
Romance Rewind

I gained consciousness and still it was very dark. Of course, it's because I still haven't opened my eyes. Still, my back hurts and the soft layer of the mattress is gone and it feels like I'm laying on the ground. Slowly, I opened my eyes... Only to see a white space. Everything was white.... Literally. Suddenly a screen appeared in front of my eyes. [SYSTEM NOTICE] X - Welcome to "Soul" an endless white space made to accommodate you. - [SYSTEM NOTICE] X - You have been chosen as one of the five people to test out "Game World Crossover". - [SYSTEM NOTICE] X - I am a system programmed to help you and due to that I am implanted directly to your soul. - [SYSTEM NOTICE] X - Achieve the First Phase. - - 2∆ - {ACCEPT} {AGREE} Hmmm... First Phase? What's that? Also, why don't I have a choice of declining? Then, after finishing the quest with the system's help, the screen appeared once more. [SYSTEM NOTICE] X - Quest Complete - - Transporting begins.... - - Transmigration to the game "Exiled Princess" initiation. - - Transmigration Successful - I'm really going to be transmigrated into another world.

Heathens · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 9 - Encounter

I moved along the streets.

It was bustling with people that looked like adventurers.

Or should I say Phasers in this world?

Of course as one would expect I got men looking at me as I passed by them.

But they turned around after looking at my flat chest.

I'm a man so getting these looks doesn't really affect me that much.

I arrived in the center of the town and it had a wide circular space with no buildings.

It's like a plaza and you can see streets from every direction leading here.

In the middle there was a statue of a man that seemed to be in his 50s.

He might be the lord of this place.

I walked around looking at new things I haven't seen before.

There were people sitting on the ground as they sold something on top of a cloth.

And I even saw some adventures... I mean Phasers recruiting people.

Is there a guild in this world?

Or are they just mercenaries?

I should really learn more about this world.

"Ah! I'm sorry!"


I bumped into someone perhaps my age.

She was an odd looking girl.

I don't mean it in a bad way, it's just that she had ears poking out of her head.

Is she what you might call a beastmen?

So they really exist in this world.

"It's fine."

I said and she looked at me, puzzlement could clearly be seen on her face.

"Is there something wrong? Or are you curious as to why I am wearing a mask?"

"Ah, no, it's just that I thought you were a girl."

She replied and the misunderstanding that she had was cleared.

"It's fine, most people would think that way if one saw me."

"I'll be going then."

She then left in a hurry after saying that and I continued my exploration.

Come to think of it shouldn't I have at least become acquainted with her?

Well, no use in thinking about that now.

After almost an hour, I finished exploring most of the town.

I discovered many things.

Including that beastmen and other races also exist in this world.

As expected of a fantasy world.

Still, I'm quite surprised that there isn't that much discrimination.

Instead, it looks like other races are admired.

Maybe because of their unique innate strength or powers that solely belong to their race?

Currently, I was walking on the last street I just explored.

I'm heading towards the center of the town.

Then, at the same time I stepped in the center I once again bumped into someone.

It was the same girl from before.

Is this a coincidence?

No that's not it.

Considering how I bumped into her for the second time.

And wasn't our first meeting already a flag that something is going to happen?

So in conclusion...

I'm gonna get dragged into her problem right?

And I was correct.

As the familiar screen appeared in front of me.



- You must save the villainess from being captured by the town lord's subordinates. -

- 2∆ -



Oh, come on, I don't get to have a choice again?!

But the reward seems worth it.

I can upgrade my regeneration with that and still have some left.

However.... The town lord? If so, is he strong?

And how am I going to save her from his subordinates.

Before that, did the girl do something wrong?

"It looks like you're in a hurry."

I accept.

"Are you perhaps running away from something?"

At my words, she only glanced at me for a second before turning away to look at her back.

"Come with me, let's go over there first, they already saw you talking to me.

They might think that I know you and I'm asking you for help."

Yeah, this is a clich isn't it?

Save a damsel in distress but this damsel doesn't look that stressed.

She seems pretty calm and.... Annoyed.

She grabbed my hand and I was 'forced' to follow her towards the street I just came out of.

"When I say run, run as if your life is on the line and do your best to follow me."

Our steps.... From slow it became faster and faster.

