin's demand.

Lin grabbed the pouch from Liu and looked inside.Upon seeing so many gold coins still inside it, he was surprised because Liu hadn't used any of the money.

Lin asked Liu, "Liu, were you struggling in this shop from the moment I told you to buy sweets?"

Liu replied, Yes, young master. He then looked at Liu and told him, "Let's go and buy something for you."

"What do you want, Liu?"

Liu replied, I don't want anything, young master.