
Romance of My CEO.

Synopsis: In a serene coffee shop, the mingling aroma of coffee and hushed conversations created an unusual calm. Georgia, visibly nervous, sat with her coffee, captivated by its swirls. The arrival of a man disrupted the tranquillity, casting an enigmatic presence. Seated opposite, his curiosity laced with casualness, he broke the silence with a question, "Is this your first blind date?" The question hung, tension rising. Georgia's anxiety surged, magnified by his presence. Their exchange held time captive as uncertainty met curiosity. Their worlds collided, two strangers united by fate within the café's embrace. Amidst shared glances and conversations, an unexpected connection unfurled, leading Georgia and the man on an unforeseen journey of self-discovery and emotions yet to be understood.

WangsWrite · Urban
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159 Chs

Unspoken Connections

Georgia was taken aback by his abrupt statement. Her flustered response came in the form of a question, "What a pity?"

Cheng Zixiao arched an eyebrow, a playful smirk dancing on his lips as he replied, "I said it's a pity that you married Jack. But hey, I might still have a chance."

These words left Georgia frowning, her tone tinged with annoyance, "Don't talk nonsense."

Cheng Zixiao's smile persisted as he continued, "Alright, but I'm fairly certain that you and Jack will end up divorcing sooner or later."

Georgia's heart skipped a beat upon hearing those words. She couldn't deny that the events of the previous day had rattled her deeply.

Jack's apparent involvement with another woman had sent shockwaves through her, and she had her own principles and boundaries to uphold in their marriage. With these unsettling thoughts in mind, it was difficult for her to envision a lasting future with him.

Observing the dimness in Georgia's eyes, Cheng Zixiao decided to change the subject with a casual remark, "Never mind. Let's not dwell on that for now. We're out to have some fun today!"

As they conversed, the waiter approached with their meal. Cheng Zixiao, ever the considerate gentleman, slipped on disposable gloves and meticulously carved the whole roast pigeon into bite-sized pieces before pushing the plate towards Georgia.

Taken aback by this unexpected gesture, Georgia protested, "You don't have to do this. I can manage on my own..."

But just as she attempted to push the plate away, Cheng Zixiao reached out and placed a firm hand over hers. His tone took on a teasing note as he playfully remarked, "If you don't accept, I'll have to feed you myself."

Georgia felt an uncomfortable shiver run down her spine as Cheng Zixiao's peach-blossom eyes locked onto hers.

Swiftly, she withdrew her hand and stammered, "No, that's not necessary. I can do it myself."

Their meal continued, and dish after dish arrived at their table. Toward the end of the meal, a young waitress brought them West Lake beef soup. She lifted the bowl carefully but, to her misfortune, a sudden tremor in her hand caused a few drops of scalding soup to splash onto Georgia's arm.

A sharp intake of breath escaped Georgia's lips as the pain registered. "Sorry, it was an accident," the waitress apologized, offering a tissue to clean up the spill.

Cheng Zixiao, seated opposite, observed the redness on Georgia's arm and his expression darkened. He demanded, "What happened?"

The young waitress timidly raised her gaze and found herself facing a strikingly handsome man. She felt her nerves knot up as she stammered, "I-I didn't mean to..."

Quickly coming to the waitress's aid, Georgia reassured, "It's alright, Cheng Zixiao. I'm fine."

Cheng Zixiao's rare seriousness persisted as he voiced his concern, "Hot soup can leave scars even from a small burn, you know? Be more careful."

Touched by his concern, Georgia was about to thank him when the sound of approaching footsteps caught her attention. She turned her head and met the intense gaze of the person who had just entered the corridor.