
Romance Starts Forbidden

A tortuous romantic love story between a young woman and a man who incarnates as a human being and whose real identity is a dragon.

Crag_Carver · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 2: Cracks Form

Sara tried to brush off the awkward end to her last date with Luke. She hoped if she acted normal, he would relax and open up to her. 

When Luke invited Sara to an art gallery opening, she saw it as the perfect opportunity. She dressed up and brought a bottle of wine she knew Luke liked. 

As they wandered through the gallery sipping wine, Sara complimented the pieces. "Abstract art has never been my thing, but I can appreciate the emotions they evoke," she mused.

Luke nodded. "I find modern styles fascinating. Artists today have such freedom to experiment." 

Sara gently squeezed Luke's arm. "Maybe you can inspire me to see abstract art differently."

Luke smiled but pulled his arm back. He launched into a lecture about the evolution of art through history. Sara stifled a sigh.

Later over dinner, Sara steered the conversation towards their relationship. "I feel like we've been growing closer these past few weeks," she ventured.

Luke's expression turned serious. "You're a wonderful woman, Sara." 

When he didn't elaborate, Sara pressed further. "Where do you see this going?"

Luke fidgeted with his fork, avoiding her gaze. "Can't we just take things one day at a time?"

Sara felt frustration bubbling up. "Do you even want a serious relationship with me?" 

"I...I need more time," Luke stammered. "This is all still new."

"That's what you always say!" Sara said angrily. Luke looked taken aback by her outburst in the subdued restaurant. 

Sara lowered her voice. "If you won't open up, I don't see how we can move forward."

Luke's shoulders slumped. "You deserve more than I can offer right now."

Their awkward silence lingered through the rest of dinner. Afterward, Sara went home upset, doubts about their relationship mushrooming.

In the following weeks, Sara tried to keep her spirits up and hold out hope that Luke would come around. She suggested weekend trips and date ideas outside their usual routine, but Luke always demurred. 

When her friend Lily invited her to a countryside wedding, Sara saw it as the perfect opportunity. She excitedly asked Luke to accompany her as her date.

"A wedding? I don't know..." Luke hesitated.

"It will be romantic!" Sara persuaded. "We'd have to stay overnight at the inn. We could make a whole weekend of it."

Luke considered carefully before finally agreeing. Sara was thrilled. This was his chance to get away from the city and whatever was holding him back. 

The morning of the wedding they drove out to the countryside. Sara breathed in the fresh air as they strolled through gardens surrounding the inn. She slipped her hand in Luke's, feeling him stiffen slightly before relaxing. 

"It's so peaceful out here," she remarked. "I feel like I can truly breathe."

"Cities do feel confining at times," Luke replied. "Places like this remind us of life's simpler pleasures."

During the ceremony Sara was optimistic, seeing the start of a turning point. But at the reception Luke seemed to withdraw into himself. He declined to dance and kept conversation superficial. 

Sara's frustration mounted. As they returned to their quaint inn room, she exploded. 

"I feel like I'm dragging you through this weekend against your will! What is so terrible about opening up to me?" 

Luke sat on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands. "You've done nothing wrong. The problem is me."

Sara knelt in front of him. "Then tell me what's going on so I can help."

Luke shook his head sadly. "If I shared everything, you'd see me differently. Some things are better left unsaid."

Cryptic as always. Sara felt their intimacy slipping away.

"Then where does this leave us?" Sara asked, eyes shining with tears.

Luke lifted her chin gently. "I care for you deeply. I only wish this could be simpler."

He kissed her forehead and retreated to sleep on the sofa. Curling up in bed alone, Sara feared this relationship had reached its limit.

In the weeks following the disastrous wedding weekend, Sara felt Luke pulling further away. He declined her invitations to get together, claiming he was busy with work. Their phone calls became strained and perfunctory. 

Sara's friends tried to cheer her up during a girls' night out.

"Luke seems like a dead-end," her friend Kara said. "Plenty more fish in the sea!" 

Sara swirled her wine glass pensively. "I care about him deeply. But it's like hitting a wall."

Her friend Lily squeezed her hand sympathetically. "Don't let him waste your time if he can't commit. You deserve reciprocation."

Sara knew they were right, but couldn't shake her feelings for Luke. She had to try one more time.

She showed up unannounced at Luke's apartment. When he opened the door, she blurted out, "I'm not giving up on us!"

Luke's eyes widened in surprise. "Sara..." 

Sara stepped forward. "If there's any hope, we have to fight for it. I'm falling for you, Luke."

Luke ran his hands through his hair, looking tormented. "I never meant to hurt you. But you don't know everything about me."

"So tell me!" Sara pleaded. "Whatever it is, we'll work through it."

Luke shook his head. "You'd see me as a monster." He retreated further into his apartment.

Stung by his rejection, Sara felt her sadness turn to anger. "Then you're a coward! I can't be with someone so emotionally shut off."

She saw a flash of pain cross Luke's face before he put on an impassive mask. "It's better this way. I'm sorry." 

He closed the door, leaving Sara trembling with emotion in the hallway. Hot tears spilled down her cheeks at the realization it was really over. She had tried her hardest, but Luke refused to meet her halfway. 

Wiping her eyes, Sara walked away, knowing she had to try to move on from him. Luke would forever be the mysterious, aloof man she couldn't quite unlock. She hoped someday she would find someone willing to fully, freely give their heart.