


The Guals shouted furiously as they charged from our rear. I looked around wildly to get my bearings when I saw the centurion of IV Cohort point at me.

"You! Decanus! Take your contubernium and and help the VI Cohort defend our rear," he shouted.

"C'mon guys you heard him, move!" I shouted.

My men and I ran over to join VI legion.

"C'm-ahhh", I grunted looking down in horror to see a javelin sticking through my scutum and piercing my leg. I screamed in terror and pain, and I felt like I was losing my balance.

Dont worry he's not dead, it's just one of those cliche starts where he suddenly wakes up... oh yeah, just a heads up my only qualification is that I'm in honors english 10 rn so...

King_Muddycreators' thoughts