
Romance of Blind Billionaire

He has everything he wants and love is something he thought he wasn't destined for not until he met Skylar Whitfield....  This is a Love story of Vincent Lennon and Skylar Whitfield. The one you wouldn't want to miss!   To be blind isn't easy and to fight for love is another hard thing entirely but here Vincent Lennon fight it all.  He stood up to fame at the age of twenty years old. He owned the JB company, biggest Company in the city of Mexico despite being blind.  He has everything he wants but love is something he thought he wasn't destined for not until he met Skylar Whitfield.  Skylar whitfield, She will do anything for money to survive and save her sister and this is what brought her into Vincent Lennon's life. she is on a mission to tame his heart but she got her heart tamed instead.  She lit up his dark world and they both fell madly in love with each other but the fate wouldn't let them be together.  As they had to fight hard for their love and change the fate to be together.  Read this interesting Romance of the Blind billionaire 

Baby_Mediagirl · Urban
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70 Chs



My phone abruptly rang and Ben handed it out to me.

"Vincent" I huff on hearing Mrs Smith's voice.

"What the hell are you tryna do? " I asked in a damn serious tone while I only heard her chuckling.

"I want you two to get along with each other before the marriage, that is what I tryna do" I heard her laugh softly. Seriously??

"You are out of your mind, you know? I'm gonna break off the contract very soon" I gritted in anger but she chuckled again.

"You can't, it's already stamped, It's better to accept it now" She scoffed and I shook my head.

"I'm not accepting shit! " I shouted over the phone before hanging up.

"Hey! Why do you hate me this much?" I heard Stella's hoarse voice after I handed over the phone to Ben.

I huffed and took a step closer to her. I bet we are close because I could feel her presence so close to me.

"Yes, I hate you, suit yourself and kindly move out of my house" I told her calmly before walking away. I step on the Staircase gently with the aid of my walking stick.

What the hell? Is it by force I marry someone I don't love? Why will dad betrothed me in the first place? I'm fucking sure they are after my properties.

I pushed the door to my room open and walked in, not really happy about the whole shit that was happening.I sat at the edge of the bed placing the walking cane beside the bed also.

*You are just like them, You can do what they do, You are not of difference*

Dad's words are always stuck in my brain and that is what brought me to do things myself. He treated me more than a blind Boy, he made me do things like I could see them.

He shouldn't have died but they kill him, take him away from me and Mom too.

Those two people who made me who I am today were taken away from me.

I'm sure it's Mrs Smith who persuaded dad to betrothed us, definitely she is after something and She won't succeed because I won't marry her daughter.

I stood up with my mind made up not to marry Stella because My heart belongs to only one woman,Skylar.


I stood beside the pool staring intently without breaking the gaze.

"No matter what, you must marry him, This is the only way to have everything to ourselves" That is what mom said and I must do it no matter what. Why won't he want me? We were even betrothed since childhood by his father yet he despised it.

Shouldn't he be happy that I chose to marry him? He is just blind but how come he is damn handsome? I couldn't deny the truth that he is so handsome and smart.

It's going to be hard to make him submit to mom's plan but I need to do this. I must have him to myself. I won't take a step out of his house either.



"Stay with me please"

"No, don't take them"

"Dad? Mom? " I tried reaching out to them but a force is stopping me from reaching them. They are really going far away while I tried my best to reach them but I couldn't.

"Sister! Sister! Wake up! " I heard the voice from a distance, I sprang up suddenly only to find out I had been dreaming the whole time. Fuck!

"Sister, are you okay? " Annie's eyes pierced into mine but I seemed lost already thinking about the dream I had about Mom and Dad.

"Sister, Are you okay?" She queried again, I swiveled my head to her before breathing out. It's just a dream.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I mumbled, pushing away the quail before standing on my feet.

"It's past 9am already, you are not going to work? " I was quite surprised I slept that long.

"I need to get ready for work" I rushed my words dashing into the bathroom.

I'm done in a few minutes, dressed up within 10 minutes and I walked out to see Annie arranging the table while Anita also just walked out of her room.

"Huh, You are still home? " She seems quite surprised too.

"I woke up late" I mumbled picking up my bag.

"You are not eating? " Annie asked.

I shook my head dashing out of the house, why did I have to wake up late? I boarded the first cab I saw. I look out of the side glass with a sigh. I hate to think that mom and dad die leaving me with a lot of responsibilities.

We are all fine, Everything was going smoothly, until their death and it was damn painful.Everything was taken away from us and we were left with nothing.

Interruptedly, my phone and I picked up Immediately.

"Angel" I smile as his sweet voice calls me that.

"Good morning" I said and I heard him softly chuckling.

"You are in the office already?" He queries making me furrow my brow, is he not around yet?

"Are you not coming?" I asked instead.

"Yes, Need to take care of something with Ben, So I won't be coming but I need you to scrutinize the files I was working on yesterday, can you do that for me please?" he asked and I scoffed.

"Why won't I do so Boss?" I teased,

"Sure I trust you" he chuckled and I smiled.

The more I think of it, he is hiding something from me.


I checked the time and I realized it was already late.

"Hey Sky, Are you done with files?" I looked up to see Evelyn's head peeped in.

"Almost done," I said with chuckled.

" I wonder why Boss will leave his angel with a ton of work" she walked in fully, I rolled my eyes closing the files I'm working on.

"He must be busy," I mumbled.

"Done" I announced picking up my bag ready to go home.

"Let's go" she grabbed my arms.






I made up my mind to check on him, so I made my way to his house instead.On arriving in front of his big mansion, I reached the entrance and rang the bell.I smile was expecting Ma'am Gina but my smile disappeared on seeing the bitch calling him her husband.

What? She lives here? Why the hell is she here?