Then as we arrived at an intersection she shouted.


She ran and her speed was astonishing.

Is this a beastman's speed or is it just her.

Even so, I think I can keep up.

I channeled my source to my legs and focused not only on speed but the strength I put in every step.

With that, I was able to keep up with her and as she saw me running behind her she smiled.

That smile....

She's going to speed up even more right?

I was correct.

I should have known.

I didn't feel her using her source and considering that she hasn't gotten captured until now.

She must be very fast.

Right now, we were running at an incredible speed.

I barely managed to keep up with her while using almost all of my source.

And it seems that she's holding back enough for me to keep up.

She stopped when she reached an inn.

An unfamiliar inn and it looks old and shady.

It looks like it's gonna fall down if someone punches it.

"We've lost them. Also, what a surprise, you managed to barely keep up with me?"

She said as she looked at me, amused.

"Haaa.... That's because you've been holding back."

I was catching my breath as I spoke with her.

The running session really took a toll on me.

My legs are hurting right now.

"Also, why are they even chasing you? And why drag me along just because they saw you talking to me."

I spoke again after finally calming my breathing.

"If I didn't bring you with me, they would have captured you instead and interrogated you.

And if it became worse, they might even torture you for information.

Now tell me would you have liked it if I left you behind?"

She's right.

That's actually possible considering that they are trying to capture her.

"Thank you."

I looked at her eyes and thanked her.

"Well.... It's also my fault, because of me you also got dragged into my problem.

But most of all it's that spoiled bastard's fault!

Just because I refused him he's now trying to capture me using his father's subordinates?!

He may be the son of the town lord but does he think he can do whatever he wants?!"

Actually, most of the time the lord of a region does that most of the time in novels.

And it looks like it happens in real life too.

Wait, I forgot this is also a fantasy world.

"Then why don't you try leaving this place?"

I asked.

"And where would I go, huh?! Ah! I'm sorry, I also got angry at you."

She got angry at me but her words are logical and stupid at the same time.

Couldn't she just go to another town or city?

"You're thinking that I could just go to another town or like that right?"

Ah, she got me.

Now she had a look on her face that said "I could tell what you're thinking".

"Of course, I would like to do that. However...."


"I won't leave until I kill that bastard!"

Oh, she's fierce and she wants to get revenge.

But I don't think trying to capture her is the only reason.

There must be something more to that.

The reason why she is trying to get revenge.

Because if not, she could just move to another town.

I guess I could just ask her about it.

It will help me finish the quest too.

"If I may ask why do you want to kill that guy so much?"

"Why?! That bastard killed my family! My mother and father died trying to make time for me to escape.

My brother too... He was killed by that bastard.

And he was looking at me with a mocking smile on his face as he stabbed my brother with his sword.

Of course, I want to kill him!"

"But you don't have the strength to do so.

That's why you are constantly running away.

Am I right?"

"Yes.... I'm sorry. You still had your mask on when they saw you.

That's why, even if you leave now, just take off your mask and they won't recognize you.

And you'll be able to return to your home safely."

It seems that this girl is not hot headed.

Her mind is just filled with anger from the death of her family and wants revenge.

However, she is foolish if she thinks she could keep running in this town.

She should move to another place, get stronger, and when she's strong enough.

She could just get her revenge then.

However, seeing that she can see through my thoughts and escape them while living in this town.

She's smart.... Just irrational due to her state of mind.

"I've decided."

Yeah, I've already decided from the start that I will help you.

Plus, isn't this where the part the protagonist of a story says,

"I'll help you."

"R-Really?! But... I can't just drag you into my problem. It's dangerous!"

Yeah, of course I know it's dangerous.

I mean I'm already followed one who I think has a much dangerous plot than you.

"I know....

But, I can't just leave someone in trouble, can't I?"

Speaking with my heart, I spoke with the kindest smile I've ever had.

She was shocked at my words but it soon turned into a flushed expression as she turned her face to the side.

Then, she looked at me once more and said her thanks that came from the bottom of her heart.

"T- Thank you...."

And with that the start of our story together begins.


This chapter is a bit longer than others and I posted this long chapter along with the other two for this day.

I hope you guys will like it.

Thanks for reading.


Oh yeah the thing above is called Astaria.