
Stay Here

Apryl somehow managed to stay awake through her classes but was pretty much dead exhausted by the time they were over. She wasn't even certain that she remembered half of the stuff her professors covered. 

As much as she disliked interacting with her classmates, she might need to in order to make sure that she didn't miss anything important that would be coming up for finals. 

The female werewolf ended up hanging out with Chester and Callum when she was done with class. The taller werewolf had sent Keith home with the poor mood that he was in. He needed sleep as well and he knew his friend wouldn't get it unless he was forced to go home. 

Chester needed sleep as well but was far better at handling his exhausted mood swings than Keith was. The last thing that he needed on top of everything else that was going on was to clean up after his friend because he did something reckless.