
Romancing the Kazekage

The new Kazekage meets a girl who understands entirely what it feels like to not be able to love, or be loved, for she is a woman who trades in false affection. She was the first courtesan to the Kazekage; she was Gaara's first love. Contains Lemons. GaaraxOCxSasuke

Valentine999 · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

A Missing Diamond

With a furrowed brow, resting his hands on the wall opposite him as though to steady himself, Gaara opened his eyes a little and watched in satisfaction as a small crack formed in the wall under his hand. The bricks beneath were straining under the pressure of him leaning against them; like he was trying to hold onto his sanity. He scrapped his nails along the cold wall, trying to catch on to something that was threatening to tear away.

"Ah," the Kazekage shook his head and bit his bottom lip in an attempt to prevent the rough, inexperienced, almost animal noises that escaped him. He couldn't even bring himself to look at her; who knew what he might do? With his torso clenching and twitching in the candlelight, Gaara let a hand slink down the wall, to grasp a handful of Ai's hair as she knelt before him. Almost immediately Gaara lifted his hand again and put it against the wall.

Ai smirked upon seeing this and let him into her mouth a little more. It was so fun to tease Gaara, to bring him to the edge of something dangerous and watch him unravel. The man's instincts were far too strong, too primal and violent, for him to even put his hands on her. To even look at her! The courtesan was not even trying; her hands were placed firmly on his hips, her soft lips gliding over his member as her tongue searched for places that made him shake his head, as though begging her to stop. But she wouldn't. It was far too much fun, too irresistible to feel him tense up inside her warm and wet mouth whenever her tongue slipped underneath the head of his cock.

"Ugh!" Another satisfying and guttural sound issued from the Kazekage who was beginning to rethink his thoughts of Ai. In the raw, human heat of sex, Gaara found he could no longer hold on to thoughts of dominating her; how, when she was so skilled at making him feel this way? If anything he should reward the way she stroked, licked, tasted, worshipped him. Wasn't that what this was? Wasn't Love on her knees for him because she desired no one else but Gaara?

As Ai felt his strong, rigid dick begin to pulse, she moved away from him, giving him one final, long lick. Gaara grunted as she did so and, as Ai wiped her mouth and looked up to him, she saw Gaara was caging her; resting his head against the wall like he was trying to regain his senses. Each twitch, each pulse, was getting him closer to the edge, but he didn't want to go there yet. He pushed her away as his courtesan began to place small, wet kisses around his soft crimson curls. Gaara moved away from the wall and looked down to her. She smirked up at him.

"Ah!" Ai gasped as Gaara grabbed a handful of her hair, pulled her head back slightly and leant down to kiss her. Her mouth seemed more supple and wet now, after she had him in her mouth, or perhaps it was that Gaara's mouth had started watering at the sigh of her, he couldn't tell. As he bent down, his cock brushed the soft skin of her breasts, making her shudder with anticipation. Gaara opened his mouth a little more, just to feel how much she wanted him. Ai's tongue traced the outline of his lips, her hands ran across his chest, pulling him in by the shoulders so he was forced onto his knees. Of course, the Kazekage could have pushed her away easily but he loved to feel her want him. As soon as he was on his knees, however, he puled Ai by her hair, so she lay on the ground.

Her beautiful naked body lay so delicately before him and slowly, Gaara lowered himself to lie next to her. Keeping his hand in her hair, he pushed the side of his body into hers, letting his cock rub against her thigh. Gaara's free hand snaked down her face, over her breasts where he stayed a while, roughly scooping and pulling at her soft flesh until it turned red with heat and pain. As he broke their kiss, Ai opened her blue eyes at him.

"What do you want, Ai?" He whispered to her. Ai smiled and fluttered her eyelashes at him. Just to wipe that flirtatious look off her face, he pulled her hair a little harder, making her wince. "Beg for it." Ai could feel her body shuddering for him, between her legs was wet with anticipation, aching for the feel of his dick. But she wanted something different. She pouted at him, her ruby-red lips calling him back to kiss her.

"Touch me- ah!" Ai put a hand to her mouth as Gaara yanked on her hair once more.

"I said," Gaara whispered as he stroked the side of her face with his nose, "beg."

