
Rescuing The Teammates

Finally, they reached at the fork that Han Xiao had seen earlier during his stakeout. There were two ways in there but he had no idea which one to take. Without any hints, there was no choice but to reply on Rocky.

"Rocky, can you sniff and see which one could be an exit or a safer way to take?" he sat down and patted the dog, whispering into her ear.

Rocky smelled for about five minutes before she came to a conclusion and went into the left cave. This cave was completely dark opposed to the one with the right one that seemed to have some light in it. It was much easier to see the rocks in that cave from the entrance.

Both of them had thought that perhaps the exit was much closer in the right cave. But Rocky chose the opposite one. Han Xiao and Li Ming Hao looked at each other with surprise but decided to trust in Rocky. They followed her along with Li Ming Hao's torch.

"Here, you have one too," Li Ming Hao tossed another one to Han Xiao.