
I fell in love

"what? What are you saying?" Are you kidding me? " I laughed because in that situation I took myself as a joke.

" Haya? Do you want to listen? " Aeryn said.

" yes"

"hay..." he breaks down.

" Aeryn, Aeyrn" koumar shouted and tried to lift Aeyrn.

"Aeryn, you already used your energy beyond your capacity you can't defect Grays now," koumar said.

" I don't care about myself, I should protect haya," Aeryn said in a weak voice.

Koumar helped Aeryn to sit on a couch. I sat near to Aeryn. I can't able to see him like this.

"Ae. Ae..r....yn? Are you OK? What happened?"

"Haya, would  you like to hear a story about Haya Aeryn and me?"

"Haya Aeryn? Yes"

(Here onwards Aeryn narrates his story to haya)

When I first saw her she was a little. she is 16 years old she is cute with her little nose, big eyes. And her words with her pleasant voice is captivated me. I fell in love with her for her words. It was the first day she learnt her name to write in the education campaign. She is going happily to her home. on the way to her home she is shouting "HA - Y - A  H - A - Y - A" it was the first time, I saw her. I was in Bhap village to help koumar. His ship was damaged so I came to help him. I entered the village to take water. when I'm filling my cans, I heard her. "H - A - Y - A  H - A - Y - A" she is shouting and going. Her voice, her shiny eyes with joy. I lost myself. I am looking at her and enjoying her words. it is melodious than music.

"Aeryn, Aeryn, come back. Someone is coming" koumar shouted.

I didn't take his words because I am engaged in her.

"Aeryn, Ayern, are you mad?" koumar ran to me and dragged me to the ship.

"that girl" I murmured.

"what? Girl?" koumar looked at me.

"did you fall for a human?" koumar asked me in a surprise.

"no... I don't fall for anyone" I said.

"ooooh...." koumar teased me.

"shut up! Let's go"

We walked to the ship and started to repair the ship. When I repairing, I wanted to see her and wants to talk to her and I wants to listen to her. I am feeling new. I never thought that I will become mad for a human. I am becoming happy for no reason. I don't know how beautiful nature is until I feel the fresh breezes touches deep into my heart.

"Aeryn, let's get started"

"aah. Koumar, you go first. I will come later"

"ooh. Really? OK then I will also stay here"

"why are you stubborn? I said you to go. Just leave "

"for that girl?" koumar is teasing me.

"You brat, did I say to you? Just leave"

" Ok ok, I will leave. All the best dude"

"just leave"

Koumar left. I changed my looks. I turn into a human. We Nordic aliens can transfer our form into a human but we cannot transfer into different faces. Each Nordic have their self-human transformation.

I enter into the village and started searching for her.

"hai! My dear moon and stars. I am very happy today" I heard this. It is her voice. I followed the sound. She is talking through the window by looking into the sky. I stood beside the window from outside and hearing her words and enjoying myself. Suddenly UFO landed in the forest I thought my people came to take me. I rushed near the UFO. When I went near to that, I understood that they were not my people. I hide back of tree and watching. Greys came out from UFO.

Greys are also aliens but they don't belong to our race. they are short with a thin body. Their head is very big and the eyes are big and dark black in Colour. They frequently come to the Earth and take humans to do their experiments on them. I don't know why they came here. I don't like to interfere with their business. I ignored them and walked back to her home. when I am on the way to her home, I found her at a well which is near to her home. I decided to talk to her. when I take a step ahead. Grays hypnotized her and made her fall in sleep.

"leave her" I shouted at them. Their UFO took them away in a second. I send signals to Grays through telepathy to leave her. I didn't get a response. I ran to my spaceship. I started my ship. Greys live in Zeta Reticuli star system. It is two hundred twenty trillion away from Earth. So I teleported to Zeta Reticuli star system and I also sent a message to koumar to help me. It will get much time for him to arrive here. I can't wait until he arrived. they may harm her. I started to search for their UFO.

"Hey! Who are you? Catch him" they shouted. I think they saw me. I begin to run. While I am escaping from them, I found the UFO that I saw on earth. I redirected them and enter into the UFO.

I found her inside the UFO. She is unconscious and her hands are locked. Two greys are there near to her.

"I think this experiment may bring a big change" a Grey is talking to another Grey.

"be careful. We only have three of them. One is wasted because it didn't suit his body. Now we only have two" He is saying to another Grey. That Grey is holding a big injection. It is ten centimetres large and two inches in width. It is filled with an orange serum. I think they are doing an experiment on humans. it may be dangerous for humans.

"don't move" a Grey caught me. Of course, I can escape from them. I can teleport but I should take her with me. So I didn't use it. I should go near to her and I should unlock her hands then I can teleport her too. So I acted as I am surrendered.

"who are you?" they asked me.

"I am a Nordic, I don't harm you"

"then what are you doing here?"

"my spaceship was damaged so I landed here because it is near to me".

When I am talking to them, I heard a sound of screaming. I looked at her. One alien injected that serum into her. Her skin Colour is turning in to red.

"what have you done to her?" I shouted at them.

"it is none of your business. Just go from here"

I ran forward to her. those greys are connecting some devices to her. I am removing them and trying to unlock her hands. they are pulling me from the back. I succeed in unlocking one hand.

"Hey you, leave her. She will die in five minutes" the Grey shouted. Listening to this, my brain had stopped working. I broke down from inside. Her words make me happy but her screaming in that pain, It is killing me. I cannot see her like that. I went to unlock another hand. My hands are not working. I am becoming weak by seeing her in that pain and knowing that she is going to die.