
He Must Be Something Else

After dinner which Apryl had hoped would be a calm time so that she could study for a while, became an awkward affair as Brian ended up coming later than usual and wanted to eat dinner not long after, choosing to sit on the opposite end of the kitchen table that Apryl was studying at. She didn't have much interest in talking to him while she studied even though they were the only two in the kitchen while Lydia was busy taking care of other things on the second floor of the house.

"Are you classes going well?" He suddenly asked, breaking the rather peaceful silence that Apryl had thought they had.

"I think so. My professor hasn't said that my grades are bad and from what I can tell based upon the system I think I'm keeping a high enough grade to pass." Apryl replied, only briefly looking up from her text book.

"I remember what it was like for my first semester as well. There was so much that I didn't know or understand it felt like I would never catch up with everyone else, but too scared to ask for help out of fear that everyone would realize there was something different about or think I was stupid." Brian reminisced as he thought back to how it was for him when he was first in college.

"Do you stay with family like this when you started?" Apryl asked, curious to know what kind of response he would or if he'd answer the question at all. He took a moment to eat another bite of his food having a thoughtful look on his face before he replied.

"No, my family lived a few hours away from here and didn't want to move closer just so I could go to college so I actually had to stay in the dorms until I figured out how to make enough money and budget to afford a place of my own to stay instead." He replied.

"That must've been hard. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to have to live so far away from my family and not talk with them about all of the stuff I'm trying to assimilate to at college." Apryl commented.

"Certainly." Brian laughed before finishing the rest of his food before he continued speaking.

"I certainly wasn't as fortunate as you when it came to meeting other werewolves on campus so quickly so it wasn't like there was friends I could talk about that kind of stuff with either. If I wanted friends to hang out or do anything with, I had to pretend like I understood what they were talking about and what humans things they wanted to do in order to be included."

"Didn't you meet Aunt Lydia while you were college though?" Apryl asked with a slight tilt of her head as she closed her textbook but not before making sure she had marked it with the piece of paper that she had been writing on.

"I did, but that wasn't until my last semester there. I still don't even know how I missed meeting her until then since we were both at the same point in college and attend very similar classes." Brian replied with a sigh.

"It would've probably made everything easier to deal with if I had met her sooner so that I would've at least had someone to relate to. You're still close to that Keith, right?" Even though it seemed like a question of genuine interest, Apryl didn't miss the different flash in Brian's eyes when she asked this question.

"Close enough, I guess. He will help me whenever I have a problem with homework or there's something that I don't understand with the system." Apryl replied not wanting to give too much away with her reply.

"Recently though he has been busy helping some of his other friends who are working with the student council." a surprised look crossed over his face when she said this.

"Do you mean werewolf friends?" He clarified, whistling when Apryl nodded her head in a affirmative manner.

"Well that certainly is something. I guess a lot has changed since I was last there. Wouldn't have seen that during my time being there. Most of us kept our head down hoped we wouldn't get noticed. None of us would've had the nerve to try and apply for such a position that would put us consistently in front of people. He must be a rather bold one." Apryl made a face as he tried to think of the best way to describe Chester without being rude.

"He is certainly an interesting character. Bold indeed among other things. I think he is working really hard to make positive changes to help other werewolves when if they decide to join the campus in the future." When Brian tried to ask what his name was following this, she just shrugged her shoulders.

"Keith told me what it was once, but I can't remember it. I didn't exactly like him when I met him so I haven't bothered getting too close to him. He's more one of those that I just know from associating with Keith who he comes to visit frequently when has a question or needs something related to numbers on campus from him." She began to open her textbook as she finished saying the last part.

"I probably should get back to studying right now though so that I don't end up being stuck up so late tonight. I enjoy talking, but I also need to balance my time to make sure that I keep up with everything else." She told Brian who nodded his head slightly in understanding he stood up.

Apryl held back making a face until she was certain that he was out of the kitchen. It wasn't just the flash in his eyes that she noticed, there was also a change in his scent that she didn't miss after he asked about how relationship with Keith. She would need to be mindful of that for the future so that he didn't end up suspecting anything.