"Please, Gaara," Love begged him, "touch me." As though she were asking for his mercy, to be put out of her misery, Gaara obliged. With torturously slow strokes, Gaara placed his hands between her legs and ran his fingertips along the outline of her womanhood. With his teeth digging into her neck, his cock brushing her leg as she writhed in agony, the Kazekage plunged two fingers into her sticky and inviting warmth. Ai's hands jumped to his chest, her whole back lifted off the carpet and into his embrace. Her lips found his neck and returned his bites.

Ai pushed her breasts up against him as Gaara brought his fingers out of her, before re-entering her to hear Ai gasp again. The Kazekage looked at her in awe as he placed his thumb on that spot that made her open her eyes and kiss him intensely. As her lips locked onto his, Gaara increased the pace at which his fingers worked, stroking and tapping in perfect rhythm to match the motion her hips were making. Faster, with a little more force, the Kazekage could feel her getting wetter as Ai broke away from him and lay on the floor, opening her legs a little wider, letting him fuck her a little harder with his fingers.

"Gaara!" There it was, Gaara heard it, that gasp of his name that hurt for him, that was begging him to put Ai out of her misery and force the life out of her. Faster, deeper, more intensely, he moved his hands, he watched her shiver. Harder, to hurt her just a little, quicker, to match her shuddering figure until- "Ah!" The girl grabbed a hold of him and let her hips buckle, her thighs clamp around his hand, until she moaned a little louder and lay back down.

But Gaara did not want it to end there; he longed to see her face screw up in pain and pleasure for him. So he kept his hands moving, not letting her stop him. When Ai put up a hand to his face he simply bit her wrist and carried on. Harder and harder, he tortured her until her breathing began to deepen once more. Her soft moans, her delicate whimpers, drove him crazy. Gaara wanted to see that deathless death he caused once more and he knew exactly how to get it. He released her hair and moved down so he could place his lips against her womanhood, to take over the pleasure his thumb was causing.

"Gods…Gaara…" The princely man had to fight the desire to stuff his cock inside of her whenever Ai began to speak in sex. Why is it she spoke like a songbird during the day and like a whore at night? Such a pretty face, such a filthy mouth. Gaara adored it. So he continued to pleasure her until she said all sorts of terrible, sinful, unimaginable things. His tongue darted between her lips, his fingers moved in and out of her but it turned out Gaara need not do much else; Ai grinder her hips and moved herself up to meet his mouth. She squirmed and writhed beneath him, pulling on his hair, panting his name. Gaara could feel her begin to twitch, to pulse around his fingers and he kissed her softly as she orgasmed for the second time.

Her moaning stopped, her breathing returned to normal. The cool night air blew in from the balcony as his blood-lust cooled. He glanced up at her and smiled as she did, before he pushed her legs aside and climbed on top of her. Out of habit, Ai went to turn around as this was the position Gaara seemed to favour. But Gaara put a hand on her shoulder to stop her and pushed her to lie back down. Above her, Gaara smoothed Ai's hair from her face and kissed her tenderly. Ai was taken aback a little; it was unlike Gaara to be so affectionate during sex. A hand went from her head to her throat and Ai almost smiled; he was just taking a break from his usual sadistic affection.

"Tell me if it hurts," Ai nodded, it had been a while since they- "because I like to hear it." Gaara bit her bottom lip, smoothed a hand down her thigh, brought her legs apart violently and entered her. "Ugh…" Gaara shuddered as he pushed up inside of her; his strong and heroic figure tensing and stretching as he rocked slowly in and out, savouring every moment, feeling every inch of himself being caressed by her.

The girl began to moan a little louder as he lifted his hips from her, before pushing back into her. Gaara's grip around her throat remained firm but light, of course he didn't actually want to hurt Ai. He just wanted to own her, to dominate her, to abuse her with his love. He began to thrust a little harder, a little faster, Ai's moans became louder, sounding in rhythm to the pace he fucked her at. Gradually, Gaara could contain himself no longer and he pulled Ai in by her rear, up into himself, forcing his dick as deep inside of her as he could go. He looked down at her with a beautiful, maleficent smirk as his lust began to take over. Until his hips were crashing into her, until Ai was finding it harder to breath with his hand around her throat. She winced at every inch of him as he became harder, as his motions became wilder, until he groaned in ecstasy and felt himself pulse inside of her.

Gaara fell onto the carpet beside his first love and brought her into embrace. Panting, he held Ai in his arms and kissed her forehead. She moved out of his arms and sat up, looking at him with a small smile.

"Again?" She asked and laughed as Gaara nodded and tackled her back to the floor.


"Ai!" Kankuro welcomed a shocked AI with an embrace as she approached the Kazekage's family at the entrance of the palace.

"Good morning, Kankuro-sama!" Ai said brightly as she smiled and looked around at everyone gathered. She caught Gaara's eye and bowed.

"Kazekage," she said smoothly as he nodded to her.

"Ai." The group was gathered at the entrance of the palace; Gaara's siblings, Baki, elders of the village and…the prince. Ai cast her gaze downwards as she bowed to him. A sudden feeling of embarrassment rose up and settled in her stomach; last time they met she had refused his advances, would he still be amicable towards her?

"Come," Baki said to everyone, "the Konoha shinobi will be departing from the palace gates. Once again, Temari grabbed Ai by the hand and pulled her in line with Gaara's siblings. It was a little awkward; no one had discussed what Ai's position was now. She was no longer a courtesan, that was certain, but she was not a wife, she was not even of enough of a credible caste to be considered a 'partner' to the Kazekage. And yet he had accepted her as his love and so had his family. As the group walked out to the gates, this odd and complex thought muddled around in Ai's head.

"Ai," Temari whispered, "stand beside Gaara." Ai wanted to protest but the blonde shinobi pushed her beside Gaara. It went unnoticed by all but the Prince and Baki; the elders of the group coughed in polite disagreement with Temari's actions. As Ai stepped beside the Kazekage, she smiled as she saw Sakura and Naruto approach the palace gates. In a dress of orange and pink, Ai looked like a desert flower that had caught a breeze and landed next to Gaara.

"You did not have to give us a farewell party, Temari," Kakashi said as they approached.

"Nonsense," Temari responded with a smile, "once again we are indebted to you, Konoha."

"Friends do not hold one another in debt." Everyone turned slowly as Naruto spoke up. He was looking directly at Gaara who nodded to him.

"Until we meet again," Gaara said to him.

"Goodbye, Naruto." Ai said gently and watched with amusement as Naruto's face began to turn red. This was met with several sniggers from the gathered crowd.

And with that, the ninja from the Leaf Village waved a cheery goodbye and walked the long walk out into the desert, to find their way back home. Ai lowered her hand and stopped waving as they steadily became tiny dots on the horizon.

"Let's have lunch." Kankuro proposed to Baki who began to shout orders at servants to prepare lunch. Temari took Ai's hand again and dragged her through to the Kazekage's living quarters.

As the group re-entered the palace, there were a few who looked on as though scoffing. The prince remained in this group, watching Ai as she smiled back at Gaara, her dark hair shimmering beneath a chiffon orange veil. She had so casually disregarded him? She, a courtesan who he had treated like something more than a whore? He couldn't stand the thought of it. Something had to be done. The crowd began to disperse, leaving the prince on his lonesome.

"You are not the only one, your highness." He turned as a voice, smooth as silk, came from behind him. A courtesan, dressed in an emerald green to match her eyes, bowed to him.

"What is that supposed to mean, girl?" He snarled at her but Miko did not seem to falter under his cruel gaze.

"There are those of us who see the union of a Kage and a whore as sacrilege." The prince scoffed as she spoke, his dark hair falling in front of his eyes. As they appraised one another, a thought shimmered in his eyes.

"I take it you are in alliance with the elders?" He asked her. The girl simply blinked in a way that told him he was right. "Then I trust you will see to it that this," from his robes he pulled out a small silk package, "finds a use after I leave?" Miko took the packet and nodded to him. She stared after him a little while longer as he turned on his heel and left. What elegance, what power, what masculinity!She thought as she eyed him up. Such a shame that she had been raised for thieves and gamblers, while Ai had been raised for men like him, only to waste her time and fall in love.

As Miko turned back to the palace, she opened up the packet and looked inside. Between cream-coloured parchment, there was a small, crisp note. What was more interesting, however, was what Miko recognised to be an armlet with a single diamond housed in the centre.

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It's getting...demoralising.

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